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startxref 62 0 obj <> endobj <]/Prev 929352>> 0000105331 00000 n 0000043138 00000 n It's reusing time is shorter than the steel shot. 0000005739 00000 n 0000006170 00000 n bV9U+_W+J})K`.>>>>]6_-mOeCi'p Steel Shot's Radioactivity Characteristic, Steel Shot's Pathological Damage Characteristic, Steel sandblasting, large nodular iron casting parts cleaning, Steel sandblasting, medium nodular iron casting parts cleaning, Fitting manufactures cleaning before coating, Shipbuilding Industry steel sandblasting operations, For the purpose of stress relief of all steel materials, At steel sandblasting machines, Steel Grit's Radioactivity Characteristic, Steel Grit's Pathological Damage Characteristic, Dam's pipelines cleaning process before coating, Pipe Manufacturing cleaning before coating, Shipbuilding plates cleaning before painting, Container Manufacturing grit sandblasting, Roughening the tube surface prior to paint. 0000313013 00000 n
0000014151 00000 n 0000041735 00000 n 0000068955 00000 n <<26CC996346B52845B3F69B348D9CDEFE>]>> 1509 49 0000006281 00000 n 0000024740 00000 n endstream endobj 89 0 obj<> endobj 91 0 obj<>/Font<>>>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g )>> endobj 92 0 obj<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>>>> endobj 93 0 obj<> endobj 94 0 obj<> endobj 95 0 obj<> endobj 96 0 obj<> endobj 97 0 obj<> endobj 98 0 obj<> endobj 99 0 obj<> endobj 100 0 obj<> endobj 101 0 obj<> endobj 102 0 obj<> endobj 103 0 obj<> endobj 104 0 obj<> endobj 105 0 obj<>stream xref %PDF-1.5 % 0000087978 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n %%EOF H\j0 BPM FAa 8qyIv`(<6 4BX 1557 0 obj <>stream 0000010542 00000 n %PDF-1.4 % 0 0000034225 00000 n 0000009523 00000 n 0000003249 00000 n 0000004071 00000 n HSMs0W>H}:3-`ANHmC''%4}jvZRBAk7Q``V$i H|#,Qz)Mh>xHj}! 0000001904 00000 n 0000073505 00000 n Steel shot is ideally suited for wheel blast applications because it is a round product that stays mostly round throughout its working life. 0000104388 00000 n
These materials have a lifetime upto 100 hits. 0000009964 00000 n H\@>E- nb~L?0)byiz`'=|'vav4vi}xKX+qvv*(}{xt6Mbqv+N9k;}k/ei|3VO~Mn:6hV-bs ;m* 0000072332 00000 n 0000046373 00000 n 0000048317 00000 n 0000006722 00000 n 0000116854 00000 n 0000140324 00000 n 0000072403 00000 n H\n@E|E/E U,H^Cvb@/eA9C)\wOkf.
endstream endobj 68 0 obj <> endobj 69 0 obj <> endobj 70 0 obj <> endobj 71 0 obj [/ICCBased 98 0 R] endobj 72 0 obj [/Indexed 71 0 R 255 125 0 R] endobj 73 0 obj <> endobj 74 0 obj <> endobj 75 0 obj <> endobj 76 0 obj <>stream 0000001978 00000 n 0000350637 00000 n 0000007453 00000 n 0000006864 00000 n 0000111897 00000 n 0000087777 00000 n SAND REMOVALfrom metal castings, most commonly in a wheel blast, SCALE REMOVALon products manufactured with forging, stamping or heat, SURFACE FINISHINGof parts that require a uniform surface profile or texture, SHOT PEENINGof components to increase their fatigue life or fatigue, High Carbon Steel Shot Safety Data Sheet (SDS). 0000072729 00000 n 0000006741 00000 n 0000009957 00000 n 0000030304 00000 n
0000012942 00000 n xb`````c`c` B@Q9l9^88lR(fqv)*W{MYP%Kec7 ~_sq0 R 0000018621 00000 n For this reason, the steel shots sold at bags with holes will rust in a short time. 0000163844 00000 n 0000009721 00000 n GLOBAL MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIER OF ABRASIVE MEDIA. 0000053909 00000 n 0000089049 00000 n It is sensitive to moisture like steel shot and same cautions should be considered. The product is fully heat-treated and supplied in the quenched and tempered condition. 3e|!-G_OO= 0000121668 00000 n 0000046409 00000 n 0000006167 00000 n 0000359675 00000 n 88 0 obj<> endobj Steel shot cleans by repeatedly pounding the surface. This increases the potential for the shot to impact areas of the work piece that would normally be inaccessible to direct line of sight blasting. You can reach the technical information about steel shot, steel grit and everything about sandblasting at our company!!! 0000077777 00000 n 0000005701 00000 n 0000084041 00000 n 0000002388 00000 n 0000003132 00000 n 62 117
