1 choice for woodworkers. Avda.
147849) for $395. Vacuum Press Options
If you are unfamiliar with vacuum systems for woodworking, check out this incredible technology, and take your woodworking to a whole new level. Applying veneer to both faces of the panel balances the tension, keeping the panel flat. The holding force is on one side only and does not introduce physical obstructions on the edges or other side.
Atmospheric pressure is what makes a vacuum veneer press capable of such incredible strength.
Let Mother Nature be your co-designer as you build dazzling projects with wavy edges, bristly burrs, bark inclusions, and other flaws that give wood a look of unrefined beauty. When its done, release it by stepping on the foot pedal again. If you continue without changing your settings. Part 1
Veneering FAQ
The uses of vacuum presses for woodworking is seemingly limitless. Copyright 2022 Meredith Corporation. Return the panel and platens to the vacuum bag, restart the pump, and allow at least three more hours of clamping. www.joewoodworker.com and www.veneersupplies.com. We do use it in our shop, all the time. As the fibers are compressed, the air inside of the materials is displaced with glue and within an hour, a bond is made. Joint lines running perpendicular to the grain are difficult to hide. Veneer Glues
A: There are many types of glues on the market and which type you use with a bag press will depend on your needs.
Place the gridded platen on top of the panel, then slide the entire "sandwich" into the vacuum bag [Photo F]. Inventor of the Patented: Ezee-Feed Infeed and Outfeed Systems. Keep your favorite wines, stemware, and serving accessories handy in this stylish unit. Take light cuts, gradually cutting away the overhanging veneer on both faces. If you cover a panel smaller than 2424" with a single piece of veneer, yellow woodworking glue works well. In other cases, the wood may be too unstable to use in lumber form. Most over-the-counter systems include an electric pump with a pressure gauge attached, a length of hose, sometimes a proprietary connector that allows the operator to attach the hose to the bag and the bag itself. The VPR is a cold membrane vacuum press is designed for woodworking and furniture production. The latter, the HiPro systems, are only built to special order, whereas all the others are held in stock for next-day delivery.. Contact cement may be the adhesive of choice when working with plastic laminates, but Matt warns against it for wood-on-wood bonds: "Under veneer, contact cement dries out, and edges and corners will easily pull up and break off. Make platens from 34 "-thick melamine-coated particleboard or MDF, sizing them at least 1" larger than your panel. In complement with silicone membrane can be used for shaping of solid surface materials. DIY Frame Press High pressure usually means dry air and lots of sunshine, while low pressure is related to storms and rain. For shops that do veneer work fairly regularly, Highland Woodworking in Atlanta (www.highlandwoodworking.com) offers a heavy-duty, 6 CFM vacuum pump with a 1/3-hp, 110-volt power supply for $840. Which hand planes should a power-tool woodworker buy first? Veneer Glue FAQ
Whats it do? Press is equipped with a silicone or a rubber membrane.
Portable vacuum systems VPB-10 and VPB-16 for wood bending, cold veneering and laminating. A vacuum press is a very powerful tool that is capable of producing over 1700 pounds per square foot of pressure at full capacity. Thin Air Press vacuum pump systems use a manual vacuum pump and the included instructions provide how-to information on using foam as a mold for bending wood. So if you are looking to introduce stunning wood veneer into your work or wanting a fast and efficient way to veneer and laminate flat and shaped panels, we can help. A simple 2' x 4' panel in a vacuum bag has a total of 11,200 lbs of "pressure" spread across the whole project.
Paper-Backed Veneer After the glue dries, clean up one edge with a freshly sharpened chisel or utility knife [Photo H].
