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taking communion at home for healing

Heres an example. 9:7 The high priest offered blood for himself and for the peoples sins once a year. Id been partaking of Communion for years without knowing this. One young lady was brought to me who was dying from Epstein Barr virus. All: Eternal God, heavenly Father, Jesus wants us to remember every time we taste bread and wine, and even when we sit at the tables in our own homes, that He is the one who provides all we need. 28:18; Eph. Thank You for washing me clean of all my sins. This is significant because when we dont discern the body of Jesus.. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. Like baptism, communion is a spiritual symbol and reminder of what Jesus has done. 2:5; Rom. Please fill a pyx with the number of hosts that you need. Dont take Communion unworthily! Yet not as I will, but as you will., Then Jesus went with themto a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples,Sit here, while I go over there and pray.And taking with himPeter andthe two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Since then, she has co-authored two books with Sid, includingSupernatural HealingandStories of Supernatural Healing. When he took Communion, the cancer immediately began disappearing from Troys body. Two items are used in the Holy Communionthe bread which represents Jesus' body that was scourged and broken before and during His crucifixion, and the cup which represents His shed blood. Now say this: After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. NOW TAKE AND DRINK THE CUP (BLOOD), WHICH IS THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND IT HAS SEALED THE BLOOD COVENANT WHICH IS OPERATING IN ME. Dr. Miller said, If we take Communion on regular basis, daily or even several times a day, we can take it believing in progressive healing. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by The Bible tells us of the consequences of taking communion (at home or anywhere else) if our hearts aren't right, as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:27-34: "Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord. Who should serve Communion and where? Have the leader or another participant to pray for the bread and lead the group in this first part of communion. They are taking proper nutrients and complete healing, health and restoration to every cell in my soul and body, and removing all toxics in the name of Jesus. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself. by volcom2278 | Oct 5, 2018 | Prayer | 0 comments, The Last Communion Matt. On the night that He was betrayed, Jesus ate His last supper with His disciples. 3:20 Open the door with the blood and flesh, and sup with Jesus. Build your spiritual house on the inside of you so strong that sickness and weakness cannot live in your soul and body. 506 22K views 2 years ago Lars Kraggerud and Rickard Sallander shows how to take the holy communion alone or with a friend. 6:63). The change in the bread and wine took place in the spirit realm (John 6:63) and not in the natural realm. Some of us even remember those words being engraved on furniture at the front of the church's sanctuary, on "the Communion table.". The Communion table is a spiritual fact of Jesus sacrifice for us. Peace to this house and to all who live . These elements are designed to be an eternal reminder of the price Jesus paid for our redemption. 10:16-17 Through Jesus death He produced life for us. All healing is not immediate. Picture the flesh, blood and DNA of Jesus going into the area that needs to be healed or delivered until you have a manifestation of your complete healing and deliverance. The Eucharist is an act of worship for the Church proper the physical assembly of the saints and any attempt to administer it outside that context may be viewed as invalid. 18:1 Call the flesh and blood of Jesus into the sick area until you have new soul and body parts, and until you receive your creative miracle of healing. At Communion we should judge ourselves where sickness is concerned. Hundreds of millions of Americans have been told to stay put, to combat coronavirus and flatten the curve. 2. I change this juice into Jesus blood and DNA by blessing and giving thanksgiving for it in the name of Jesus. Luke 22:19-20 (19) And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body (flesh) which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. (20) Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. Read Mark 14:22-24. When we discern His body, we are to consider this important fact. Invite the participants to a time of silent reflection and confession of sin. Now hold the bread (flesh) in your hand and pray or confess, Father, I receive your anointing, power, presence, glory, fire, river of life, wisdom, knowledge, and grace to receive all my needs met in the name of Jesus. Privacy Policy | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, Woman of Noble Character Affiliate Program, Jesus are welcome to observe and have the meaning, convenient bread and wine pre-prepared cups. Having said that, I think it needs to be looked at through the lens of the rest of Scripture and not taken in isolation. I think this is what most people do, unless theyve had good teaching on Communion. 1 Cor. Linda Josef is a Christian psychologist. Our ministry has also received praise reports from believers who have partaken of the Holy Communion and seen healing and protection from the Lord manifest. For as often as ye eat this bread [flesh], and drink this cup [blood], ye do show the Lords death till he come. You can take Communion on your own and as often as you would like to take it. I confess this day that I am blessed of the Lord. Jesus changed the bread and wine into His flesh, blood and DNA by either blessing or giving thanksgiving for them. 19:34 The blood shed from His side when pierced by the spear. I am the head and not the tail. I wash all sickness, weakness, bondage, and disease from every cell in my soul and body with the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus. Every day, while I'm healing from some tough times I've been through this year. That said, some ministers erroneously teach that taking communion on your own displeases God. (29) For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lords body. However, Joseph Prince believes this verse is referring to Communion. Jesus said, What things so ever you desire, believe you receive them and you shall have them. If we take Communion in faith, then we enter not only into forgiveness of sin, but also healing for our body. 1:18-19 Redeemed with the precious blood of Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, for healing me. Sign up and receive our Weekly Broadcast Preview, eNewsletter, and more! Thanksgiving. You can find these in Praise Reports page on our ministry website. He gives us the physical food that we need to survive and the spiritual nourishment we need to keep taking our next steps . 