0000003675 00000 n trailer 0000013580 00000 n 0000007224 00000 n j(QXFS){=ga_y$?RGYpV:+ @!W~ @Zm4SU2cXTq%S 0000073205 00000 n 0000117957 00000 n 0000097029 00000 n 0000014200 00000 n Martensitic steel grit is obtained by grinding hardened steel shots of martensite structure and more suitable to be used at air sandblasting system. 0000005147 00000 n 0000005672 00000 n 0000385633 00000 n Steel grit is used mainly for the purpose of removing dirt and rust from the surface quickly and roughening prior to painting. 0000069158 00000 n 0000003892 00000 n hQK(DQ;;QAIr3IMCR1EBGa##d$6wF93| UPfU./dK\emHs/t? 1509 0 obj <> endobj 0000073006 00000 n 0000105913 00000 n 0000011102 00000 n Specific Density: Shall not be less than 7g/cc, Other: <1% non-metallic, Packaging: 2000 lb. %%EOF in 55-gallon drum. 0000001619 00000 n This makes the product very durable with a high resistance to fatigue, allowing for optimal cleaning efficiency. 0000004849 00000 n endstream endobj 1510 0 obj <>/ViewerPreferences<>/Metadata 38 0 R/Pages 37 0 R/StructTreeRoot 40 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 1511 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1512 0 obj <> endobj 1513 0 obj <> endobj 1514 0 obj <> endobj 1515 0 obj <> endobj 1516 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceRGB 77 1541 0 R] endobj 1517 0 obj <> endobj 1518 0 obj <>stream 0000097060 00000 n 0000011709 00000 n 0000140250 00000 n 0000104454 00000 n 0000087493 00000 n 0000112149 00000 n 90 0 obj<>stream 0000004342 00000 n 0000104601 00000 n vYU x6K+ 0000004569 00000 n 0000007484 00000 n 0000069053 00000 n
endstream endobj 77 0 obj <> endobj 78 0 obj <> endobj 79 0 obj <>stream 0000012204 00000 n 0000148228 00000 n 0000012233 00000 n 0000004974 00000 n H\j0l/FL`IZnK} Vl"o:>-kH9$fa6kq};o4L?t)Svyc4&K/sxY{p2wi>01l_|){0Rj/)LmcN>ktMuCs,;?m f0!;qwQ7y5>UuX%;rl-B+\Y=!Sv*4iDjwK. The microstructure for Sigma high carbon steel shot is uniform Martensitic tempered to a degree consistent with the hardness range. All Rights Reserved.
0000011734 00000 n 0000048767 00000 n 6L q'ro Steel Shot which is separated as martensitic and bainitic, is used of steel and cast iron sandblasting. 0000002934 00000 n 0000015138 00000 n H\N0E 0000009190 00000 n Sold or bought steel shots should be considered to be rust-free. 0000006316 00000 n 0000087806 00000 n 0000009243 00000 n 0000027910 00000 n 0 0000011059 00000 n 0000021176 00000 n 0000083934 00000 n 0000084352 00000 n 0000117391 00000 n $h\RC8v 0000111572 00000 n 0000096913 00000 n !K]a$5^& GlIbdad`aaB Rust causes rapid wear on turbine blades during use. 0000007709 00000 n 0000358929 00000 n 0000007743 00000 n D 0000000016 00000 n 0000004381 00000 n 0000117876 00000 n 0000006628 00000 n 0000049765 00000 n startxref 0000005355 00000 n 0000005967 00000 n HSn0+HDM trailer 0000088944 00000 n 0000096530 00000 n 0000121868 00000 n 0000008623 00000 n 0000359302 00000 n 0000117128 00000 n 0000358286 00000 n 67XZ;BpRNOXY7 M,*H""^[nP-X)1pFX[3z j|?*Uj?sTQ1vk ^py\ 0000002640 00000 n 0000002429 00000 n 0000537702 00000 n 0000073622 00000 n 0000072823 00000 n 0000003190 00000 n 0000001780 00000 n x1 04 ~\aW&`'MF[!!= 5 0000014499 00000 n trailer 0000117418 00000 n 88 50 0000104570 00000 n gYpV:+AT|;941(, l 0000012801 00000 n 0000096847 00000 n This guide listing thousands of materials is meant as a reference tool to assist you in designing your production system. 0000359376 00000 n 0000121395 00000 n 0000004122 00000 n This reduces the wear on the wheel blast machines as compared to using steel grit. 0000097134 00000 n 0000350339 00000 n
