Dont bind yourself to that. SPC DECKERT'S PERFORMANCE REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON HERSELF, THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. IN RECOGNITION OF YOUR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE IN THE BASIC LEADERS CORSE. SPC Snuffy's outstanding performance is in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflects great credit upon himself, 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion and the United States Army. For meritorious service while assigned as an external security member from 28 May 2012 to 3 March 2013 in the 755th Military Police Company. HER DEDICATION REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON HERSELF, ____ UNIVERSITY, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. ARMY PRIDE!
SPC Rivera's performance reflects great credit upon himself, the 525th Military Police Battalion, and the United States Army. THIS OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT DEMONSTRATES A HIGH DEGREE OF INITIATIVE AND DEDICATION AND REFLECTS HIGHLY ON YOU, YOUR UNIT, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. YOUR MOTIVATION, COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE, AND DEDICATION TO REMAIN PHYSICALLY FIT REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON YOURSELF, THE UNITED STATES ARMY GARRISON CASEY, THE INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. SPC Deckert volunteered to design and create the annual holiday gingerbread house that represented the holiday spirit for the Army Executive Dining Facility. Staff Sergeant Thompson's dedication to duty, professionalism, and commitment to excellence contributed immensely to the unit's success and mission accomplishment. Your efforts greatly contributed to the overall accomplishment of the mission from 13 JULY 2013 to 26 JULY 2013. -Before you start your success journey, throw away the map that society gifted you and start drawing your own. FOR DEMONSTRATING SELFLESS SERVICE BY WAIVING THE "COLLEGE FIRST" ENLISTMENT OPTION TO SERVE WITH THE 640TH AVIATION SUPPORT BATTALION IN IRAQ DURING OPERATION NEW DAWN. You are succeeding in someone elses dream. WHILE ATTENDING THE COURSE SGT PINKMAN ACHIEVED COMMANDANT'S LIST AND HONOR GRADUATE. -You are not failing in life. For your outstanding dedication and support of the 401st AFSBn-SWA Redistribution Property Assistance Team (RPAT), in Erbil, Iraq. Your achievement reflects great credit upon yourself, your unit and the United States Army. -You can never plan the impact you can have and you shall never recognise it while you are living it.
We are proud to have such human beings in society. You are officially commended for your completion of the Boot Strap Program while assigned to the 23M, Class of 214th FA, during the period 1 October 2008 through 20 December 2008. THE 102D SIGNAL BATTALION PROUDLY RECOGNIZES YOUR TIRELESS DEVOTION TO PROVIDE WARFIGHTERS THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE. -This certificate is awarded to [name] for the remarkable contribution towards the [name ] project. SGT SMITH S DEDICATION TO COMMUNITY POLICING ESTABLISHED A POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FORT ____ RESIDENTS. Help spread the word. -We really appreciate the generous support [ name of the organization] has shown towards our charitable trust. Dont worry about the things you leave behind. Check out what we mean with several examples below, complete with the wording you can use for your awards. In recognition of your outstanding performance in the 1st Battalion 43rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment combatives tournament held on Suwon Air Base in Suwon, South Korea February 10th, 2007. -Always remember that there are far better things that the future holds for us. For exceptionally meritorious achievement for having won the January Bravo company Soldier of the Month board. HIS SERVICE REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, THE 4TH 319TH AIRBORNE FIELD ARTILLERY REGIMENT "KING OF THE HERD", THE 173RD AIRBORNE BRIGADE "SKY SOLDIERS", AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. YOUR HIGH STANDARDS AND DEMONSTRATED INITIATIVE IN MAINTAINING THE TACTICAL OPERATIONS CENTER CONTRIBUTED TO THE OVERALL SUCCESS OF THE TOMAHAWK BATTALION. SPC D****'S DISTINCTIVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, THE 258TH ENGINEERS, THE 624TH ENGINEER COMPANY, THE 178TH ENGINEER BATTALION, TASK FORCE PROWLER, THE 411TH ENGINEER BRIGADE, JOINT TASK FORCE EMPIRE, US FORCES AFGHANISTAN, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. -Champions are made from what they have deep inside them. You have distinguished yourself by maintaining an 855 average throughout your training and participation in the Boot Strap Program. FOR EXCEPTIONAL MERITORIOUS SERVICE TO SOLDIERS FROM DEC 2004 TO OCT 2013. In appreciation of your tireless efforts in support of our United States Armed Forces. -Always be grateful for this moment. Dream big and pursue them bigger. YOUR HARDWORK AND TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY LED TO THE FIRST SUCCESSFUL REACHBACK SUPPORT TO UNITED STATES FORCES KOREA. SPC Lee achieved a milestone in her career by her knowledge of military subjects, superb military appearance and bearing, infallible leadership abilities, awareness of world events, duty performance, and overall professionalism. -It is only you who can take yourself forward. To contribute examples, enter