Commodity liner manufacturers do this to reduce the price of the liner, but only advertise the sidewall thickness which can be misleading. To login, enter your email address and password below. '
' + PVC makes up 50%-60% of the total raw ingredients. }. Copyright 2022 plastic filler used in these cheaper liners severely decreases the strength and life of the liner. 0000162728 00000 n if (g1 == 'PGDesc5') { 0000220570 00000 n padding: 0; 0000226266 00000 n } document.getElementById('ProductNewReviewsContent').style.display = 'block'; Liner Guard, also known as Liner Pad or Pool Liner Felt, helps to protect your liner, cushioning it and creating a softer pool bottom. 0000218682 00000 n .mss-slide { ga('send', 'pageview');
g1Test = PGDesc3; 0000118322 00000 n 0000229364 00000 n
Contact us with any questions! 0000229216 00000 n 0000006686 00000 n 0000278585 00000 n break; g1Test = PGDesc2; Available for the following swimming pool sizes: 15'x30', 18'x33', 18'x40' and 21'x43' Oval. Doughboy liners protect the sidewall and bottom of the liner from tears, rips, punctures, and holes caused by foreign objects in the soil, objects on clothing, windblown objects, lawn care debris, and entry system (ladders and step) contact on the bottoms and sidewalls. var PGDesc4 = 'Choice1'; 0000049113 00000 n background-color: #333; 0000218904 00000 n Save on In-Stock & Ready to Ship Above Ground Pools, Lomart 21'x41' Oval Sunset Cove 48"-84" Variable Depth Overlap 30GA Liner. /** H\@EyZv/~nA.qbR:1 1.|uN'{+/w]N*1>Nv/u:Se\ Y>?]xu>[,TsxzY5!fcrus&UR58:Gv|no3w Q2uPqSZv~-5]jL02Q yh C%m2. /],]4$. document.getElementById("example-show").style.display = 'block'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; document.getElementById("example-hide").style.display = 'block'; We love to pump it, filter it, heat it, chlorinate it, light it up and stare at it while we're barbequing a fat, juicy steak. if (paint_type_radio[i].checked) { Hi, I have a Doughboy above ground pool and am trying to locate a replacement liner with the following dimensions: The Swimming Pool Forums Lners made by Doughboy (HII) are Premium above ground pool liners which are heavier than many in-ground liners sold today. break; (function() { + clazzNam); Just like an inch is an inch, so to is a mil. var TurnToChatterSku = "163112"; var qaTabPos = TurnTojQuery('#qatabposition'); 0000150266 00000 n Doughboy liners are manufactured with heavier vinyl material and will last 50% to 90% longer than commodity liners. } This item is part of a package or an upgrade or add-on option. if (TurnTojQuery('#TTinputTeaserQCust1').val().length == 0) { // $('#sell_content').find("li a").eq(4).trigger("click") } if (document.getElementById(shID)) { if (xmlHttp2.readyState==4 || xmlHttp2.readyState=="complete") and is a, Excellent pre-sale and after-sale service, Provides regular training on product line, Includes retail websites in their dealer locator.
0000255825 00000 n 0000282753 00000 n var decimal = parseInt(rating.substring(2, 3)) + clazzNam); } if (g1 == 'PGDesc2') { Be the first! */ 0000228753 00000 n
paint_type = paint_type_radio[i].value; and is marketed as 20 gauge and is closer to a 12 mil thickness, while the Doughboy 18' printed liner weighs 75 lbs and is a, A Perma 2500 series weighs 46 lbs and is marketed as a 25 gauge and is closer a 15 mil, while the Doughboy Expandable 18' printed vinyl liner weighs 84 lbs. 0000282605 00000 n
Swimming pool information, pool care, pool water discussion forums & swimming pool problem help, Postby Brent2666 Mon 07 Mar, 2022 11:12, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. 0000004948 00000 n function rrqp(LayerName) { gtag('config', 'G-ZBEYLL99D3'); 3osymd-2V1O{|tR/iy/3d?gR' w}@JN9M#eFaNd \ endstream endobj 91 0 obj <>>> endobj 92 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>>>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 93 0 obj <> endobj 94 0 obj <> endobj 95 0 obj <>stream
0000218830 00000 n if (e.which == 13) { 0000138167 00000 n 0000271284 00000 n ga('create', 'UA-15696520-1', '');
} 0000005694 00000 n 0000249307 00000 n In the marketplace today there are really only two general gauges; standard gauge and heavy gauge. var turnToConfig = { 0000017125 00000 n
Plasticizer (petroleum-based oil) is another key ingredient that makes up 35%-40% of the total raw ingredients. Typically raw material plasticizer costs are 4-5 times more per pound than calcium carbonate.