We pride ourselves in producing high quality, reliable, fast and efficient Vacuum Presses that make veneering and laminating flat and curved panels easier than ever - allowing you to get the best possible results! Woodcrafts model produces up to 25 Hg, which is 1,774 lbs/ft2 (pounds per square foot) of pressure. These devices really are incredible. 46113 Moncada, Spain, Contact | Imprint | Privay and data protection policy | Use of cookies, Leading-edge technology for vacuum presses, membrane presses, hot presses and preheating ovens. Project: EVS-2 DIY Vacuum Bags Vacuum Press FAQ The panel is then placed inside the bag and the air from within the bag is removed with a vacuum system. Edgebanding Guide By removing air from inside a sealed bag, the weight of the air outside presses on the bag and its contents. These help prevent trapped air by providing an escape route out of the bag during pressing. For very small projects, take a look at Thin Air Presses from Roarockit Skateboard Co. in Toronto (roarockit.com). I hope you'll agree.
unit doesnt take up much bench or floor space. Back Office- Software, Insurance & Associations.
Easily creating wooden panels with veneers, decorative laminates and high-gloss materials. Pulling the tape perpendicular to the joint minimizes grain tear-out. TF series vacuum presses are combined solution of including functions of two separate machines: vacuum press and preheating oven, and this greatly increases functionality of the press.
Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 14 Good Reasons Find veneer at a hardwoods or woodworking store, or online, in hundreds of species.
These small pumps are usually continuous duty (on some, you need to shut them off when the right pressure is reached). This is a big category, and a woodworker often has to wade through a lot of peripheral information before zoning in on an appropriate piece of equipment. A vacuum bag distributes considerable force across large areaseven concave or convex surfacesthat can be impractical or impossible to press with typical clamping methods. Taping Veneers Vacuum Press Gallery 1 To prevent this, Matt secures these areas with short strips of painter's tape. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Shutting the pump off at a high vacuum level will only mean it will cycle on and off. Acquiring of vacuum press TF-300HV/350HV you get the machine which has functions from three separate machines. Iron-On Veneering This continuous strip keeps glue from squeezing out through the seam, reducing cleanup when the panel comes out of the bag. To slice veneer, Matt uses three simple tools: a sharp utility knife for crosscuts; a veneer saw for ripcuts; and a straightedge, such as a metal ruler, to guide them [Photos A, B]. A number of companies such as VacuPress and Quality VAKuum Products (www.qualityvak.com) offer frame presses, which are essentially flat tables with doors on the top. Being see-through, a woodworker can often see and catch a problem before the glue starts curing. Thermoforming vacuum presses TF-300HV/350HV is equipped with heating system which allows using vacuum press for woodworking and for forming solid surfaces and an acrylic material. These range from small single bag systems to large membrane bench presses [read more]. Don't panic if you chip out part of an edge or a corner of the veneer when trimming it flush with the panel, or when cutting the panel to size. A third parameter not often discussed in the woodworking industry is the time to evacuate a given volume (usually 1 cubic foot) a given vacuum level. It's easy to see why vacuum pressing is considered the ideal method to bond wood veneers to most substrates. These cookies do not store any personal information. Rather than building a complex mechanical clamp that uses curved cauls to apply pressure to the center of a glue-up, a vacuum press just requires that the assembly be inserted in the bag.
The most common use for vacuum presses in the woodshop is to adhere wood veneers or laminates to a substrate, usually plywood. On the following pages, you learn how the differences between these pumps affect their use in vacuum veneering. To reduce tear-out on the ends and edges of your panel, apply painter's tape along the cutline. Venturi systems are easier to build, cost less and have fewer moving parts. For example, Woodcraft Supply (www.woodcraft.com) offers a basic small system that includes a pump and a 36 x 54 vacuum bag (item No.
A small piece of tape allows you to see the veneer and check the grain match. Amazing Bookmatches Don't overlap layers of tape or allow wrinkles in the tape. 2021 Global Vacuum Presses de Nabuurs Developing S.L, Email: info@globalvacuumpresses.com Bag Closures Large-scale veneer presses usually run on venturi systems that use an air compressor instead of an electric motor. Veneering Tips The membrane press equipped with oil-free pump and a system of vacuum level control. Additionally, youll find that a 3 CFM venturi can draw a full vacuum faster than a 3 CFM electric vacuum pump.. Many of these species are so rare and valuable that they are unaffordable in solid lumber.