them below and click Submit. When given for no apparent reason they can start to lose significance or meaning. It is hard to find wonderful leaders but we are happy to have one among us. YOUR COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE AND SELF-IMPROVEMENT WAS INSTRUMENTAL IN YOU SCORING 90% IN EACH APFT EVENT WITH AN OVERALL SCORE OF 299 POINTS. HIS OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE, EXPERTISE, AND DEDICATION TO DUTY GREATLY CONTRIBUTED TO THE SUCCESS OF THE UNIT'S MISSION. -If you do not step forward you remain stuck in the same place. THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS SIGNIFICANT AND REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON YOU, THE 155TH COMBAT AVIATION BATTALION AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. In recognition of exceptional performance and dedication to duty in support of the 147th Medical Detachment (Veterinary Services) during the RTS-MED at Fort Gordon, GA. In recognition of your outstanding performance while attending 48 passenger Bus training at Tobyhanna Army Depot from _to ____. -You must take the stairs to success as there are no elevators. YOUR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT DEMONTRATED A HIGH DEGREE OF INITIATIVE AND DEDICATION TO THE UNIT AND REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON YOURSELF, TASK FORCE MEDSOUTH, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. FOR EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AS THE KOREAN SERVICE CORPS SUPERVISOR FOR THE 560TH MEDICAL COMPANY GROUND AMBULANCE. your outstanding performance relects great credit upon yourself, the Signal Center and the United States Army. Examples can be posted by using the form below. -Dont follow the path generally taken, follow the path that is unfollowed and leave your trail on it. While still accomplishing daily missions above standard, she continuously worked during her personal time over a period of two weeks to complete the intricate Pentagon Gingerbread House. -Journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. Remember to make it worth listening. -We are really proud that you went confidently towards your dreams and are now living the life of your dreams. -The University of [name] appreciates the leadership portrayed by [name]. HIS EFFORTS REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, THE UNIT, THE DIRECTORATE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, FORT ____ AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. Your achievement reflects great credit upon yourself, your Unit, and the United States Army. The finished product received accolades from the senior Army leaders and their guests during the holiday season. MAJ RODRIGUEZ'S EXTRAORDINARY ACTIONS, SELFLESS DEVOTION TO DUTY, AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCE ARE IN KEEPING WITH THE FINEST TRADITIONS OF MILITARY SERVICE AND REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIM AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. The greatest present is the journey. -You have the magic within you to change the world. YOUR ASSISTANCE WITH SETTING UP THE INTERNAL NETWORK AND TROUBLESHOOTING THE BRIGADE'S TOC ABCS CLIENTS AND SERVERS WAS GREATLY BENEFICIAL AND ALLOWED THE BRIGADE TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN VALIDATING THE COMMAND POST NETWORK. you can blow the mountains away. FOR YOUR EXPERTISE AND PROFESSIONALISM DURING THE 20TH ENGINEER BRIGADE DECISIVE ACTION COMMAND POST EXERCISE FROM XXX TO XXX. FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT DURING 175TH FMSC, COMMAND POST EXERCISE (CPX) IN 2013. Lastly, choose bright colors, upload a cheery image or two and your certificates can be ready for action the next time one of your students does something genuinely great. For exceptional performance while serving as a white cell administration for Regional Training Center-Central from 19 Octber-8 November 2012. You want certificates to help your students feel special when theyve done something special and because theyve truly earned it. -The answer shall always be a No if you do not ask. (SM Rank/Name's) ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND SAFE PRACTICES REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, THE (unit), THE (unit designation)DIVISION AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. She sacrificed countless personal hours to prepare herself for the Special Troops Battalion (R) and 4th Sustainment Brigade (PROV) quarter/annual board, which led to her being selected over her peers as the Special Troops Battalion (R) and 4th Sustainment Brigade (PROV) Soldier of the Year FY11. FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT DURING THE 62D QUARTERMASTER COMPANY'S ARMY PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST ON (DATE). Its your day today. FOR ATTAINING A TOTAL SCORE OF 320 POINTS ON THE ARMY PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Shop | About Us| Contact Us1-800-272-7377. In recognition of your tireless pursuit of excellence and your outstanding commitment to Warrior Care and Unit Readiness as a RSP Specialist from October 2009 to September 2010. FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE AS A WHEELED VEHICLE MECHANIC WHILE ASSIGNED TO ECHO COMPANY, 3-15 INFANTRY BATTALION, 3RD INFANTRY DIVISION. You were recognized by the senior instructor as the honor graduate for your class participation as well as helping other students in