There is no money to be made by a distributor re selling it anyway. We're sorry, we are unable to accept Mastercard's that start with the new 2 prefix at the beginning of your card number. I like walking into a local store and grabbing it as needed We also were using it in temps as low as 40 degrees and blowing winds, so we have not seen any negatives at this point. Im not trying to save money or avoid the middle man so much as I am trying to cut down on run off. That still doesnt necessarily people enjoy the smell. However, it will not have the smell masking capabiliies that Gain does. The products used are both commercial manufactured products, not DIY combinations of raw ingredients. Its also the perfect amount needed to use with the ProTool Clevers 7-gallon sodium hypochlorite tank. Awesome surfactant. When professionals think of soft washing roofs and siding, the top cleaning chemical used is a professional-grade 12.5% sodium hypochlorite, or bleach, mixed with water. My big blunder was partially my fault because I used a different chemical manufacturer because the job was on an commercial orchard and I could only use products on an approved list.
Bought it 2 weeks ago used it this past week. It does seem to mask the Chlorine smell somewhat. This oxygen-based system starts to work only as it is first mixed and applied with water to the roof surface. Check before mixing surfactants that they are compatible. Your email address will not be published. This is where a surfactant comes into play.
But sodium hydroxide is a fine product to use for cleaning tile, concrete or slate roof materials. For reasons unknown to me, she stopped calling it Apple Butter, and renamed it Gription. This is where the ProTool Post Wash comes to the rescue! (verified owner) August 5, 2021. We use it everyday now, no excuse not to! Now, I am sharing my latest discovery, Ultra Gain Green Original Scent Liquid Dishsoap with every roof cleaner. At the end of the day we rinse out the leftovers of the empty Dawn/Gain bottles into a five gallon bucket. 8" snow today has slowed my immediate plans to shoot another roof anytime soon over here in Western PAWe will have to content ourselves with a rebuild on our box truck. Im cheeky sometimes, but Ill agree with you, Im also a nobody. All pressure washing services in between!
These black streaks are unsightly and, if left untreated, will literarily eat the singles apart, since the algae consumes the limestone as it grows. Yes, but you avoided the middle man and saved money. However, smart soft washing professionals know that to efficiently and safely soft wash roofs, siding, and other surfaces, additional products are needed.
Surfactants are surface acting agents that work by reducing the surface tension of water, which helps it spread out more evenly. If you mix an anionionic surfactant with a cationic surfactant (basically a +charge with a -charge) they will swap ions to balance the charge and polymerise into a semi solid goop that can glue your pump shut. KINGS KLING gives you more clean for your coin! In fact, The Gain is SUPERIOR, for roof cleaning use, to straight Ammonyx based Surfactants, and here is why.
Try it. Original Scent Green Liquid Gain Dishwashing Soap works, it works very well, and will not eat your mix up. My pump seemed to be pretty happy with it, plus my pump gets flushed with 20-30 gallons of fresh water after every roof job, even if Im going straight to another one. It is also strongly scented. Your email address will not be published.
Smells terrific! Hello Chet, good to see you back posting again! To some, a soft wash is just the fact that they are just using increased gpm (gallons per minute) of water to flush cleaning solutions off the roof instead of using a high psi (pounds per square inch) of water pressure to rinse the chemicals off or, as others call it, a low pressure wash. While water can do a lot toward protecting plants and metal fixtures and ornaments during soft washing, your safest best is to neutralize any soft washing runoff that may be left on the plants. NOT. Lori was soon copied by some distributors I also told about the RCIA Research into Chlorine stable surfactants, and the Discoveries we made. I will ttry anything as long as it works. Bleach also does not remove dirt and grime. I do think its very important to know and understand the active chemicals within those products. Heres the other thread that really got me thinking: Limestone is one of the major reasons Gloeocapsa Magma, or roof algae, has become a more noticeable problem to home owners and a boon to roof washers. Billy Jensen, of H2o Pressure Washing in New Port Richey Florida found Lauramine Oxide, that is sold under the trade name Ammonyx LO. Bleach kills organic matter like Gloeocapsa Magma algae, mold, mildew, moss, and lichen, which are the primary types of growth that need to be removed during soft washing. Lol, at least your chosen name would suggest that. Those that try to bad mouth another contractors methods should be careful or may find that in just a very few years that his own prefect method has become the wrong way to do it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
The dark coloration seen is the protective UV covering of the algae as it spreads. If used at high concentrations and left to sit on asphalt shingles, sodium hypochlorite can cause deterioration to them just like bleach does to clothes fibers with repeated washings. Linda Chambers s Brand and Sales Manager for Soap Warehouse, where she has worked since 2007. (verified owner) August 3, 2021. I like cheap and simple guys, grab it off the shelf, as needed, mix it in your tank, and go clean something, with change left over from a 10 spot! Houston Pressure Washing Equipment & Supplies. We thought it knocked down the smell too, but I was more concerned with chlorine compatability. In fact, The Gain is SUPERIOR, for roof cleaning use, to straight Ammonyx based Surfactants, and here is why. No doubt I will stop buying $75 per gallon Green Apple for scent masking because this stuff knocks down the chlorine scent dramaticly. But even sodium percarbonate is mined from the ground as Trona, and has chemical treatments to purify it. Because it is concentrated, you can use less KINGS KLING and still get great results. Their sales rep recommended two of their products be used together, the biocide and the wetting agent. Ive been using nothing but Roof Snot (tried Cling-On, but didnt like it as much), except for the time I ran out and had no choice but to use a bunch of Gain (which actually cost MORE because I had to use more of it), since day 1. When is the best time to post on Facebook cleaning business pages? This relatively new player to the game is gaining ground with contractors pushing a green environmentally-friendly business focus. Using Kings Kling surfactant: Whether you are mixing it directly into your bleach tank or using a surfactant tank and running through the Dougenator, mix at 1 ounce per gallon of bleach or water. The problem with sodium hydroxide is that if it is not completely removed from the surface even after it has dried it can be activated again and, once wet, continues its normal chemical reaction on petroleum based products.
