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endobj 2005) and these find greater positive environmental benefits for mechanical recycling over landfill and incineration with energy recovery. One of the key benefits of recycling plastics is to reduce the requirement for plastics production. Prevention and minimization and environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes, E-Waste Recycling In India Bridging The Gap Between The Informal And Formal Sector, Waste plastic extruder: literature review 1 Polymer Properties Table Polymer Properties, Manage E-Waste for Sustainable Development, TWENTY-EIGHT NATIONAL CONVENTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS AND NATONAL SEMINAR ON Role of Infrastructure for Sustainable Development A-18 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE MANAGEMENT -A CASE STUDY OF PUNE, HOUSEHOLD PLASTIC WASTE MANAGEMENT IN THE BOLGATANGA MUNICIPALITY.pdf, Recycling of industrial waste and its impact on the environmental quality costs, Ten Year Municipal Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan (CYs 2010-2020) for Camaligan, Camarines Sur, Philippines, 10 Yr. Municipal Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan (Revised) for the Municipality of Camaligan, Camarines Sur, Philippines, The Effect of Inconvenience of Recycling and the Importance of Recycling toward Recycling Behavior, Laws That Enable Partnerships: The Case of Proyecto Pensilvania in Bogot, Colombia, Economic Feasibility of Recycling Programs, Review of extended producer responsibility: A case study approach, THE MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRONIC WASTE: A COMPARITIVE STUDY ON INDIA AND SWITZERLAND. Energy recovery from waste plastics (by transformation to fuel or by direct combustion for electricity generation, use in cement kilns and blast furnaces, etc.) 1 0 obj 1998; Marques & Tenorio 2000)[JH1], FT-NIR or Raman emission spectroscopic detectors to enable flake ejection and using differing electrostatic properties (Park et al. PET resin can be broken down by glycolysis, methanolysis or hydrolysis, for example to make unsaturated polyester resins (Sinha et al. In the UK, total use of plastics in both domestic and commercial packaging is about 40 kg per person per year, hence it forms approximately 78% by weight, but a larger proportion by volume of the MSW stream (Waste Watch 2003). This is not surprising as it is effectively reversing the energy-intensive polymerization previously carried out during plastic manufacture. This trend for both rates of mechanical recycling and energy recovery to increase is continuing, although so is the trend for increasing waste generation. A case study of Kathmandu. There are also environmental and health concerns associated with their emissions. 2009b, Fig 1). Various methods exist for flake-sorting, but traditional PET-sorting systems are predominantly restricted to separating; (i) coloured flakes from clear PET flakes and (ii) materials with different physical properties such as density from PET. In 2003, however, this still amounted to only 14.8 per cent of the waste plastic generated (from all sources). In western Europe, plastic waste generation is growing at approximately 3 per cent per annum, roughly in line with long-term economic growth, whereas the amount of mechanical recycling increased strongly at a rate of approximately 7 per cent per annum. The useful energy recovered can vary considerably depending on whether it is used for electricity generation, combined heat and power, or as solid refuse fuel for co-fuelling of blast furnaces or cement kilns. 2000) and so in order to achieve high overall recycling rates, post-consumer as well as post-industrial waste need to be collected and recycled. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help However, plastic films are currently recycled from sources including secondary packaging such as shrink-wrap of pallets and boxes and some agricultural films, so this is feasible under the right conditions. Laser-sorting uses emission spectroscopy to differentiate polymer types. Landfill is the conventional approach to waste management, but space for landfills is becoming scarce in some countries. Generally, clear PET and unpigmented HDPE milk bottles are positively identified and separated out of the stream. Growth in collection of plastic bottles, by bring and kerbside schemes in the UK (WRAP 2008d). In the UK, the Waste Resource Action Programme (WRAP) has run an initial study of mixed plastics recycling and is now taking this to full-scale validation (WRAP 2008b). Marketing studies of consumer preferences indicate that there is a significant, but not overwhelming proportion of people who value environmental values in their purchasing patterns. Consumption of plastics and waste generation by sector in the UK in 2000 (Waste Watch 2003). For this reason, it is important to develop effective on-the-go and office recycling collection schemes if overall collection rates for plastic packaging are to increase. It is possible to include biodegradable plastics in aerobic composting, or by anaerobic digestion with methane capture for energy use. Coupled with efforts to increase the use and specification of recycled grades as replacement of virgin plastic, recycling of waste plastics is an effective way to improve the environmental performance of the polymer industry. Recycling of plastics is one method for reducing environmental impact and resource depletion. Extended producer responsibility can also be enacted through deposit-refund schemes, covering for example, beverage containers, batteries and vehicle tyres. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies The .gov means its official. 12 0 obj government site. For example, all PET bottles are made from similar grades of PET suitable for both the bottle manufacturing process and reprocessing to polyester fibre, while HDPE used for blow moulding bottles is less-suited to injection moulding applications. in removing labels from PET flakes. xXsFf&o+Q8%%igrD!OH Pi;I{}tX#&nT~
