Therefore, the flowratemeasurement of the flow speeds becomes meaningless, whereas the totalized values would be the ones to provide the real amount of delivered drugs. In the case of water with air bubbles, the smaller thermal conductivity and substantially lower density for the mixture will prompt a faster heat transfer resulting in a recorded positive flowrate spike. The reservoir is connected to the microfluidic chip via a tube. The commonly used ones are either to keep the microheater at a constant heating power or to maintain a constant temperature from the up and downstream sensor and then measure the heat transfer or temperature differences between the measurements of the up and downstream sensors as the flowing fluid will take away the heat from the microheater resulting in a heat redistribution. In an alternative optical sensing approach, [77] a collimated light beam was employed to excite the surface plasmon resonance at a gold film on top of a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microfluidic channel. However, to gauge the conventional infusion applications, a sensor with a fast response time of fewer than 3msec while having a large dynamic range of at least 4000:1 will be needed to meet the requirements for control of total dosage within 5% deviations. Microfluidic sensors are critical components for a complete system. The red dots are from the peristaltic pump having a large dispersion of the actual flow speed, and the blue dots are from the high precision syringe pump. In addition to the fluid handling channels and mixers, drug delivery will require a more complicated system that would involve precision metrology, biocompatible carriers, actuation, execution, and feedback. Microfluidics is a broad terminology covering various disciplines and scopes while focusing on life science, biochemical and chemical applications. In the classic fluidic dynamics, the Moody chart indicates that at laminar flow, the friction factor is inversely proportional to Reynolds number where only viscosity of the fluid plays the role and diffusion is normally not in consideration. In another report using the optical approach for flow sensing, miniaturized fluorescence sensing is attempted for micro molecular tagging velocimetry in microfluidics [76], but these methods are not cost-effective and yet to reach the small footprint. The brown-colored elements are for microheater and sensing elements. DNA/Gene analysis and point of care disease diagnosis are extensively studied with microfluidic devices [12, 13, 14, 15]. Optical or image processing would help understand the physical or even chemical process, but it would not help improve the flow measurement accuracy. For this chapters limited space, only continuous flow sensing technologies are discussed with applicable pulsed flow features. Many different microfluidic flow sensor technologies have been studied and developed. Additional digitalsensors will have to be integrated into the microfluidic device for diagnostic quality data acquisition. Therefore, although the micromachined Coriolis sensors demonstration has been over two decades, the applications are still very limited. Many research works on sensors have been dedicated to the biomedical and chemical sensing development based on electrochemical, optical, mass, or magnetic sensing principles.
Only one sensing element is placed downstream. Example of a micromachined thermal time-of-flight sensing chip: (a) optical photo of the chip, top view; (b) cross-section schematic. As PhD students, we found it difficult to access the research we needed, so we decided to create a new Open Access publisher that levels the playing field for scientists across the world. Demanding to establish an international standard for microfluidics has long been proposed [32, 33]. How quickly you need to set or change the flow rate. *Address all correspondence to: Optical flow sensing is attractive to the microfluidic application for its non-invasive and high accuracy features.
The sensor was made by depositing a giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) layer on top of a glass substrate. Some selected researches micromachined flow sensing technologies are discussed below. Contact our London head office or media team here. The high-speed liquid flow may also alter the performance of the sensor unless bypass configuration is applied. This configuration is much easier to be packaged with the microfluidic channel, and it is a true noncontact detection that can be miniaturized compared to the optical assisted readout. In the dimension of a microfluidic channel, the surface area relative to the volume is dramatically larger than those in a large pipe. The changes in the mixtures density and physical properties will lead to completely different heat and mass transfer, which will significantly deviate the metering values that are always reference to those at the calibration conditions. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Another advantage for the MEMS Coriolis mass flow sensor is that it usually operates at a much higher resonant frequency with substantially less vibratory influences from the environments than those for the traditional Coriolis mass flow technology. This technique described in the figure uses only one sensor that is located downstream of the heater. A practical 7500:1 dynamic range can be achieved with two or three pairs of sensing elements. One of the most important groups of non thermal flow measurement techniques are the mechanical flow sensors. In addition to micromachined thermal and Coriolis sensors, micromachined ultrasonic sensors are also commercially available. Where Qis the heat generated by the microheater that is normally modulated with a square or sine wave, kis the thermal conductivity, is the density, cis the heat capacity of the flow medium, and Vx is the fluid velocity. The dependence of the microfluids pressure loss on the dynamic viscosity also requires a temperature sensor at the proximity for the needed compensation. Fortunately, microfluidics growth is parallel with the significant advancement in the MEMS and LSI/VLSI IC industry.