Also, I need to note that a small amount of sodium hydroxide is found in the 12% sodium hypochlorite sold today as a stabilizer of the mix. When I F up at least I get to learn the lesson. For a minimal cost, adding Post Rinse to your soft washing procedures can help protect you from causing damage both to metal fixtures and ornamentation, plants and your company's reputation! I had a customer tell me they liked the smell of the roof mix. (verified owner) July 21, 2022. It is not my intent to hurt any distributor selling Ammonyx (Lauramine), though some of you, for reasons only YOU know, chose NOT to give ANY credit to me, or the RCIA Guys, for our discoveries we acheived through hard work, personal financial outlays, and chasing many many dead ends, until we found what some of you now sell, and profit from, as IF it is your "Own".. Well, guess what, the freaking Party is OVER. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Selecting the Right Surface Cleaner: Help from Steel Eagle GM Carl Harry, How to Get Your Facebook Business Page Seen Despite FBs New Changes. With many of these products, it is sodium percarbonate that is doing the work. Yes, by all means mix some roof snot and Gain together! I have been experimenting with using more than the recommended amount for extra grip, but still have had waaaay more runoff than I want, so I decided to experiment with the suggested mixing of chems. Eventually, I also shared that information with a few other distributors. But when youre mixing surfactants (or any chemical), check that they are compatible as reactions are possible. Yes sodium hypochlorite will just become salt once the water has evaporated. So today the industry applies other wash systems that can come in various forms. In fact, it is going to put the big Smackdown on resellers of Lauramine based (Ammonyx) Surfactants. On Monday, we cleaned a couple shingle roofs with THAT mix. I found out that Gain comes in a bunch of different scents, and put a link on the new forum. Gain is a Chlorine Stable Surfactant MIXTURE, thus it will thicken up your mix better then Lauramine (Ammonyx) alone! In my haste to save the pump I dropped the chemical on the driveway and later spent 10 hours onclean up removing what had essential turned to a semi-hard plastic oil slick. SH was not permitted on this job. Not sure if it kills the life of the mix, but I only mix what I need for the day. Billy Jensen, of H2o Pressure Washing in New Port Richey Florida found Lauramine Oxide, that is sold under the trade name Ammonyx LO. Great info Chris, I am sitting on my drum of roof snot, but I wish I had known about the GAIN earlier. We have a community message board where like-minded people go to discuss topics on this industry, learn new techniques and read about new products. Should You Clean Playgrounds for Free During the COVID-19 Outbreak? The soap also lubrictes your pumps, not a bad thing. Why, because it performs perfectly. Think of the common active ingredients, the raw chemicals included in commercial blended products we use, SH, sodium hydroxide, oxalic, hydrochloride, hydrofluoric (less so), common surfavtants. But because I am a nice guy, and I know some of you have invested considerable money in re selling Ammonyx, here is what you should do. My short opinion on chems is this, eg SH everyone knows how to safely handle SH and produce a 1,2 or 3% soloution. Users (you and or employees) benefit by knowing how to manage the raw chemicals. Wishing you much success in your new business. Biocide was benzalkonium chloride which is also a carionic surfactant which I did not know because its main purpose is being a biocide! Lori was soon copied by some distributors I also told about the RCIA Research into Chlorine stable surfactants, and the Discoveries we made. So even sodium hydroxide or sodium hypochlorite contractors may say they are soft or low-pressure washers. Without extra staying power, you have to continuously rinse with bleach and water in order to provide dwell time, which wastes time, water, and bleach, and puts you at greater risk of killing any surrounding plants or grass. Since Covid hit, bleach has become a much more appreciated commodity by the general public. And this phrase can mean more than one thing. We buy it at Family Dollar Store, they have 44 oz Original scent NON Antibacterial Liquid Gain Dishwashing Soap for 3 dollars a bottle! Surfactants also help penetrate and loosen dirt, grime, and other contaminants so they can be rinsed away. Five Keys to a Successful Car Washing Business, New, Improved Insurance Program for Power Wash Owners, Cleaning Contractor