Have your login data on hand and log directly into your customer portal via our website. Together with them, Zentek will continue not only strengthening the Dual System Zentek but also furthering the companys progression towards an all-round service provider for mid-sized business operators. If all these requirements are fulfilled, the packaging participates in a dual system. Sie gelten als "Erstinverkehrbringer", der sich im ffentlichen Melderegister LUCID registrieren muss. of the Stiftung ear and/or bringing it to industrial accumulation locations, Zentek digital This so-called data reporting obligation applies continuously: Thus, all changes made at LUCID or at the dual system must be transferred to the respective other entity. Das Verpackungsgesetz gilt fr Produzenten, Importeure und Online-Hndler, die Waren in Verpackungen fr private Endverbraucher in Deutschland erstmals in den Verkehr bringen. Step 4: Determine the weight of the individual packaging components. for certain pollutant-containing filling goods. In this context, the following rule of thumb applies: If the individual components can be separated manually, it is possible to assign them to the individual material fractions. You participate your packaging in the dual system BellandDual. If no packaging blanks are available for weighing, the filled packaging must be emptied of residues by squeezing, emptying or rinsing. If a package is labelled exclusively with the name and brand of the producer/filler, then it is a so-called "industrial brand" and the producer/filler is a distributor subject to system participation. Sustainability and the climate are occupying more and more space in public discourse. Corrugated boxes with the most vivid prints. Service packaging is packaging that is only filled at the point of sale - i.e.
more .
As an affected company, you can license your packaging quickly and easily in just a few steps with the help of our partner.
all times. The packaging that a first distributor places on the German market must be licensed with a dual system (e.g.
Use the quick check of the Central Office to find out quickly and easily whether your packaging is subject to system participation. Flexible packaging , In order to avoid possible sanctions for incorrect system participation, we have prepared an information sheet for your assistance. Envelopes , In the case of violations such as complete non-compliance or incorrect implementation, the ZSVR reports the violation to the relevant state authorities. In addition, the company must enter the licensed packaging volumes as well as the name of the dual system with which it licenses its packaging in LUCID (for more on this, see "What is a dual system?" The fee is paid to one of the dual systems accredited private companies that ensure that packaging waste goes through waste management and recycling processes. For more info about Lizenzero and the German Packaging Act 2019, check out The Jetpack podcast episode where Packhelp talks with Jeannette Dinh, Digital Marketing Manager at Lizenzero. It takes care of the licensing, collecting, sorting, The new Packaging Act (VerpackG) came into force on 03 July 2021,it has been adapted to the current EU Directive 94/62/EC and applies only in theFederal Republic of Germany. Any company that sends goods placed in sales packaging for the first time (product packaging, mail-order packaging and service packaging) to German private customers has to contribute to the costs of collecting, sorting and recycling the packaging waste that is created by paying a licence fee.
This includes the following types of packaging: Sales packaging is typically offered as a sales unit consisting of goods and packaging and serves to protect goods during sale and to hand them over safely to consumers (e.g. and recycling of your product packaging. Interseroh+ GmbH (hierzu gehrt Lizenzero), Der Grne Punkt Duales System Deutschland GmbH. Shipment packaging is explicitly considered sales packaging and is therefore subject to system participation, if it typically accumulates as waste at the private end consumer. Shipping boxes , We also make Our
To this end, the companies must participate in a dual system by paying a licence fee and a participation fee. Companies fulfill this so-called system participation obligation (or "licensing obligation") by concluding a license agreement via the online store of the respective dual system, specifying their packaging volumes. Packaging licensing has been a legal requirement since as early as 1991 under the Packaging Ordinance issued at that time. It should be noted that all packaging must be licensed both product packaging and shipping packaging including filling and padding materials. xref
Product packaging , The only difference is that the Packaging Act created the Central Body as a control authority that monitors the activities of all market players in detail and with which every manufacturer must register in addition to system participation.
. That company must then fulfil all legal obligations arising from the VerpackG. On the administrative level, there is the threat of fines of up to EUR 200,000 as well as further sanctions such as the skimming of profits made.
