It fills minor blemishes in the rusted metal very well and that's a big labor saver. HX.#{z%pe92wmFL~2Vuo;JYj'[24F~6F|PQGj[9j/n+H'%`xpn6QJ`UFTChB 0000000016 00000 n /* 468x60, created 12/5/09 */ For heavier rust keep the surface wet up to 2 hours or until rust is removed. You get a bit dirty from the splashback when using a pressure washer in an enclose space like this under the hood. <<4AFB228AF6429B4EA54FBCFD00A58C2B>]>> NOTE: Metal surfaces cleaned with AquaKlean should always be treated with RustBlast before painting to ensure proper adhesion. Using Rustblast like this would seem to be a good way to cleanly remove rust from smaller projects however. H|r@} QsbGi`%cD,vPI!fE8 Required fields are marked *. Apply Rust Blast and allow to stand for 20 minutes then rinse completely with water and allow the surface to dry. Please check your location or contact us so we can see what we can do about it. Rust Blast is water-based, non-flammable, biodegradeable and non-corrosive, yet is still efficient enought to etch surfaces and leave behind a zinc phosphate coating for adhesion promotion. I don't recall reading about anything other than the 3 containers of product in the KBS frame coater kit. SprayMax 3680061, 2K Urethane Glamour Clear Coat, Aerosol, Malco Perfect 10 Fast Drying Spray (12 oz. I still see a very practical application for Rustblast that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere in the KBS Coatings materials.
1 Litre $27.50 .af-body input.image{border:none!important;} 0000003217 00000 n
I think the primary objective of using Rustblast is to prepare the rusty metal to receive the Rustseal rust paint, so I won't be obsessed with removing all the rust. AquaKlean is water-based and can be diluted up to 10 times its volume. is 6. MAXIFILL LIGHTWEIGHT bodyfiller - Gallon. I think the websites even describe the brown rusty look. It is easy to use and will not soften dull or discolor finishes. 0000004232 00000 n
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M'}nL|gcrZN:V[w-a0#x I still have about 2/3 of the bottle left. We Guarantee a Minimum of a 2 Year Shelf Life. Tack-free formula. .af-element label{text-align:left;display:block;float:left;} C>[bR~\+Rz3wM3EvPlctY6a56 C!&lX$@H _$-17WRysoVdh4|7N}yb5s{Y;sg{6Ih"/0w_:IbsvZCZb&K%]o9wL#LvpDW#amDD.zVX;xYg$n$4]fyyscdACV]Z4XgZX n2z=_cmj vu} ^(DX w:It81*L=3L;=IVL3C3c9{F,DCzT^.h all the rust preventers i have ever used you have to leave air dry usually overnight sort of thing, i have never rinsed them off with water. qq~?WO(}_l=*c `dFeOCd-*-O,"b-^\F]IuN4]&r*B&Q
1\B)Sb (s:1j>tRit$VRiDA"$AM%2o9XJ(r 9"7A*::2F@%t6o ^Mme_{e.~i+U/^)/Y2 !8'ZjV'urB35j9;hB *a1aWBg][)xDy?J:mySLsWmn~,;"&j'%*ZPs#Qqney9]Gm~*~QQaba }Zy/tP.."p9;+sIu%+m9` AquaKlean deeply penetrates and removes stubborn soil from most surfaces leaving no residues, noxious odours, or flammable solvents. #af-form-1809764468{overflow:auto;} Cleaning projects have never been easier! Effective dilution rates will vary according to the type and degree of contaminants as well as surface materials. {m
8@=e+`B4|p!-b*?hy:%>6:fdJ%QW(*7/KXYXb0#+4snqlYu [ Finish without pores. ULTRA BUILD is a unique high build primer filler providing excellent adhesion to many difficult substrates including plastics and aluminum. For heavy-duty cleaning, extended soaking times up to 24 hours or more may be necessary. 0000007652 00000 n
Edited by fuzzypumper, 05 January 2018 - 06:57 PM. input.submit{padding:2px 4px;} %
I only did one. xref
Rust Remover also improves welding conductivity! .af-clear{clear:both;} body { Since they recommend doing 2 coats of Rustseal, one pair wasn't enough for 2 coats. The part that wasn't rusty was because of being greasy. Use to prevent terminal corrosion and waterproof ignition system hinges springs and casters, Pro2KClear Aerosol 500ML is a high-performance 1K Clearcoat which gives a crystal clear finish that can be applied overall water and solvent-based basecoats and is ideal for smart repairs has 20% more product than competitive. Use a bristle brush or scouring pad to expedite the cleaning of heavily soiled surfaces. Just soak with, or even brush-on, Rust Blast. For Ferrous Metal Surfaces: Surface to be treated should be free or dirt, oil, grease, and other contaminants. You'll find the KBS rust paint doesn't flow well using standard square tipped brushes, especially in seams