To do this, place the pieces next to one another on your bench, good face down with the cut edges touching.
The actual formula is 1" of Hg equals 70.56 lbs per square foot. There are both small and large commercial units available.
Since then the company has grown and now offers a range of products to suit both the professional and amateur. Breather Mesh Most woods or wood products are porous; therefore, they leak or dont hold vacuum. Even more impressive is that the vacuum creates this much pressure on every square foot within the vacuum bag. The model range consist two models: VPS-1500 and VPS-3000. Flip the veneer sheet over and lay a single piece of tape along the full length of the seam on the front face [Photo D]. Troubleshooting overlapping on veneer splicer, Surfaces and materials guide for designers, Timber Products' particleboard plant 'indefinitely closed' as company assesses site, Blind woodworkers build beautiful woodworking projects, Innovation Cabinetry expands facilities and doubles employees, Vido de prsentation du SIBO 2022 : la MERIVOBOX personnalisable de Blum, SIBO 2022 preview video: Blums customizable MERIVOBOX, Hardwood plywood imports surge, but growth rate is slowing. Have something to say? Apply short strips of painter's tape perpendicular to the joint and spaced about 4" apart to bring the veneer sheets together tightly. Veneering Myths "The repair is easier than you think.". Designed to accommodate large parts, frame presses are also easy and quick to load, so they are ideally suited to a larger vacuum pump. Consider one of these three other clear finishes for your next project. As always, you are welcome to email me suggestions for improvement. Swing the patch up, apply glue to the substrate, then clamp. Kits with a pump, hose and fittings, and a 20-mil vinyl bag to accept panels up to 4949" start at about $400. Maker of the world's finest Infeed and Outfeed Systems for Table Saws. DIY Vacuum Press Plans These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. A 20-mil vinyl bag of this size would add about $75 to the kit cost; upsizing a 30-mil polyurethane bag would add about $215.). With so many options, the trick ismatching the machine to the task. The construction method found in the JWW vacuum press article uses standardized parts that can be found on the Internet and at your local hardware store. On one of the platens, cut a grid of 18 "-deep kerfs spaced about 4" apart. Ideal for reducing cure times of white glue (PVAc) and pressing high-strength components with UF adhesives. Well if we need it, we need it! (Applying veneer to the 8'-long panel for the credenza (shown below) required a 4997" bag. To keep the patch properly aligned, place a strip of painter's tape over the joint line. Change utility-knife blades frequently to maintain a razor-sharp cutting edge. Then, trim the panel to final size at the tablesaw [Photo I]. Work slowly so you don't lift the veneer from the partially set glue. When crosscutting veneer, cut inward from each edge to avoid ripping out the thin, unsupported fibers on the edge. Most of the bags available for small vacuum press systems are either 20 or 30 mil thickness and they are usually clear. Yes. Here are 5 of the most frequently asked questions: A: The ability to hold a workpiece with up to 1800 lbs/square foot of clamping force.
Connect the Bag Flip the sheet again and remove the short pieces of tape. The piping, consists of nylon tubing, and fittings. Veneering Glossary If that sounds like a weak clamp, consider this: A 2436" panel inside a vacuum bag has over 12,000 pounds pressing on it at sea level (10,500 pounds at 5,000' elevation). ", Veneer needs a smooth surface, called a substrate, to support it. ), or with a pneumatic device called a venturi. This uses compressed air from the shops existing compressor to create a vacuum. All available at your local home center. Most of the veneering books and articles I have read are just too complicated and are geared toward proprietary materials and equipment. Vacuum Bag Basics Excel 1 Spend a few hours with Gorleski online and you might just discover a whole new hobby. Orient your veneer sheets as you want them to lie on the panel. By veneering those types of logs and burls, wood movement is controlled by the adhesive and a substrate like plywood or particle board. The end of the bench has a manifold of valves on it so I can easily switch from one process, to another. To adhere the veneer to the plywood you need two things glue and clamping pressure. Vacuum Clamp Matrix Cut the patch oversize, with edges that run along and/or diagonal to the grain [Photo J]. There are two concerns regarding gluing in a bag that you should be aware of. Part 2 Now with pattern bit in a router, its a simple matter of routing the blank to the shape of the template. Vacuum Clamping Pedal The closer the match, the better the patch will disappear.
