NON-WOVEN FELT: A felt made either by needling, matting of fibers or compressed with a bonding agent for permanency. MONOFILAMENT: A continuous fiber of sufficient size to serve as yarn in normal textile operations. RAVEL STRIP TENSILE: The tensile strength, in pounds per inch of a 6 long textile sample cut just over one inch wide, (with yarns peeled off each side down to exactly one inch wide) pulled in two lengthwise between jaws set 3 apart and pulled at a constant specified speed. PTFE membrane media available for ultra-high dust collection efficiency or improved media cleaning with moist or sticky dusts. All of our filter bags (also called filter socks) are engineered for top performance using first-quality synthetic or natural fibers. Let us know how we can best serve you. Company. Keep an accurate record of the servicing required of your collector showing bag life, date of installation, date of failure, cause of failure, date of service of the collector and date and type of repairs made to the baghouse. PARTICLE: An aerosol particle may consist of a single continuous unit of solid or liquid containing many molecules held together by intermolecular forces and primarily larger than molecular dimensions (> 0.001 pm). per unit of filtering velocity, fpm. CLOTH: In general, a pliant fabric; woven, knitted, felted, or otherwise formed of any textile fiber, wire, or other suitable material. No complaints. Let our experts help you with your baghouse needs! AIR-TOCLOTH-RATIO: The volumetric rate of capacity of a fabric filter; the volume of air (gas) cubic feet per minute, per square foot of filter media (fabric). Las Vegas, NV 89108 Find and evaluate OEMs, Custom Manufacturers, Service Companies and Distributors. Website Last Modified July 30, 2022. Resists degradation of treatment by oils or typical baghouse cleaning cycle. Fan directionand speed to insure it is running properly. The dust-laden gas enters through the dirty side (inlet) of the collector and flows up through the bag. Dusts do not tend to flocculate except under electrostatic forces; they do not diffuse but settle under the influence of gravity. Separators are absorbent free & emulsify water to less than 2 ppm (pounds per minute), remove ultra fine solids when surfactants & fuel additives & shut down system. PVC vinyl and epoxy coatings available. This coating is applied to the collection surface of the filter media and provides increased chemical resistance, moisture resistance, and a slick surface to promote particulate discharge. Our filter bags fit almost any baghouse or dust collection system, and as always, are manufactured at the highest quality for the lowest price. BACKWASH: A method of fabric cleaning in which direction of gas flow is reversed, accompanied by flexing of the fabric and breaking of the dust deposit; also called backpressure, repressure, collapse-clean. Decades of experience assisting our customers with their dust collection needs has allowed to become a leader in the Baghouse industry. For dry air at 70F., and a pressure of one atmosphere, a pound mol occupies 386 cubic feet. Treat your baghouse as you would any other piece of equipment in your plant. To see if dampers are stuckcausing an overload of one or more compartments.
Pounds of water vapor per pound of dry air; grains of water vapor per pounds dry air. STANDARD ATMOSPHERE: The pressure exerted by a column of mercury 29.92 high at 70F approximately 14.7 psi. MOL: A weight of a substance numerically equal to its molecular weight. PICK: An individual filling yarn running the width of a woven fabric at right angles to the warp. Air-shaking is a bag cleaning means wherein bags are shaken in a random fashion by high velocity air stream rather than by mechanical devices. ERMON: Wearing away due to mechanical action. -moz-border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; TOW: A large number of filaments collected in a loose rope-like form, without definite twist. If particles are irregularly shaped, diameter is defined by consistent arbitrary measures. Our sales engineers can suggest the media that will keep your shaker unit running at peak efficiency. WARP BEAM:Large spool-like or barrel-like device on which the warp threads are wound. Two feet of dust in the bottom of a baghouse can cause bag failure within a weeks period of time due to excessive abrasion. Pleated Dust Collector Filter Conversion: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Industrial Dust Collectors Dust Collection Systems. The M-Pulse filters modular design is capable of handling process gas flows up to the 2 million CFM range.
Improve efficiency with durable filter bags for baghouses and dust collectors from IAC. With 30+ years in manufacturing, there is a reason weve been around for so long. ISOKINETIC: A term describing a condition of sampling, in which the flow of gas into the sampling device (at the opening or face of the inlet) has the same flow rate and direction as the ambient atmosphere being sampled. MULLEN BURST: The pressure necessary to rupture a secured fabric specimen, usually expressed in pounds per square inch. FLOAT: The position of a yarn that passes over two or more yarns passing in the opposite direction. WARP SATEEN:The face of the cloth having the warp yarns floating over the filling yarns and being greater in number than the filling yarns (per inch). The intersection points do not fall in regular lines, but are shifted in a regular or irregular manner. Also called thread count. We carry and stock filter bags for most OEM sizes, along with a wide array of customizable baghouse filter bag options. K FACTOR: The specific resistance of the dust cake, inches water gauge per pound of dust per square foot of filter area per feet per minute filtering velocity. STOKES EQUIVALENT DIAMETER: The diameter of a hypothetical sphere having the same terminal settling velocity as the particle in question and having the same density as the particle material, whatever the size and shape. Manufacturer of air, dust and wire cloth filters, filtration equipment, pollution control equipment, pollution control systems and baghouse filter cages. AIR, DRY: In psychrometry, air containing no water vapor. CRIMP: The corrugations in a yarn from passing over and under other yarns at right angles. A well covered cloth is the opposite of an open, or reedy cloth. Top entry and bottom access baghouses are available. Wide range of types, sizes and brands available. This usually occurs at the point where the bag seals inside the collector. RAYON: A manufactured fiber composed of regenerated cellulose. Carbon filters, dual wound filters, melt blown filters, pleated filters, resin-pur filters & string wound filters are also available. Baghouse filter bags come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and medias. REVERSE JET CLEANING: A cleaning method (Hersey) using a traveling ring traversing the exterior of the filter bag. The following are recommended operating temperatures for various fabrics under dry heat conditions. IMPACTION: A forcible contact of particles of matter, a term often used synonymously with impingement. Having trouble with your baghouse? Standard atmospheric pressure is 29.92* of mercury. The value of a Fahrenheit degree is therefore 5/9 of a Centigrade degree. The surface consists almost entirely of warp (or filling) floats in construction 4/1 to 7/1. with lengths from 18 to 20 ft. overall. The ability of air (gas) to pass through the fabric, expressed in cubic feet of air per minute per square foot of fabric with an 0.5 H2O pressure differential. VELOCITY TRAVERSE: A method of determining the average air velocity in a duct. Pulse Jet Filters come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and filter bag layouts to fit a broad range of applications. Distributor of a full line of industrial filtration products. What Kind Of Dust Collector Is Right For Me? ft. cloth.