11:25). Every day if we want to. I receive the warm blood of Jesus flowing in my bloodstream. Lets take a closer look at the historical setting of the New Testament. (Matt. communion. Jesus bore our sickness away by taking them in His body because by Jesus stripes we were healed 2,000 years ago. This will show. The beauty of taking communion is the opportunity to reflect on the great sacrifice that was made for our salvation. townhouses for rent stephens city, va; Wadze. Himself (Jesus) took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses. 26:67-68 The blood that flowed from the slaps and blows that disfigured His face. They were also instructed to be dressed and ready to leave their homes before they ate the Passover meal. Jn. 12:11 We overcome the devil (sickness) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (by Jesus stripes I am healed). I hope this post has given you a little food for thought. Close in prayer. We hope these sermon notes will be an encouragement to you! The Son of God, who came in the body of a man, gave Himself up so we could live! It therefore makes sense that miracle healings follow the receiving of the Holy Communion. The form you have selected does not exist. For me, its more about seeing more of the love of Jesus, than actual healing. Jesus changed the Lords Supper the last time He took it as recorded in the gospels. According to Isaiah 53:4-5, Jesus sacrifice covered every area of mans existence. Give usthis day our daily bread,and forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors.Andlead us not into temptation,butdeliver us fromevil He bore spiritual torment for our sins, mental distress for our worries, cares, anxieties, and fears, as well as physical pain for our sicknesses and diseases. Today, when we partake of the bread, we are declaring that Jesus health and divine life flows in our mortal bodies. Ex. To give another example, a car racing friend of mine had been in a bad crash, which he had survived, but which had cost him his peripheral vision. Turn the bread into Jesus flesh and the juice into His blood, in the Spiritual realm and not in the natural realm, by blessing and giving thanksgiving for them in the name of Jesus. I encourage you to read all of Matthew 26 beforehand. There is healing, deliverance, peace, love, life, light, glory, freedom, joy, prosperity, favor, guidance, eternal life, wisdom, grace, knowledge, and all of Gods promises in Communion. 6:5, 8) 3. Heb. These are notes on the sermon, The Healing Power Of The Holy Communion, preached by Pastor Joseph Prince on Sunday, 24 February 2019, at The Star Performing Arts Centre, Singapore. HERE ARE OUR CHURCH. 53:4-5 & 1 Pe. THE YEAR OF REST AND ACCELERATION A very happy new year to you! Deut. 3. Jesus changed the Lord's Supper the last time He took it as recorded in the gospels. Gen. 9:4-5a Dont eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. 1 Pe. If you wish, you can purchase convenient bread and wine pre-prepared cups, so youll always have the on hand. Its a memorial service, honouring God and His Son. All rights reserved., Posted on Published: January 3, 2022- Last updated: January 27, 2023, Who was Simeon in the Bible? I pray you enjoy them as you grow closer to Him through His Word! Take, eat! The answer is a resounding YES! Each time I take communion, Lord, I want to recommit my life, my heart, my thoughts, my everything to You. Always make sure that your forgiver is working very well, and that you have forgiven everyone who has done anything to you or against you in Jesus name. Encourage your group to not just experience the symbol of communion but to live in its truth. Healing in this way is incremental. I wash my feet, legs, arms, hands, organs, glands, cells, tissues, eyes, ears, heart, lungs and every area of my body with the cleansing blood of Jesus. New Procedures. They will come in contact with everything in your soul and body. So I did exactly what I suggest you do, I prayed, explored and studied the Scriptures to see what God was saying to me about this. 12:3-14, 21-23, 28-37 & Ps. 55) For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. Then he said to them,My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, andwatchwith me.And going a little farther he fell on his faceand prayed, saying,My Father, if it be possible, letthis cup pass from me;nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.. The Communion [One of the following.] See BY JESUS STRIPES: DOES THIS INCLUDE PHYSICAL HEALING? It is a beautiful tradition to honor Jesus. As I leave this place, help me to hold this . Christians tend to celebrate communion more frequently some weekly, some monthly, and others, even daily. As I meditated on the symbolism of the broken bread, His body, I thought about the 39 stripes He received when He was scourged. The 'broken body' is referring to Jesus scourging, His stripes. "Do this in remembrance of Me.". After a few minutes, simply say, Amen, or, if preferred, the leader may close the time of confession with this traditional prayer: We do not come to Your table, O merciful Lord, with self-confidence and pride, trusting in our own righteousness, but we trust in Your great and many mercies. Thank You for loving me so much, You gave up heaven for me. Everything I set my hand to prospers. From now on, I will be taking Communion every day, eating the bread slowly while meditating on the awesome love of the Messiah.. Jesus implemented Holy Communion through the last supper He shared with His disciples. Although the Lord has many ways of healing, surely one of the most precious comes from observance of Communion. 