Killed by Falling into a Meat Grinder, Red Sludge on Beach Product of Pressure Washing Runoff, Window Cleaner Falls of Ladder, Breaks Pelvis, Daredevil window cleaner dices with death 100ft up without a harness, USA Today Article Highlights Pressure Washing as a Viable Career Alternative, Simultaneous Interior/Exterior Window Cleaning Invention Introduced at IIT Dehli, Roof Cleaners Lesson: Put it in writingbefore negative press does, Wash on Wheels Helps with $30 Million Sports Authority Field Improvement Project, IWCA Announces Safety Certified Window Cleaners, Dumping on Sidewalk Costs Kitchen Worker in Port Chester, New York, Crews Begin Pressure Washing Arkansas Oil Spill, Michigan Reports Graffiti Removal Costs More than $500,000 in 2012, Glasgow airport bomb hero now a carpet cleaner in New York, Window Cleaners Finish Cleaning Worlds Tallest Building (Burj Khalifa), Pressure Washing Seminar, March 13-16, Albany, NY. If you are buying drums of Ammonyx LO, then simply ask for Ammonyx M, it is a brand name for Myristamine.It is 4 times as thick, meaning you can use a lot less. Sodium hydroxide does clean the dirt, mold and algae, but cleaning solutions must be used at proper dilution rates and limited time durations, and must be thoroughly rinsed with high flow rates but not high pressure rates to remove the chemical, thus stopping any residual action. No testing on the separation of the mix because I need to finish off a jar of pickles (experiment material). Doug Rucker But the beauty of it is that Gain ca be bought anywere. Monday-Friday 9-12, and 1-3pm, Fridays 9-12. LOL, I was out of Shampoo a few weeks ago, so I diluted some down 50/50 with water, and filled up a shampoo bottle with it. It works great! This is a good example of why you should check and re-check any info you findsomeone (like me) may actually post some bad advice with the best of intentions. Appreciate the review, Andrew Green When I first started I bought a bucket of AMOX but hated laying out that much at one time. (verified owner) April 15, 2021, Jesse Johnson As always, if you have any questions call or text the store at 281-612-1223. Doug Rucker As far as the masking the smell it works good, but I find roof snot and pinalen masks the smell a little better. Goes a long way, offering a low cost per batch. })(window,document,'script','//','ga');
I mix it with my Ammonyx Lo! However, fewer and fewer of todays shingles are made with much asphalt. The Gain makes Ammonyx obsoete, because it is a lot less money, and works and smells better.But because I am a nice guy, and I know some of you have invested considerable money in re selling Ammonyx, here is what you should do.There is an inexpensive chlorine stable surfactant that you can get, and if you combine it with Ammonyx, it will yield a nice and thick (thicker then Gain) surfactant that will be better then Gain, as far a cling goes. I never asked for, nor did I receive, anything for my discovery. No waiting for UPS, no pumping cold soap out of a 55 gallon drum, no hernias from wrestling with a 5 gallon pail, and no second mortgage required to buy it! Along with thorough rinsing with clean water before, during, and after the cleaning, Plant Wash is used as a final rinse to make absolutely sure every step has been taken to protect the customers landscape. I used Gain on the last 2 roofs I did this season. Instead, its just a spray on then let nature takes it course by allowing air moisture and rain to do the rinsing. Bleach needs time to kill organic matter, but without help, bleach and water will quickly run down roofs and siding. I will use both this coming season, it is nice to have options. ga('send', 'pageview'); When it comes to surfactants, you want them to stick, and nothing out there sticks better than our ProTool Sticky Super Conentrate.

No, Im not. Try it.

RCIAs Chris Tucker Answers the Question. I posted this in another thread, but I really should have just started a new one for it instead. Like Sticky, Lemony is effective and affordable, requiring just 4 ounces per 50 gallons of softwashing mix. 48 oz of Gain mixed with 80 oz of RS makes some of the thickest stuff you ever saw! One pint-sized bottle is all you need to create a 50 to 70 gallon batch. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), I did not think it fair to the other distributors to tell Lori, and not tell them. Because Lori and Pressure Washer Products donated money to help pay our Forum Bills, I decided to sort of keep the masking the smell of Chlorine Research, and where to get it from, to myself.

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