At just 9-1/2 wide and 22 long, this 50-lb. Once you're satisfied with the placement, lift the patch, apply glue [Photo L], and clamp the repair [Photo M], leaving the clamp in place for at least a couple of hours. For woodworkers who want to build their own vacuum press, there is a wealth of information on two related websites operated by woodworker Joe Gorleski of Forest Hill, Md. Waxed paper prevents squeeze-out from gluing the block to the veneer. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Whether its for veneering, or clamping, or creating curved parts, or cutting fifty identical parts, its the right tool for the job. The tape supports the veneer's fibers as you cut.
Gluing veneers to 2D shaped MDF or solid wood profiles, for example hand rails or door profiles. 2022 Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc. an Active Interest Media company. Turns out, he wasnt too far off.
Applying adhesive to the veneer makes it curl up and become unmanageable. DIY Vacuum Manifold (hes always had a bad attitude, and Ive been meaning to talk to him about that)! It may begin to curl up at the edges as it absorbs moisture from the glue.
Balancing a Panel
Difficult? A drop in holding force could be enough for the piece to break loose before the pump starts and regenerates enough vacuum level to hold the piece securely in place. Matt says working with veneer provides several benefits: "It allows you to change grain direction on your dress face, and even mix species on the same or different faces in ways that would be difficult or out of the question with solid wood. The concept of a vacuum press is pretty simple: its a device that applies an equal amount of clamping pressure over a large area by using an electric or pneumatic pump to suck the air out of a big plastic bag. "It happens," Matt says. Guide The Hg (sometimes written as inHg) is a unit of measurement that is widely used in the refrigeration industry and it refers to inches of mercury. You could actually drag your bench around the shop, by pulling on the door! It cant leak because the vacuum seals any leaks you might have! Like a kid in a candy store. A Sharp Veneer Saw
Pressing veneers and laminates using heat-activated adhesive and resins. Sign Up for Woodworking Network Newsletters, Get the latest headlines delivered to you daily Subscribe. Vacuum pressing is a scalable skill that can help a shop offer flat, curved, and decorative options. The pump is turned on and an incredible amount of pressure is exerted across the entire surface. Cut an oversize patch, and sand or plane a straight edge angled across its grain to help the patch blend in. order a brayer, veneer saw, cold-press glue, and utility knife with blades. All Rights Reserved. Vacuum bag from pvc material. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In some systems, both ends of the bag can be opened and this is designed to facilitate gluing up odd-shaped forms.
The holes drilled in the bench simply require a barbed fitting, thats pushed into the hole, and the nylon tube is slipped onto the barbed fitting. It has been fantastic and has allowed me to do such a huge range of different projects. Quick Tip! Vacuum, he says, can be achieved either through the use of an electric vacuum pump (diaphragm, piston, rotary vane, etc. In fact we have several systems now, for different applications. Ultimately, the question is how to get the wood veneer to cure flat on the project panel. Once the initial job of air removal is completed, the pump can relax as it only has to deal with a small amount of air leakage for an hour or two while the adhesive cures. It will also increase the enjoyment and productivity of your time spent in your shop. Larger pumps also allow the woodshop to stack several laminations on top of each other and process a number of panels simultaneously. Then, work from the edges of the panel toward the score mark to lift off the damaged veneer [Photo K]. The company also has one entry-level, five professional-grade and three high-vacuum oil-lubricated presses in its electric vacuum press range. After sanding, the patch will almost disappear [Photo N]. Project: V4 Polyurethane vs. Vinyl For panels where you'll need to mill joinery, choose maple or birch plywood. Miscellaneous Info Three great finishes (that aren't polyurethane).