Several efforts to establish a primary standard or a traceable reference system for flow metrology in microfluidics applications have been made in the past years [35, 36, 37]. These are among the new challenges for the on-going metrology standards for microfluidics. It is for gaseous flow and not a standalone product and only manufactured in a minimal quantity as the OEM product. Live flow monitoring can be achieved using flow sensors. data file. The heat transfer was from a microheater with a constant heat diffusion at a fixed glass wall area. The microscopic structure formed by the paper fibers created a network of small capillary channels. Alternatively, the sensing element can also be placed upstream, as the measurement of the fluidic flowrate is only from the microheater (a sensing element). The long settling time (time it takes to get and stay within 5% of the target flow rate), can be caused by the compliance of the syringe walls and to some extent, the microfluidic tubing system. The micromachined sensors are mostly made on silicon or glass substrate. Most of the solid surfaces at the microscale would be imperfections that are full of defects with dimensions larger than the water molecule. The capillary number then would be much more important than the Reynolds number [80]. Electrochemical sensors are mostly studied and often composed of several electrodes that are easy to fabricate together with the microchannels. Although the report did not speculate the reasons for the deviations, this phenomenon could be a direct reflection of the water interactions with the microfluidic channel walls. For almost all flowrate ranges in microfluidics, the Reynold numbers are within 1000, indicating that the flow of interests is within the laminar flow regime. However, it will normally require dual transducers placed in opposite directions or at a certain angle with respect to a reflector. Many studies have been dedicated to the gasliquid mass transfer, particularly to the Taylor flow-related bubble forming, flowing, and separating, [88] oil-in-water emulsions [89], and other phase-separated immiscible fluids such as carbon dioxide dissolving in various fluids [90]. We have seen that there is are a variety of flow rate control solutions when it comes to flow control and flow measurement.
While the miniaturization efforts continue to focus on microfluidics, optofluidics is now a dedicated field for the studies of the combined optics and microfluidics with targeted miniaturized optical integration sensing functions into a single microfluidic chip. The user is able to signal average for data smoothing if desired,and the user can select how frequently the flow rate values are recorded in the data file. As a sound propagation, it will not require direct contact with the fluids that it measures, or it is non-invasive, which is very attractive for microfluidic related medical applications. This flow rate control solution is one of the most widely used in microfluidics. Hence, the light-weighted tube would have a smaller mass than the fluid it measures that simplify the package, and leads to the possibility to measure the fluids at ambient pressure. The fluid is equivalent to a diffuse layer capacitance impedance or the parallel capacitance impedance, and the electrode forms the serial capacitance impedance with the fluid. The microfluidic peristaltic pump uses amechanical rotorto squeeze a flexible tube containing the fluid resulting inalternative compressions and relaxations that will draw in the liquid and result in flow. Drug delivery is another major application for microfluidics [16, 17, 18]. A microwave microfluidic flow sensor is reported [70] to achieve a large dynamic range of 1-300L/min with a high resolution of 1L/min. These package approaches are also similar to the traditional capillary thermal mass flow sensors, where the hot wires are winded onto the surface of a special stainless tube. In a way, associating a pressure source with a flow rate sensor combines the main strengths of syringe pumps and pressure solutions. The cavitation can harvest and release energy upon collapse in the microfluidic process. In this chapter, standalone flow sensor products for microfluidics will be discussed, including the technologies, standards, factors that will impact the performance, integrations, and manufacturability or scalability. The formed flow sensor was placed inside the microfluidic channel. Like the MEMS thermal mass flow sensors, the micro Coriolis mass flow sensor also requires clean fluid. The detailed analyses of the DNA samples become possible. The sensing elements can be metals with a large temperature coefficient such as platinum, nickel, tungsten, or in the case for the process compatibility, doped polycrystalline silicon is used instead. It could also result in good accuracy using a gear pump and high precision Coriolis meter with an accuracy of 0.2% as the reference standard [39]. However, for high volume applications, a faster closed-loop calibration would be preferred. The results showed a measurement of the water flow speed up to 7.8mm/sec and a resolution of 15m/sec with a typical power of 31.6W. The user is able to have the meter signal average for data smoothingif desired, and the user can select how frequently the flow rate value is recorded in the data file. PDMS is a preferred material for microfluidics for its compatibility, and more importantly, it is transparent to microwave with a low loss. The Standard Flow Meter comes with an aqueous calibration, and optional software forcalibrating the meter for different liquid types is available. The micromachined thermal flow sensors structure has no moving parts, and the surface can be treated with various passivation and post-process coating for better reliability.