6:34-65. Dealing With Sin. He took bread and, when He had broken it, said, "This is my body which is for you. When we drink the blood of Jesus we should receive (take in) every New Testament promise that we want or need. These forms may be used in residential homes where pastorally appropriate. Anyone can serve Communion. 6:55 Jesus said my flesh is food (spiritual food) and my blood is drink (spiritual drink). Heb. Heb. The bread and juice has been changed into the flesh, blood and DNA of Jesus in the spirit realm [John 6:63] but not in the natural realm. When we partake of the flesh and blood of Jesus at Communion we also are taking in Jesus DNA. We know that Jesus was never sick. Call in new soul and body parts wherever they are needed. As he meditated on the truth of healing through the wounds of Jesus, the lamb of God, his peripheral vision came back. They are acts that link the spiritual world with the natural world. She experienced the healing power of God in one of Sid Roths healing services. If it hurts you, cast it out (John 10:10). In areas where I have missed the mark such as strife, unforgiveness, envy, hatred, jealousy, covetousness, fear, worry, anxiety, unbelief, and in any other areas where the Holy Spirit reveals to me I need to repentI am going to repent right now in the name of Jesus. Amen. Below are some helpful suggestions for you. They had no sickness, and their clothing and shoes did not wear out, even growing on the bodies of the children and teens. Then it will be more important to you than the problem. You do not need any special bread or wine, because it is your faith that is the key, not the material objects you have.. We need to make sure that we discern the Lord Jesus body and claim and receive our healing when we take Communion. All sickness is caused by demon spirits. Take the time to put yourself before God over the Communion table. But the Word of God will manifest itself in your soul and body if you will believe it by faith and keep it active by confessing it. Or, as a group, recite the Lords prayer to close communion at home. Set aside time to take Communion at home on a regular schedule. 10. Communion is to be taken to remember Christ. Then, one day, as I was reading 1 Corinthians 11: 28-30, I saw that sickness can come from not recognizing or discerning the body of the Lord. Communion is a celebration for Christians. The Tribe of Simeon: History & 4 Lessons We can Learn, The Tribe of Judah: History, Important Figures and Their Role in Christianity. God told Moses to instruct everyone in the nation of Israel to kill a lamb and sprinkle its blood on the two sides of the doorposts and on the upper doorpost of their homes. Dr. Miller said, "If we take Communion on regular basis, daily or even several times a day, we can take it believing in progressive healing. To understand what Communion is all about, you will have to study the Word of God and pray until the Holy Spirit gives you a revelation of it. Jonah in the whale, Jehosophat and his army, the feeding of the 5000, the leper, Paul and Silas in prisonall these miracles followed praise and thanksgiving. Dr. Miller said, Communion is a powerful source of healing that has been overlooked by the church. 26:26-30, Mk. They have healed, delivered and set me free from all sickness and disease and put my soul and body into a perfect working order in the name of Jesus. For Notes, see here. Unworthy manner is. Take Communion in faith believing for deliverance and freedom from sickness, bondage, disease, weakness, gluttony, and anything else that steals, kills or destroys. It is much better that we make an act of spiritual (personal) communion in prayer than take part in something that violates biblical guidelines (communal). Taking Communion is appropriating the blood of Jesus over your life, thanking Him for ALL He has done. Chapter 53 of the book of Isaiah describes what the ancient rabbis referred to as the leprous Messiah, because early portions of the chapter talk about His being marred or disfigured by all the sin and disease of humanity. , not for the forgiveness of sins. With a meal or anywhere and at anytime. From your bloodstream they travel to every organ, gland, tissue, bone, and cell of your soul and body. and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me. And every day,in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching andpreachingthat the Christ is Jesus. Redeemed from Satans control. Jn. Amen., Including a S.O.A.P Study Worksheet, Instructions for S.O.A.P. [Now drink.]. Communion at home does not have to be formulaic. So, 2 elements representing the two-fold application for salvation. I'd been partaking of Communion for years without knowing this. Read and meditate on these Scriptures: Matt. But it holds power not only as a symbol, but it also reminds us to invite the Holy Spirit to examine our lives and to continue to do His work of washing us by the grace of Jesus. A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. 11:24-32, and Jn. If you dont have those available, you can substitute for what you have on hand. Acts 20:28 Jesus has purchased the Church with His own blood. Jesus and His followers used wine and unleavened bread, but it is simplest to use grape juice and whatever bread or crackers you have available. 22:42-44 The blood in the sweat of His forehead. God, what an incredible picture this is of Your love for us. Today I share my findings with you, I hope this post encourages and blesses you and increases your faith for healing. Its not about the elements, its about the meaning behind them. I receive the life and light out of the blood of Jesus into every cell of my soul and body, healing and delivering me from all sickness and disease in the name of Jesus.

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taking communion at home for healing

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