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VDD Figure 1 Functional block diagram of the. 0
3 Timing Specifications 3.1 Sensor System Timings Default conditions of 25 C and 1.8 V supply voltage apply to values specified in the table below, unless otherwise stated.
The DFN package has a footprint of 2.5 x 2.5 mm, while keeping a height of 0.9 mm. Table 2 Temperature sensor specifications. 5 Operation and Communication All commands and memory locations of the SHTW2 are mapped to a 16-bit address space which can be accessed via the I2C protocol. Figure 2 Typical and maximal tolerance for the relative humidity Figure 3 Typical and maximal tolerance for the temperature 1 For definition of typ. 4, February 13, 2012: http://ics.nxp.com/support/documents/interface/pdf/I2C.bu Table 8 SHTW2 I2C device address. 0
End of preview. If the average atomic mass of hydrogen in nature is 1.0079 amu, what does that tell you about the percent composition of H-1 and H-2 in nature? hb```f``A2,4er~p5H@ ; \q5'i+,{!gw $,::.
The solder pads on the PCB are recommended to be non solder mask defined (NSMD). This allows for, integration of the SHT3x-DIS into a great variety of, applications. The example shows a soft reset command. hbbd```b``"@$dwLw@$*] "dX_f&;z/H]k0D/ & vk7=DD&H`62g`C_!_k`|&zo!201220X. 2 0 obj 8, |vPtK@dT$uHB[!LFMMT8>^E.
4662 0 obj <> endobj With the industry-proven quality and reliability of Sensirions humidity and temperature sensors and constant accuracy over a large measurement range, the SHTW2 offers an unprecedented performance-to-price ratio. <> *Prices are pre-tax. Clear blocks are controlled by the microcontroller, grey blocks by the SHTW2. (0"jLr[. For detailed information on the I2C protocol, refer to NXP I2C-bus specification and user manual UM10204, Rev. d:`7d* ; $'7v6!$"M@"F *?v:FI, # These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these conditions cannot be guaranteed. 4701 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<8511B2370A71294488D938B7322B68CF>]/Index[4662 89]/Info 4661 0 R/Length 155/Prev 758758/Root 4663 0 R/Size 4751/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream %PDF-1.5 %%EOF Tape and reel packaging together with suitability for standard SMD assembly processes make the SHTW2 predestined for high-volume applications. endstream endobj 4663 0 obj <>/Metadata 187 0 R/Pages 4660 0 R/StructTreeRoot 232 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 4664 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 841.92]/Parent 4660 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 4665 0 obj <>stream <>stream accuracy tolerance, please refer to the document Sensirion Humidity Sensor Specification Statement. Suppose you are holding a container of gas, and the container has a fixed volume (i.e. For a 9 Technical Drawings9.1 Package Outline Dim. Its functionality includes enhanced signal, processing, two distinctive and user selectable I2C. High reliability and long-term stability Industry-proven technology with a track record of more than 10 years Designed for mass production Optimized for lowest cost Best signal-to-noise ratio Signal conditioning Signal conditioning Data processing and system control Calibration mem. 2.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stress levels beyond those listed in Table 4 may cause permanent damage to the device. 2 The stated repeatability is 3 times the standard deviation (3a) of multiple consecutive measurement values at constant conditions and is a measure for the noise on the Table 3 Electrical specifications. . .. .. .. .. .. Functional block diagram of the SHT3x-DIS. 2601 0 obj <> endobj endobj A. it won't strecth or give to allow for expansion or contraction). values are measured at -30C and 1.98V supply voltage. All in all, the SHT3x-DIS, incorporates 15 years of knowledge of Sensirion, the, Industry-proven technology with a track record of. %%EOF endobj Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates. 4750 0 obj <>stream hb```lbQB eaapH[Yt~"V_iiR't1~ PX,i 3Gf7d%e\ey@7Ut40TQ;u4V40V4w6wt3py] @v5AF-Y\*a8QaCd #{:E-]:Ez6 v@3P L"u01p1i]mpf# 2pOx>@ ^
?s>R? h @y4P i00BC0:p_h Q!GRp R)21O.U?{4Z48\48&. 6!5 Exposure to the absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect the reliability of the device. A.0.615 L B.6.50 L C.1.63 L D.0.154 L. A capsule containing 0.500 L of air at 1.00 atm is compressed to3.25 atm. If gas A is 125 mmHg and gas B is 343 mmHg, what is the partial pressure of gas C? endobj 2 0 obj Data Sheet SHTW2 WLCSP Humidity and Temperature Sensor IC Ultra-small flip chip package: 1.3 0.7 0.5 mm3 Fully calibrated and reflow solderable Ultra-low power consumption Power-up and measurement within 1 ms 1.8 V supply voltage Typical accuracy: 3 %RH and 0.3 C Product Summary The SHTW2 is a digital humidity and temperature sensor in a flip chip package. endobj 9.2 Recommended Metal Land Pattern Solder paste dimensions (stencil opening) Figure 11 Recommended metal land pattern for SHTW2 (all dimensions are in mm). 1 Humidity and Temperature Sensor SpecificationsRelative Humidity Temperature Table 1 Humidity sensor specifications. In idle state, the SHTW2 is ready to receive commands from the master (microcontroller). They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options.