While in another case, the sensor could also be applied to study the cavitation (Figure 3, right). Water interaction with the solid surface is inevitable, and such interaction will be pronounced as interaction will involve a significant portion of the total volume of the microfluidics. By observing the heat distribution over time, it is able to deduce the fluid velocity and thus the flow rate. To date our community has made over 100 million downloads. Most MEMS foundries have the necessary equipment for manufacturing such sensors, which allows a very favorable cost and makes it possible for high volume applications.
Simultaneously, it is thin enough for the sensitivity of the resonator function needed for the measurements. This chapter will review the currently available products on the market, their microfluidic flow sensing technologies, the technologies with research and development, the major factors impacting flow metrology, and the prospective sensing approaches for future microfluidic flow sensing. In a similar manner, we can also use small tubes in order to draw the liquid through channels. The second component of the flow sensor is the microwave resonator, designed into an open-ended half-wavelength ring resonator with a microstrip structure on a high-performance microwave substrate made of a 35m copper layer on top and bottom surfaces. The same should then apply to microfluidics. The Organs-on-chips[5] approaches utilize microfluidic devices to culture living cells for modeling physiological functions of tissues and organs, making microfluidics a unique tool to enrich our understanding of life sciences and to assist the research and assembly of new drugs. The measured changes in the amplitude are directly proportional to the heat transfer between the microheater and the sensing elements that will provide the mass flowrate similar to the calorimetric or anemometric approach per the data acquisition process. Still, most of them can have uncertainties within 0.1% [35]. Other non-thermal flow sensors are mostly at the research stages. Most of the micro-cantilevers measure microliter per minute flowrate, even though nanoliter per minutes sensitivity was reported, but the required optical readout often makes the fine readings and subsequent digitization a challenge [69]. The fabrication is via the cost-effective conventional printed circuitry board processing. The heat transfer in the thermal time-of-flight configuration is measured by the temperature Twith time tin the flow direction xof non-uniform temperature distribution, determined by the flow mediums conductivity and diffusivity. Because the gravimetric measurement is achieved with high precision balances, the system is a uni-directional open loop. By optimizing the applied voltage frequency, the measured impedance can be well correlated to the flowrate. By making research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the business interests of publishers. The gray colored block will be for thermal isolation. A typical drag force sensor is to utilize a cantilever or a diaphragm [66]. Two temperature sensors are made symmetrically at the up and downstream of the microheater. A micro heater provides a minimal amount of heat to the medium monitored (around 1C). Nevertheless, the sensor build and package limitation will still lead to a non-pure time-of-flight, and calibration will be required to remove those effects. Although the advancement of micromachining in both the process tooling and application technologies greatly enrich the options for microfluidic flow sensing, a capable device is yet to be demonstrated. The processing of the fluids at a small scale also provides fundamental new tools. Moreover, as each sensing elements data can be individually acquired, the sensor can also output any changes in its measured fluid. A special glue was applied to attach the chip to the quartz tubes flat surface, forming a close contact for the required heat transfer. However, it can also be utilized for industrial processing in classic fluidic dynamics. The deviation was further reduced by running the flow at the full scale for another 30minutes (Test D). In practice, many of the devices serving drug infusion are utilizing peristaltic pumps, which have much lower accuracy than the precise syringe pumps [93]. The main advantage of Coriolis mass flow meter is the independency between the measured flow rate and the properties of the liquid. Coriolis mass flow sensing principle has been well documented, and the first commercial product was introduced to the market in 1977 by Micro Motion. The as-calibrated thermal time-of-flight sensor will normally have