Now he looked at me like I had two heads. Oh, okay. For more information, call (800) 547-5484 or visit QualityVak.com. Our sales team will be happy to provide individual advice. A vacuum press does the trick and now it does it easily and affordably. The design centerpiece of this desk is the huge box joints where the leg connects to the top. Take a look at the popular AirPress portable Bag Press systems, our Vacuum Membrane Press range - the Fast and efficient BenchPress and the Self-Assembly BenchPress systems or browse our Applications page for help in choosing which vacuum press most suits your requirements. About ten minutes later we were finished loading it into the truck. Matt says, "The backer veneer doesn't have to be anything special (you can buy inexpensive backing veneer for just this purpose), but it must be attached at the same time as the front, using the same type of glue.". Substrate Materials Flattening Veneers In general, the bags have thermo-welded seams along three sides and some kind of mechanical fastener (often a zipper-type) for the fourth, where the hose is inserted. Our portable AirPress bag press systems and vacuum membrane presses have become renowned over the years for their reliability and quality, make veneering and laminating easy and affordable and the AirPress vacuum press systems have become the No. After one hour, switch off the pump and remove the materials from the bag. On the former site, Gorleski has included a comprehensive and very easy-to-use introduction to building and using a vacuum press, along with several free plans for various setups. New, high-end digital controls are easy to read and adjust. Veneering Information
And very cheap! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Clamp your straightedge atop the veneer to secure both in place. Within this article, you'll learn how to veneer a panel with a vacuum press. Working on yacht interiors I do a lot of veneer and laminate work and it has proved invaluable." The maximum vacuum is 27 HG and the controls include an automatic shutoff at 25 HG (this is called auto-cycling). Where you need to laminate using large formers [read more], AirPress was set up in 1994 and is credited with designing the first commercial portable vacuum veneering system. A scrap block applies even pressure straight down without shifting the patch. My first exposure to vacuum systems came at a woodworking trade show. Bag Platens Curing Glued Panels If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission. Take a common vacuum clamping application like template routing. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Simply delete any supplies you already have on hand before checkout. Vacuum Clamping Jigs The Highland Woodworking units big brother, the Hi-Flo Industrial from Vacuum Pressing Systems in Brunswick, Maine (www.vacupress.com), is a 10 CFM, 3/4-hp, oil- and maintenance-free rotary vane pump. Project: CRS Then, flip the panel over onto a platen and repeat this process on the front side. The heating temperature monitored and maintained automatically. Apply and roll out the adhesive across one face of the substrate, covering all dry spots. Reposition the patch where you want it, and tape it in place temporarily. In the woodworking industry, there are vacuum presses which are designed for vacuum pressing curved laminated shapes, which is often referred to as bent lamination or form veneering. A vacuum press gives you the opportunity to use some of the finest woods available.
Clamp a panel with literally a ton of pressure per square foot. If you had to recommend three, which hand planes should I start with? Because you'll trim the panel to final size after veneering, make the substrate, including any solid-wood edging, 12 " longer and wider than your panel's finished dimensions.
Heres how. Leave a clean edge to run against the tablesaw rip fence.