However, biodegradable plastics also have the potential to complicate waste management when introduced without appropriate technical attributes, handling systems and consumer education. New approaches such as laser-sorting systems can be used to remove other impurities such as silicones and nylon. Some shift away from single-use plastic carrier bags to reusable bags has also been observed, both because of voluntary behaviour change programmes, as in Australia (Department of Environment and Heritage (Australia) 2008) and as a consequence of legislation, such as the plastic bag levy in Ireland (Department of Environment Heritage and Local Government (Ireland) 2007), or the recent banning of lightweight carrier bags, for example in Bangladesh and China. Product design for recycling has strong potential to assist in such recycling efforts. endobj 1021 0 obj
Here, we briefly set recycling into context against other waste-reduction strategies, namely reduction in material use through downgauging or product reuse, the use of alternative biodegradable materials and energy recovery as fuel. <>/Border[0 0 0]/P 3 0 R>> Oil consumption. Plastics are inexpensive, lightweight and durable materials, which can readily be moulded into a variety of products that find use in a wide range of applications. Lack of information about the availability of recycled plastics, its quality and suitability for specific applications, can also act as a disincentive to use recycled material. An average net reduction of 1.45 tonnes of CO2-e per tonne of recycled plastic has been estimated as a useful guideline to policy (ACRR 2004), one basis for this value appears to have been a German life-cycle analysis (LCA) study (Patel et al. Conversely, PET in a PVC recycle stream will form solid lumps of undispersed crystalline PET, which significantly reduces the value of the recycled material. These schemes can be effective in boosting collection rates, for example one state of Australia has a container deposit scheme (that includes PET soft-drink bottles), as well as kerbside collection schemes. Most post-consumer flexible packaging not recovered, not widely recycled yet from post-consumer, but has potential. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. FOIA Post-consumer recycling therefore comprises of several key steps: collection, sorting, cleaning, size reduction and separation, and/or compatibilization to reduce contamination by incompatible polymers. As a consequence primarily of this perceived pollution risk, incineration of plastic is less prevalent than landfill and mechanical recycling as a waste-management strategy. PMC legacy view Thermoplastic resins constitute around two-thirds of this production and their usage is growing at about 5 per cent p.a. It can also be converted back into PET, either after de-polymerization, or by simply re-feeding the PET flake into the polymerization reactor, this can also remove volatile contaminants as the reaction occurs under high temperature and vacuum (Uhde Inventa-Fischer 2007). One contribution of 15 to a Theme Issue Plastics, the environment and human health. Examples are plastic crates and bins manufactured from HDPE recovered from milk bottles, and PET fibre from recovered PET packaging. Collection of plastic wastes can be done by bring-schemes or through kerbside collection. Hence, although higher oil prices also increase the cost of collection and reprocessing to some extent, recycling has become relatively more financially attractive. endobj The proportion of bottles in litter was reduced as well compared to other states (West 2007). Quaternary recycling is energy recovery, energy from waste or valorization.
about navigating our updated article layout. BqD?S. It is possible in theory to closed-loop recycle most thermoplastics, however, plastic packaging frequently uses a wide variety of different polymers and other materials such as metals, paper, pigments, inks and adhesives that increases the difficulty. Mixed plastics, the least favourable source of recycled polymer could still provide a net benefit of the vicinity of 0.5 tonnes of CO2-e per tonne of recycled product (WRAP 2008c). Table1 presents a breakdown of plastics consumption in the UK during the year 2000, and contributions to waste generation (Waste Watch 2003). Take-back and refilling schemes do exist in several European countries (Institute for Local Self-Reliance 2002), including PET bottles as well as glass, but they are elsewhere generally considered a niche activity for local businesses rather than a realistic large-scale strategy to reduce packaging waste. Most current material recovery facilities have difficulty handling flexible plastic packaging because of the different handling characteristics of rigid packaging. It has been noted that participating in recycling schemes is an environmental behaviour that has wide participation among the general population and was 57 per cent in the UK in a 2006 survey (WRAP 2008d), and 80 per cent in an Australian survey where kerbside collection had been in place for longer (NEPC 2001). Conversely, there is limited recycling of multi-layer/multi-component articles because these result in contamination between polymer types. Closed-loop recycling is most practical when the polymer constituent can be (i) effectively separated from sources of contamination and (ii) stabilized against degradation during reprocessing and subsequent use.
They have the advantage that they can be used to sort different plastics that are blacka problem with traditional automatic systems. An official website of the United States government. <>/Border[0 0 0]/P 3 0 R>> Terminology used in different types of plastics recycling and recovery.
In addition, because of the durability of the polymers involved, substantial quantities of discarded end-of-life plastics are accumulating as debris in landfills and in natural habitats worldwide. Collection of used plastics from households is more economical in suburbs where the population density is sufficiently high to achieve economies of scale. The potential benefits of mixed plastics recycling in terms of resource efficiency, diversion from landfill and emission savings, are very high when one considers the fact that in the UK it is estimated that there is over one million tonne per annum of non-bottle plastic packaging (WRAP 2008a) in comparison with 525 000 tonnes of plastic bottle waste (WRAP 2007).
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