an accuracy within 1%. It has been proposed that the new ISO standard for the microfluidic shall be having four sub-standards, including flow controlthat addresses the key components of valves, pumps, and sensors for the system; Interfacingthat is to standardize the connectors and other interfaces; modularitythat will regulate the integration and testing methodsthat will define the methodology of the metrology and other related testing issues. However, due to its system issues, its progress is less pronounced. Microfluidic studies have covered a huge spectrum of processes. In order to make the best choice, it is important to consider the following elements: Fluid volume displacement uses mechanical parts to directly displace a certain volume of fluid. The earlier simple passive microfluidic chips having the only microchannels are no longer the mainstream but components of the current devices. On the other hand, as the piezoelectric cannot detect a static flow, piezoresistive is considered a better choice. Therefore, it could also be a type of differential pressure sensing. In a report [78] of an electrical impedance microfluidic flow sensor, the simple two surface electrodes are embedded inside a microfluidic channel. These sensors normally require a higher power to ensure the heat transfer resulting in a small dynamic measurement range and a low accuracy towards the low measurement end. Drug infusion example: left commercial infusion pump (Alaris 8100 ) output at 0.1 mL/hr; and right comparison between the outputs at 20mL/hr by Alaris (red) and a precision syringe pump (blue, KD Scientific Legato 210) measured by a thermal time-of-flight sensor. The long-term driftwas always towards negative directions with a more pronounced deviation at the full-scale flowrate. However, for microfluidics, the options are limited. A fluid is drawn in by the capillary forces and will thus spontaneously start moving [2]. These sensors can be the same flow model, or alternatively, can be different flow models.
And most importantly, with the multiple sensing elements on a single chip, the measurement dynamic range can be substantially extended. This area with a constant heat might promote the interaction between water and any defective sites on the inner channel surface, forming an interface with water-filled pinholes that could percolate laterally, reducing the thermal responses because of the wetted surface condition compared to the dry one at the calibration. Both drag and pressure drop are directly related to the flow velocity. For sub microliter per minute flowrates, laser interferometry has been used as an alternative precise reference for the desired accuracy [38]. In a European Metrology project for drug delivery[92] conducted in 2015, several commercial flow meters with Coriolis, thermal, and differential pressure measurement principles were assessed for metrological performance. The detailed studies on the fluidic handling and flowrates impacted by the fluid and microchannel interactions are not well documented. The calibration setup for a microfluidic meter normally requires a degassing device in serial to the calibration line, and degassing is always performed before the start of calibration [39]. It would difficult to guarantee the consistency of such attachment. These relatively complicated components and the substrate make the process compatibility with the electronics a dilemma. The fluids will move because of the pressure difference, according to a simple relation, similar to Ohms law for electricity (V=RI): In the case of fluid flow, P=RQ. For the microfluidic applications, the microheater is driven with a modulated microheater, the constant heating spot in the flow channel is therefore eliminated. Nevertheless, despite tremendous activities in the past 40years and many applications proven to be feasible, commercialization is limited. The surface acoustic wave flow sensing as a simple yet non-invasive approach is also very promising. A mechanical system, usually actuated by an electrical stepper motor, pushes the syringe filled with liquid at a fixed rate. Figure 5 left plot shows a real-time output of a commercial drug infusion pump Alaris 8100 with a nominal 0.1mL/hr. Flow sensors are likely the ones that can be made with the most versatile technologies and are vastly selectable to the applications. A close to a linear correlation between the phase shift from the delay time and flowrate was established. Therefore, package, interface, and system design will become critical for the devices final footprint, manufacturability, and successful deployment.
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