This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 18 pages. SDA directions are seen from the sensor. %PDF-1.5 % The top side of the package is protected with a black epoxy layer. BjH:` %PDF-1.5 % 5.1 Power-Up and Communication Start Upon VDD reaching the power-up voltage level Vpor, the SHTW2 enters idle state after a duration of tPU. x][s8~OU_vKin\qvvs}PdZN-ytIfWD )QP*%Q C:5_~M~:=hi:Z~M?>.u1-4dU*xb%KsdgoXX3,%,Q2K#I&:'[~}5g{#w?N-pfIfRfee6SS~2/CbxfL>}1G,/?rYuyBd2[OZJLEb`ye"js+9SiB1T1x9GS|so9bJ|+;{7j] T,tr3RG_jHi/rhySP]\\zd21@R YcBu{83WC?~{dLL#M* 8bK% Wex:2 3OgN\owL7.Si]-%,K8#t.AJMKG~bZ5'.i/Er=<3$yfSc"U" =1t5k>}1E%B@ X@f/*0~qf_r%#KC2g1"9Y,DS 4 0 obj
Additionally, the wide supply voltage range, of 2.4 V to 5.5 V guarantees compatibility with diverse, assembly situations. <> Note that SDA valid read time is triggered by falling edge of preceding toggle. 3 0 obj Figure 5 Timing diagram for digital input/output pads. At that point, what is the volume of the gas in the capsule? <> This type of package opens up a new category of ultra-small humidity sensors which are suitable for applications with the tightest space constraints. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university.
stream gv'9; tNnr=z#y~hR' % %D$ <> Interface Specifications The SHTW2 supports I2C fast mode (SCL clock frequency from 0 to 400 kHz) with clock stretching. The sensor is based on Sensirions CMOSens technology, which offers a complete sensor system on a single chip, consisting of a capacitive humidity sensor, a bandgap temperature sensor, analog and digital signal processing, A/D converter, calibration data memory, and a digital communication interface supporting I2C fast mode. !EK0-)fu~9%5=? addresses and communication speeds of up to 1 MHz.
218 mmHg B. The numbers above are values according to the I2C specification. Table 6 Communication timing specifications. 6 Quality 6.1 Environmental Stability Qualification of the SHTW2 is performed based on the JEDEC JESD47 qualification test method.
2675 0 obj <>stream At that point, what is the volume of the gas in the capsule? % Maximum wing loading on an elliptical airfoil occurs: throughout with a uniform distribution near the wing tip near the wing root at the MAC, You have a mixture of 3 gasses with a total pressure of 750 mmHg. The humidity sensor is centered on the bottomside of the package. 7 Package and Traceability SHTW2 sensors are provided in a flip chip package with an outline of 1.31 x 0.74 x 0.54 mm3 and 4 solder balls with a pitch of 0.4 mm. Please consult the document SHTxx Handling Instructions for more information. Verilog - Statements and Loops Documentation_test 0.0.1 documentation.pdf, Sensirion_Gas_Sensors_Datasheet_SGP41.pdf, Sensirion_Gas_Sensors_Datasheet_SGP40.pdf, Swinburne University of Technology HSM 310. hXnF5;{-1Ei >06%Cb;+RE`@q3;r`)%\pOfRH2SaP3+-3y d hhhDZ)&LH,E&a+@ZP&b aR2i88#Nf"<9/]PCbehM Hll%MAyMa>:\0EhiVhE3BD+*fD@ifkh0EsMztW'Qy1~*LA4-sK N$'^E5v]RiLzKp_2?!scG8LP;8i&k&Uk.v@CD48#Y;%epHb'$A@Ih@.>A"P%w"}$Y&hrK!T+ wXn]$zD0wr}aTBeX}J!8OWo/*DsDNb&}{5bzWo)fKlZgpPG*,>we:::>9=q4,?*b*GIx,n[ This is called back side coating, because it is applied to the nonfunctional (back) side of the chip. 0.09 mm in the direct vicinity of the pads. The, sensor signals for humidity and temperature are factory, calibrated, linearized and compensated for temperature and. 11 The recommended storage temperature range is 10-50C. 2022All rights reserved 10 These values can be reduced by using the low power measurement mode, see separate application note. endstream endobj startxref 1218 mmHg C. 282 mmHg D. 468 mmHg, Sensirion_Humidity_Sensors_SHT3x_Datasheet_digital.pdf - Datasheet SHT3x-DIS Humidity and Temperature Sensor Fully calibrated, linearized, and, Fully calibrated, linearized, and temperature, Wide supply voltage range, from 2.4 V to 5.5 V, I2C Interface with communication