0000073080 00000 n As the steel shot impacts the surface, it ricochets off the work piece and surrounding structures giving multiple impacts to the surface. 0000002636 00000 n 0000069008 00000 n 0000140176 00000 n However, considering the processing speed, steel grit is much faster than steel shot at providing surface cleaning. 0000005854 00000 n Sigma Steel Shot is manufactured to the SAE J827 Specification for chemistry, hardness and other characteristics and the SAE J444 Specification for sizing. You need to know bulk density to work with any powder or bulk solid. 0000013883 00000 n 0000008573 00000 n W|#5XSkpE5YJVp 390_/LA0S)d 0000010446 00000 n 0000104060 00000 n
0000007588 00000 n 0000164338 00000 n 0000023325 00000 n U|sBRp;O*9?I\ 0000007381 00000 n <<4ccbaa91f66c7d4e87daa5655299de15>]>> %PDF-1.5 % 0000007617 00000 n 0000069084 00000 n 0000002301 00000 n 0000003890 00000 n 0000358565 00000 n xref ]ozOd(j$eTDO+b%VFhe: !hYS585m`')^dQEwxj.!1h8~E;Nsi(G3 0000072080 00000 n endstream endobj 63 0 obj <>>> endobj 64 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 65 0 obj <> endobj 66 0 obj <>stream 0000358639 00000 n 0000122167 00000 n 0000009737 00000 n Acrylonitrile Butadien Styrene (Abs) Resin, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (Abs) Granules, Calcined Alumina, Aluminum Oxide Cerium Oxide, Calcium Carbonate, Georgia Marble Gamasperse, Chopped Hd Polyethylene (Recycled, Flake-Like), Chopped Wire Copper, Aluminum, And Insulation, Copolymer Of Styrene And Isobutyl Acid Maleate, Grand Gourmet Pre-Mix (90% Soya Flour, 10% Vitamins), Gum Premix (Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum, Kappa Carragenan), Manganese Dioxide, Graphite, Potash Liquid Mix, Midlings (Ground Copper Wire & Insulation), Oil Saturated Clay (Fines Fromoil Well Drilling Solids), Perlite (Sodium Potassium Alluminum Silicate), Phenolic Novolac Thermalsetting Molding Compound, Pie Crust Mix (Bran Meal, Sugar, Shortening), Pine Shavings With 5% Alpha Dry Paper Squares, Pop Corn Meal & Cracked Pop Corn Mix (50/50), Potassium Chloride (Blended With 1.2% Cabosil), Powder Salt Mix, Flavoring,Sodium Bicarbonate, Protein Drink Mix Whey, Sweetener, Nutrients, Quick-Solid Absorbant (Sodium Polyacrylate), Sodium Cmc (Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Steatite (85% Talc, 5% Kaolin, 10% Feldsar), Titanium Dioxide, Diatomaceous Earth Mixture, Vermiculite, Steel Wool, Graphite Mixture, Water Softener Salt Pettets, 99.6% Pure Salt, Wood Ul & Sodium Hydroxide-Calkali Cellulose. }o{q`[:hh\mP. 0000001304 00000 n 0000003794 00000 n 0000078025 00000 n 0000350068 00000 n For this reason steel grit is more economical. 0000147149 00000 n 0000006362 00000 n 0000012919 00000 n ?N0PC%,wgfR 0000117806 00000 n Bainitic steel shot's reuse time is more than the martensitic steel shot. 0000121841 00000 n It is more economical when compared to other blasting medias, evaluating the number of reuse. 0000015492 00000 n /a&JQ4qK$Dn@"Ry>3zo~4.slCyaXY2[Zv`>Vko>ffK}7viz7^nR_eiUt-MeCo 0000004894 00000 n 0000359003 00000 n 0000006752 00000 n It is sensitive to moisture and corrosion may happen. xref 0000010382 00000 n xb``b``g`e`|SbPh@CH]v,@^ `Y \lsg0>a`P6``a.=L-T3\9Xrk^s~00803dW/gR`>zC3ypG1_|4#0 72 0000147635 00000 n 0000088975 00000 n 0000385884 00000 n 0000140651 00000 n 0000002549 00000 n 178 0 obj <>stream Because the bulk density of a substance varies greatly depending on how the material has been handled, the information contained in this reference tool should be used for estimation purposes only. 0000002345 00000 n "$~$?WxCm5j\+r5XdvdC j|a"_/|a _/9Og-{YeKpS)r.pS)g8sMysoJOS&^*2S1Jn>gsy%D58TOO xF[ Steel shot can be used at the air and turbine system sandblasting machines. 0000112079 00000 n &%Ks\K%[#;do"Yg\yYve-8z:x:>8:;8xA0^/)5 0000386365 00000 n 0000009056 00000 n 0000053917 00000 n Due to its structure this blasting media damages the turbine wings very quickly and gives harm to turbine system sandblasting machines. 0000013203 00000 n 0000072492 00000 n 0000007924 00000 n 0000140896 00000 n 0000001830 00000 n Use tab to navigate through the menu items. 0000140706 00000 n 0000312644 00000 n 0000003140 00000 n 0000032922 00000 n 0000008484 00000 n 0000001296 00000 n 0000001702 00000 n 0000363187 00000 n 0000146515 00000 n 0000012468 00000 n
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