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You must report the quantities of packaging actually placed on the market by you in the previous calendar year to us as well as to the Central Office on an annual, quarterly or monthly basis. Even though a company must both license its packaging volumes with a dual system and report them in LUCID, the two bodies are fundamentally different and perform different tasks. 0000000816 00000 n
The quantity per fraction actually placed on the market must be reported to the dual system on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Waste collection directly from the place of accumulation anywhere in Germany, with a personal contact person, and with comprehensive reporting, Disposal of transport packaging with Interseroh through the Lizenzero online shop) by paying a licence fee. Packhelp's range of recyclable packaging solutions. The decisive factor is the manufacturer's information on the packaging. The constantly growing flood of packaging waste nonetheless is emerging as a pressing issue around the globe. Do you have any questions or comments about our website, products or services. At more than 430 locations on two continents, we are there for our customers and, in Europe and the USA, we set ourselves the task every day of developing innovative solutions that enable us to close loops and thus conserve resources. No, any packaging that is commercially placed on the market and that typically accumulates as waste in private households must be licensed. For this purpose, German private households have the "free" disposal options of the paper bin, the yellow bag / the yellow bin as well as public containers for used glass. The Dual System Zentek was founded in 2008. Everything you need to know about system participation for online traders can be found here: Dual system - Info for online retailers, BellandVision GmbH and "What to do's have to be completed at the dual system?"). However, this system participation obligation for manufacturers, traders and importers is not new. It takes care of the licensing, collecting, sorting, and recovery of your product packaging. Elegant packaging adds value to your customers' purchase, Bio-degradable cosmetic packaging: Coexist, The Daily Struggles of Owning A Small Business, 10 Brands that do Instagram Packvertising Right, 5 Brand Inspirations For Your Packaging Design, 12 Packaging Industry Podcasts To Improve Your Business, The Act affects all manufacturers and retailers that sell packaged goods to consumers in Germany so it applies to companies. services from one single source. Sie mssen sich vor dem Inverkehrbringen von Verpackungen registrieren und die Verpackungen bei einem bundesweiten Rcknahmesystem fr gebrauchte Verkaufsverpackungen (Systembetreiber) lizenzieren. of product packaging to comply with the legal To do this, you can easily use our online licence calculator: With just a few clicks, you can first determine your licence costs without any obligation - with the option for the ensuing licensing of your packaging.
It is the task of the dual systems to collect used packaging from private end consumers at home, sort it and then recycle it in the best possible way. The importer who purchases goods abroad (purchase ex works): In this case, the importer (this can also be the trade or a distribution company of the producer located abroad) is considered the manufacturer and is liable to participate in the system. Zenteks goals are to provide, from one single source, all of the ecologically oriented services envisioned by the new Packaging Act and to foster recycling in Germany. 0000000896 00000 n
Participation in the dual system BellandDual works in three simple steps: 1. They also contain all the important information about contents and - depending on the design - are intended to encourage consumers to buy. This transparency is intended to ensure that violations of the law are punished efficiently. There are a total of eleven dual systems in Germany: Together, the dual systems ensure that packaging waste is properly collected, sorted and recycled. The Central Agency Packaging Register was already actively imposing penalties in summer 2019. 0000000016 00000 n
Any company that places goods in sales packaging for the first time, imports them into Germany and sends them to German end-users or sells them within Germany is considered the initial distributor and has to comply with the VerpackGs obligations. As an affected company, you can license your packaging quickly and easily in just a few steps with the help of our partner Lizenzero - the online shop for packaging licensing operated by Interserohs dual system and take care of this process completely online. Please note that from 1 July 2022, all manufacturers who place packaged goods on the market in Germany - irrespective of whether the packaging rejects are generated as waste by private end consumers - must register with the Central Body. The VerpackGs obligations apply from the very first piece of packaging placed on the market. If you exceed certain de minimis limits, you must also submit a declaration of completenessto the Central Body that has been verified by a neutral expert. 2. and
These must take place at two different points: at a dual system of choice and in the LUCID reporting register, provided by the Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR). Rigid boxes , In the case of imports, the decisive factor is who imports the packaging into the scope of the Packaging Act, i.e. 0000002107 00000 n
In other words: sales packaging, which includes product packaging, mail-order packaging (including filing and padding materials) and service packaging. Shipping packaging for brands that care about the environment. This applies to every single company regardless of its size - and notably includes licensing (or participation) in a dual system. By licensing the packaging they place on the market, the companies fulfill the product responsibility they hold for their packaging.
Take advantage of an exclusive 10% discount for licensing your packaging now in cooperation with Packhelp and make sure that you are on the right side of the law!
All kinds of packaging that ultimately end up with and have to be disposed of by German end-users must be licensed. Step 2: Empty out residues of the packaging. No. Zentek has been active on the waste management market for more than 20 years. Furthermore, small craft businesses as well as agricultural businesses are also included. In order to avoid free riders and to eliminate the missing control possibility, the legislator also created the authority Central Agency Packaging Register together with the registration register LUCID with the Packaging Act. Bundles , From 2025, the Packaging Act also stipulates the reuse of recycled materials. The background to this is the product responsibility of manufacturers and distributors for their packaging anchored in the Packaging Act and the resulting regulation of comprehensive take-back, recovery and deposit obligations. In order to be able to allocate the packaging components to the corresponding material fractions, the packaging must be broken down into the individual packaging components. Therefore, as a dual system, we are not allowed, for example, to carry out the registration and data reporting in LUCID for our customers. The dual system must be notified of the registration number that you were emailed after completing the registration process described in point 1 so that the ZSVR can check that your company is meeting its obligations. In addition, every distributor must license its packaging with a dual system.
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