and tight corners. Also it does need to be completely dry between stages. Good luck with it. I've used both the KBS and POR versions and they both do the same thing. Scrubbing the frame with any cleaner alone is entirely impractical. There will always be a light rusty coloured haze is some spots buts part of the keying. Scrape off any loose rust, paint, and mill scale then clean with KBS Klean Surface Cleaner, use of other cleaners may leave behind invisible residue which may inhibit Rust Blast from working properly. v#57GA c?H7)>P e|=8`O6bL:kG?"eik#oegO&X%G:iE$.a+i\92B85[(XYK`,c3QogS:oO]%%L} You'll need to be careful painting around things like this.{overflow-x:hidden;} 40 0 obj<>stream
Its just changing color slightly from the phosophoric acid reaction with the air, absolutely nothing to worry about, coat away. if you have large area of white phosphate build up and you rub finger and leaves white on your finger, spot scourer it again blast and rinse again. %%EOF
I opened it right away to check the contents and found it contained a few more items than I was expecting. 0000004551 00000 n
I just had 2 door shells minus skins blasted and picked them up and drove straight home and painted the inside with KBS satin on the fresh clean blasted surface, went on nice and smooth with a brush. #af-form-1809764468 .buttonContainer input.submit{background-image:url("");background-position:top left;background-repeat:repeat-x;background-color:#9b0000;border:1px solid #9b0000;color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:14px;font-family:Verdana, sans-serif;} <>
Some of the water that comes back at you could have sand or other nasty bits in it. endstream
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I kept spraying the Rustblast on every 3-5 minutes or so. Par for the course when it comes to engine compartments. Zh&nP+$sE6=M|Y.+b}F846^O;,m!S(3-avm2K68Wq;Lt2;(b& Y5D>wF;I;b(IAS->Al[/S?.ZCYesH{(?_^;9P oG/; >J*yX/_V ^o.W
* Edited by Shtstr, 05 January 2018 - 10:18 PM. FMKl `Zc^7qFvwiznJtsz;YxZt!G5q9bG] For all new, smooth or shiny metal surfaces, we recommend a light scuffing with 400 grit sandpaper followed by AquaKlean and RustBlast systems. 3 0 obj #af-form-1809764468 div{margin:0;} Edited by Shtstr, 05 January 2018 - 10:16 PM. 0000000876 00000 n //-->.
0000009885 00000 n It left my inner fender wells looking like new and didn't harm the paint. }, Get a Free ebook on Restoration Tips For Vintage Classic Cars, 1964 Chevrolet showroom and dealer literature, The rust paint process using the KBS Rust Seal. 250mls $13.50 For Non-Ferrous Metal Surfaces (such as brass, aluminum, and copper): Surface to be treated should be free or dirt, oil, grease, and other contaminants. .af-quirksMode .af-element{padding-left:0!important;padding-right:0!important;} Interesting produt by the way. fwGo-0tv0=3q$eI< L V+^`uCX+_tj'Wt2P N-5Z-4N JrC9xF)ZZ4.E.g!Lq-w^$V(gaO jB I didn't have much daylight to play with each day so I worked on this every day after work, then took Friday off to get the frame coated with the KBS rust paint. %PDF-1.5 Universal light bodyfiller. I'll do the final wash with Aquakleen on Friday morning before hitting it with the KBS Rustblast and then the final rust paint process with Rustseal. \SE(IW9-$/Q`n']z1Awr:~sc4 They recommended a 1 to 1 ratio for heavy buildup which I tried first but it just didn't cut some of the old thick grease the pressure washer didn't get off. FWIW I was just reading another thread "Paint grip 253" (sorry can't copy the link) and it refers to the browning of the metal as the reaction and not rust. #af-form-1809764468 .af-quirksMode{padding-right:20px;padding-left:20px;} &(PA1Wp=Nj\S!D.n!x a1 K5`a*y|P#q@KD"/m4|6XAlkw7Qf)oNOl}XC67Q29V w|y=qzFA_Y{Nb_J]T3[b=0#. Safe to use on any painted surface. 0 Maybe the active ingredient in it is causing the flash rust?
ContactUs, #af-form-1809764468 .af-body .af-textWrap{width:98%;display:block;float:none;} #af-form-1809764468 .af-body{padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:2px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom left;color:inherit;font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana, sans-serif;} +A~;`&l[ /Bq-o fN!>;Pg_f `yqcx>Fk\)j;Yr8A8PJEb\Yr)a,)f google_ad_width = 468; AquaKlean may be used in power washing equipment. Minimum quantity for "Malco Perfect 10 Fast Drying Spray (12 oz.)"