Copyright 2022 WWW.VACUUM-PRESSES.EU. (I have a toy problem too). Jigs and cutting guides for safer,more accurate and easily repeatable work. It also comes with a dual power switch for both vacuum pressing and vacuum clamping. Brokaw is a past president of the Gwinnett County (Ga.) group. However, this is not the big concern, the major issue is will the pump come on and pull enough vacuum before the work piece breaks loose. You can quickly and easily order a brayer, veneer saw, cold-press glue, and utility knife with blades. Excel 3 This form of pressing is undoubtedly the primary application of Global vacuum membrane presses, though there are of course other applications than the woodworking industry such as flat pressing, laminating of HPL decors and veneers, profile veneering, and glueing of solid wood, among others. Veneering w/o Vacuum There are also quick connect fittings available for quick set up to shop made clamping jigs, etcTheres a hole drilled in the center of the bench top, which allows me to take a template, also with a hole in it, and foam self stick tape on both sides of it, (top and bottom), around the perimeter of the template. Dealing with Defects These days, new materials such as foamed plastics and honeycomb structures are used as a core material, while modern finishes such as HPL decors, aluminium, leather, textiles, flexible natural stone and plastic materials enable the creation of distinctive new products that are elegant, lightweight, convenient and stable. The doors stuck to the bench. You can hinge the door, plane the edges, route the edges, all with no clamps or set up time. Maintenance The glue is placed on the plywood and the veneer is set on top. And usually used in small enterprises and workshops for production of furniture. Imagine a giant zip-lock bag with a piece of plywood and an exotic wood veneer inside. Matt sandwiches the panel between two platens to distribute that pressure evenly. Welcome Making a hundred identical pieces is easily accomplished. The vacuum presses are equipped with heating system which allows reduce the time of drying glue and increase productivity of production. Quick Tip! Rout the recesses right to hold a lid upright. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 3. Position the patch, and score along its edge with a chisel. No clamps needed! This template is set over the hole, and a rough cut blank is laid over the template.
As glue dries from the outer edges of the veneered panel inward, the difference between the drying edges and still-moist middle creates tension that can bow even a 34 "-thick substrate. Because of the volume of air it can remove, the Hi-Flo VacuPress can accommodate up to three bags with the addition of the companys manifold adapter, which means that several parts can be assembled, glued and cured at the same time. The reason for this is safety. The end grain of the maple is much darker than the face grain, which makes it pop. The color and grain palette is as wide as your imagination and ever-changing.". We also have a great track record of designing, manufacturing and supplying cutting-edge wood veneering and laminating solutions to professional woodworkers, so if you need advice and help with deciding on the best vacuum pressing equipment you need to suit both your job and your budget, give us a ring and speak to our experienced advisors. Make no mistake each press is a heavy duty, durable, and reliable piece of equipment. The photo below shows the items in a typical vacuum-pressing system. Matt uses a roller (known as a brayer and found at art or office supply stores) to spread an even coat of glue. One disadvantage there is that, if the press is activated late in the day, the compressor needs to run unattended at night and this has caused a lot of accidents through the years. ___________________
To walk you through the process, we turned to professional furnituremaker Matt Seiler, right, who often uses veneer in his work (mswoodcraft.com). To prevent glue squeeze-out from adhering the painter's tape to the veneer, gently remove the tape [Photo G]. (The chemical notation for mercury is Hg.) After looking at him like he had two heads, I saw that look in his eye. Source: Quality VAKuum Products. Position the patch for the best match.
When vacuum is applied, atmospheric pressure puts down a tremendous amount of force. The VPS is a cold membrane vacuum presses is designed for woodworking as budget solution. Vacuum Bagging Another hole in the edge of the bench, with the same foam gasket material, makes it possible to hold a door to the edge of the bench, step on the foot pedal, and viola. With only basic woodworking skills, a tablesaw, and a few simple tools, you can make custom cabinets for your home or shop. Our vacuum press systems are perfect for a wide variety of applications due to their high quality, ease of use and their reliability compared to alternative solutions on the market. The membrane presses of VP series can be used for small capacities but also for professional using.
Tape waxed paper to the faces of the platens that will contact the veneer, using just enough tape on the edges to hold the waxed paper in place.
But Matt says to avoid oak plywood: "The pronounced grain pattern will telegraph through your veneer after pressing.". GSM +37129377912 / office +37167250154
Privacy Policy, Improving the Effectiveness of Your Workbench, Building Base Cabinets For Kitchens pg. Unfinished garage becomes a woodworking haven. ___________________ About Veneer Older barometers usually list inches of mercury at 60 F, while newer ones also add a dial for hectoPascals (hPa), a unit of measurement based on the work of Blaise Pascal, a 17th century French mathematician and inventor who helped define the fields of pressure and vacuum.
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