: "s") + ' and ' + data.counts.a + ' answer' + (data.counts.a == 1 ? "" 0000019239 00000 n Our guys have seen thousands of pools in their careers, no exaggeration. Inert Materials (calcium carbonate a.k.a. 0000220935 00000 n 0000218756 00000 n document.getElementById('ProductNewQA').style.borderBottom = '1px solid #D9D9D9'; 0000271136 00000 n (See our Email Privacy Policy for details.) xmlHttp2.send(null); Both incur the same cost for installation, water and labor. font-size: 16px; Typically raw material plasticizer costs are 4-5 times more per pound than calcium carbonate. 0000278733 00000 n var paint_type; 0000282253 00000 n ' ' + })(); clickReviewsTabFromTeaser(); That's equivalent to an inground pool liner thickness. #sticky { tt.src = document.location.protocol + "//" + turnToConfig.siteKey + "/turnto-chatter.js"; Our heavy gauge liners are the thickest above ground pool liners on the market today surpassing our standards for thickness and wear. document.getElementById('ProductNewQAContent').style.display = 'block'; Our CaliMar brand above ground pools which are manufactured by the same company who makes Doughboy pool and liners.
0000225313 00000 n 0000004817 00000 n 0000386687 00000 n 0000281818 00000 n 0000007740 00000 n } 0000223428 00000 n document.getElementById('ProductNewQAContent').style.display = 'none'; 0000285495 00000 n Doughboy liners, with increased levels of plasticizer, will remain flexible during the life of the liner providing a wrinkle-free installation and minimizing UV fading. document.getElementById("TurnToReviewsTeaser2").innerHTML = html; This ingredient determines the flexibility of the liner and increases its chemical resistance and life span. 0000010700 00000 n '
All Pool types are 0000279594 00000 n case "ProductNewQA": }); font-weight:normal; Very limited stock due to 2021 Covid Production Restrictions. 0000285569 00000 n TurnTojQuery('#TTinputTeaserClear').hide(); Doughboy liners are typically 40% to 80% heavier in both weight and thickness. Commodity liners typically last 2-5 years."GET", url , true); 40%-80% heavier in both weight and thickness, Same weight and thickness on both the sidewall and the bottom, Made of a heavier vinyl material and will last 50%-90% longer, Protect the sidewall and bottom of the liner from tears, rips, punctures and holes, With higher levels of plasticizer, will remain flexible throughout the life of the liner, providing wrinkle-free installation and minimizing UV fading, An 18' printed vinyl commodity liner Perma 2000 series weighs 41 lbs. 0000285061 00000 n Commodity liners typically have thicker, heavier sidewall than bottoms. var iteasers = TurnTojQuery("." (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Learn more >. if (pool_shape_radio[i].checked) { } function showHide(shID) { a.TTwriteReview:link {color: #0990ba; text-decoration:none;} var pool_shape_radio = document.getElementsByName('pool_shape'); 0000364143 00000 n 0000005720 00000 n When comparing the purchase of Doughboy liners to commodity liners (calculated over the life span of the liner), Doughboy liners usually last 10-15 years. document.getElementById('ProductNewReviewsContent').style.display = 'none'; : 'S') + ')' + // example 2: 0000118172 00000 n function stateChanged2() fbq('init', '297727247768561'); : "s")) + '') : '') + '