your class. So chose your dreams wisely. MERITORIOUS ACHIEVEMENT FOR PLANNING AND COORDINATING THE 591ST MEDICAL LOGISTICS COMPANY, 4TH OF JULY ORGANIZATIONAL DAY KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN. YOUR COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE AND PROFESSIONAL PROFICIENCY WAS INSTRUMENTAL TO THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF CASH MANAGEMENT 14 MISSION OBJECTIVES. FOR ATTAINING A TOTAL SCORE OF 299 POINTS ON THE ARMY PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST. We need more examples. Keep growing and grinding. For exceptional dedication and devotion to duty, while serving as a Motor Transport Operator Small Group Leader for the 88M Advanced Leadership Course, TTC JBLE, from October 2008 until September 2011 is in keeping with the highest traditions of the Transportation School and the US Army. Your Participation of this class directly benefited a positive outcome of a joint Unit qualification range. Exceeding the minimum number of 60 points in each event. IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THIS HONOR, YOU HAVE MAINTAINED A CLASS RATING THAT MET OR EXCEEDED 95% OF THE COURSE STANDARDS. SPC JOE displayed tremendous devotion to physical fitness by pushing himself through countless hours of extra physical training during personal time. EXCELLENCE YOU DEMONSTRATED IN PHYSICAL FITNESS IS INDICATIVE OF YOUR HARD WORK AND DETERMINATION TO BE A PHYSICALLY READY SOLDIER. -We all have that imagination within ourselves to make our lives better. YOUR SELFLESS SERVICE, PROFESSIONALISM AND DEDICATION TO DUTY ARE IN KEEPING WITH THE FINEST TRADITIONS OF MILITARY SERVICE AND REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, THE 560TH MEDICAL COMPANY, THE 168TH MULTIFUNCTIONAL MEDICAL BATTALION, THE UNITED STATES ARMY, AND THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA. HIS COMMITMENT TO SOLDIERS AND FAMILY MEMBERS PROVED VITAL IN DAILY OPERATIONS. SELECTION TO COMMANDANT'S LIST IS AN OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENT. THIS ACHIEVEMENT IS SIGNIFICANT AND REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON YOU, THE 155TH COMBAT AVIATION BATTALION AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. -He met with unexpected success because he continued to walk confidently towards his dreams. We hope that [he/she] continues to show the same enthusiasm in the projects to come. This moment is your life. FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN PREPARATION FOR ULCHI FREEDOM GUARDIAN 2012. -Although instructions end at school rooms education can only end with life. YOUR HARDWORK AND DEDICATION WERE INSTRUMENTAL IN ENSURING THAT THE 20TH ENGINEER BRIGADE REMAINS THE RIGHT FORCE WITH THE RIGHT CAPABILITIES AND EXPERTISE. Take great pride in this accomplishment of providing professional, effective and efficient training for the future Transporters of the Transportation Corps Regiment.
The finished product received accolades from the senior Army leaders and their guests during the holiday season. For outstanding support given to the Signal Regiment during an extraordinary visit. Achieving a first time go on all tasks tested during the phase III evaluation. -Her dreams at first seemed impossible, then improbable but her hard work made it inevitable. Your dedication and professional support contributed to the command's overall mission success. FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE AND SUPPORT TO THE FORT ____ POLICE BIKE PATROL PROGRAM 2013. -He lived each day like he would climb a hill. For outstanding achievement in preparation for the 724th Military Police Battalion Annual Individual Weapon Qualification February 2015. In recognition of your tireless pursuit of excellence and your outstanding commitment to your Unit as Interior Electrician from July 7 to July 21, 2010. Each new summit marked the beginning of the new journey. Its the desire that fuels their dreams. Here are a few messages and wishes that you can use to appreciate someone while they receive a certificate to encourage them in their journey ahead. SPC D**** PROVED HIS ABILITIES AS A SOLDIER AND ENGINEER DURING A DANGEROUS AND DIFFICULT MISSION WHILE DEPLOYED IN SUPPORT OF OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM. -I dont have enough words to appreciate the outstanding performance of [name] in the co-curricular activities. Your dedication to duty and service are greatly appreciated. SPC MANGALAM DISPLAYED SUPERIOR MOTIVATION, EXCELLENT STAMINA, AND SHEER INTITATIVE DURING A COMPANY ROAD MARCH. Although thank you is a very simple word but it can easily brighten up anyones day. Your dedication to duty and service are greatly appreciated. THIS RATING INCLUDES SCORES FROM ACADEMIC TESTS, PHYSICAL TRAINING TESTS AND COMPANY DUTY PERFORMANCE. SPC DALIZU SHOWED HARD WORK AND DETERMINATION IN DEMONSTRATING HIS PHYSICAL ABILITIES. -Always have the courage to follow your intuition and heart, they somehow already know what you want. FOR YOUR TECHNICAL EXPERTISE AND PROFESSIONALISM IN SUPPORT OF THE 863RD ENGINEER BATTALION S REDEPLOYMENT ACTIVITIES FROM 18 XXX 2016 THROUGH 1 XXX 2017. -Go after what you want else you will never have it.
Your diligence and dedication has greatly contributed to the finest Recruitment Sustainment Program in the Nation. We are honored and proud to have a student like you among us. Stay put and hold onto your dreams.
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