speeds up to 1, temperature and humidity sensors. -, All Sensirion catalogs and technical brochures, SFM3119 Low Pressure Drop Digital Flow Meter, SFM3013 series Digital Mass Flow Meter, SFM3003 series Digital Mass Flow Meter, SDP2000-L Differential Pressure Sensor with Analog Output, SDP3x-Analog Differential Pressure Sensor with Analog Output, t SFC5300 / SFM5300 mass flow controller / meter for gases, SFM3400-AW Digital Flow Meter for Neonatal/Pediatric Medical Applications, SFM3200 Digital Flow Meter for medical applications, SFM3100 Low Pressure Drop Analog Flow Meter, SFM3000 Low Pressure Drop Digital Flow Meter, Membrane Option For SHT3x Humidity and Temperature Sensors, Sensor Module for CO2 and RH/T Measurements, Indoor Air Quality and Volatile Organic Compounds, Experts for Environmental and Flow Sensor Solutions, SHTW1 Digital WLCSP Humidity & Temperature Sensor, Sensirion Liquid Flow SLQ-QT500 Datasheet Preliminary V12, Sensirion Liquid Flow SLQ QT105 Datasheet V8, Datasheet Humidity and Temeperature Sensor SHT21, Datasheet Filter Cap SF1 for Humidity Sensors SHT1x, Datasheet Humidity and Temperature Sensors SHT1x (RH&T), Datasheet Mass Flow Controller SFC3000 for Gases, Datasheet Mass Flow Controller SFC4000 for Gases, Datasheet Differential Pressure Sensors SDP600/610, Datasheet Differential Pressure Sensor SDP1000/2000, Datasheet Differential Pressure Sensor SDP1108. 3 0 obj <> hbbd```b``"A$S)d7oA$7X6 <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 30 0 R 44 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> endstream endobj startxref Max. 1 0 obj endobj
Block diagram Benefits of Sensirions CMOSens Technology The sensor covers a humidity measurement range of 0 to 100 %RH and a temperature measurement range of -30 to 100 C with a typical accuracy of 3 %RH and 0.3C. The operation voltage of 1.8 V and the low power consumption make the SHTW2 suitable for mobile or wireless applications running on the tightest power budgets. !%Y0%'O6S*'0RK=I>2gQ&lI,\_PoAJ>( W.Wg{}DsqRTwo9A8l >tnSeUB4i#R.l^Vsb$yp'5lKsV.L")-RZcDELz Cz^#BPoU"eULcJK/L]54Ry+%!E|+/+E#EE(Bp Ec:NNU-hR4rWN Clock Stretching Enabled Table 9 Measurement commands. Figure 8 Command access communication sequence. Recommended solder paste stencil thickness is 75 to 100 pm. %PDF-1.4 At the same time, the flip chip package impresses with its pure simplicity. and max. @X\7t9N gj6O?/ 7.|I%4f]B)"\M{2a^|TN#T)Q.jZfv4_&MFP7D'o>%fWg\ikI)%=^(t4]|Q-5/VAe(D8[2piE.
Want to read all 18 pages. 7 0 obj For general information on land pattern design refer to the IPC-7351 standard. If the gas pressure in the container has, A capsule containing 0.500 L of air at 1.00 atm is compressed to3.25 atm. 2626 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5AF5DCC2A80EA9469098F39EFE5A0C9C>]/Index[2601 75]/Info 2600 0 R/Length 125/Prev 607245/Root 2602 0 R/Size 2676/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream |?7CgzSTT{arm>M54G??rR0oQbH`r'["". endobj Course Hero member to access this document, Gotcha Again More Subtleties in the Verilog and SystemVerilog Standards That Every Engineer Should, 13.
% It builds on a new, CMOSens sensor chip that is at the heart of, The SHT3x-DIS has increased intelligence, reliability, and improved accuracy specifications compared to its, predecessor.
Bold SDA lines are controlled by the sensor, plain SDA lines are controlled by the micro-controller. Table 4 Absolute maximum ratings.
6.2 Material Contents The SHTW2 is RoHS and REACH compliant. x] |T?yl}$CB$$$H a,AWPP|`mke.AUV[]PBl+yL?y{.se2!FD."E#>GDc&G5DDs?pN./\0`$!DZ4bF4"9kj2(U+BK(hI nABTyu B/X]`8E?Cs_]MDW3p1W8\ yWV^=DdXt( P(CE\u~D!2OAp=cP.#+1/Zcp!?&El%juk7,B~K I@b,O^0)G?Ptw~Fo bbcId>0fd@3``%XBBBbsD'N3"3Uu}>^E5D x>c~RQq0pnh$Df,@qM Copper traces leading towards the solder pads are recommended to have a width of max.
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