Once in touch with our sales team, our dedicated representative will work with you from start to finish, gain a deep understanding of your needs, and provide the best solutions to the problems you face. Analogous to tee resistance of an element in an electrical circuit. END:* An individual yarn or cord; a warp yarn running lengthwise of the fabric. Baffle platesto insure they are functioning, deflecting the dust and reducing abrasion. Can be unsupported (dust on inside) or used on the outside of a grid support (dust on outside). FABRIC: A planar structure produced by interlacing yarns, fibers or filaments. 10+ million models from leading OEMs, compatible with all major CAD software systems. ft. to 7,177 sq. We offer a comprehensive range of services for your dust collection system. Contact us today with your questions about filter bags for baghouses and dust collectors, or get a quote on your filter bag needs. TEMPERATURE, DEW-POINT: The temperature at which the condensation of water vapor in a space begins for a given state of humidity and pressure as the temperature of the vapor is reduced. Make Action Filtration your one stop shop for baghouse filter bags.
Working with Baghouse America for dust collection needs is as easy as requesting a quote. The sum of the static pressure and the velocity pressure. A bubble of air flows down the bag, causing bag walls to collapse behind it. ABRASION FLEX: Where the cloth has abraded in a creased area by repeated bending. Youll find IAC provides everything you need to complete your shaker filter bag order. The Rankine scale, sometimes called Fahrenheit absolute, has its zero at the lowest attainable temperature, exactly 459.67 degrees below the zero of the Fahrenheit scald. FILLING YARN: Yarns in a fabric running across the width of a fabric; i.e., at right angles to the warp. IAC offers several different top and bottom designs for reverse air baghouse dust collectors. AIR, STANDARD: Air with a density of 0.075 lb. PLY: Two or more yarns joined together by twisting. Engineering, project management, equipment selection, troubleshooting, preventative maintenance, and on-site services are provided. WARP:Lengthwise threads in loom or cloth. Types such as bag, pulse jet, reverse air, shaker, pleated, baghouse, high efficiency hydrocarbon and cellulose, felt and spunbond cartridge filters are provided. SINGEING: The burning off of the protruding hairs from the warp and filling yarns of the fabric. Also tube, stocking, etc. In a short period of time moisture can cause premature failure of bags in a baghouse. Types of filters include caged PTFE high temperature filters & HEPA filters. Meets NFPA and OSHA standards. The Fahrenheit scale is generally used in air handling practice. A particle consisting of two or more unitary structures (e.g., a doublet, triplet,..etc.). Privacy Statement and PRESHRUNK: Usually a hot aqueous immersion of the cloth to eliminate its tendency to shrink in the further wet performances. Dust can leak inside the baghouse, fill the bottom of the baghouse and press against the outside of the bags reducing the diameter. The problem can occur in baghouse operating at ambient as well as elevated temperatures if they contain moisture. Available on polyester, polypropylene, homopolymer acrylic, Aramid, PPS, and P-84. up to 6 1/4 in. TENSILE STRENGTH: The ability of yarn or fabric to resist breaking by direct tension. Cleaning, maintenance, testing and troubleshooting services also are offered. The slick surface promotes particulate discharge during cleaning.
PRESSURE JET CLEANING: A bag cleaning method where a momentary burst of compressed air is introduced through a tube or nozzle attached to the top cap of a bag. Filters are available in different sizes & specifications.
Baghouse America removes the need to work exclusively with manufacturers. Made from aramid, basalt, homopolymer acrylic, polyimide P84, PPS, polyester, polypropylene, Nomex, Kevlar, PTFE membrane and tandem nonwoven and woven fabrics. DEHUMIDIFY: To reduce by any process the quantity of water vapor. is a leading manufacturer of baghouse dust collection systems and equipment with 40+ years of experience serving all industries. For caking of duston bags causing excessive weight. The particulate is filtered by the dustcake and the fabric, and clean air exits through the outside of the bag. SMOG: A term derived from smoke and fog, applied to extensive atmospheric contamination by aerosols, these aerosols arising partly through natural processes and partly from the activities of human subjects. Usually the maximum operating temperature should not exceed 20% of the rated maximum operating temperature for more than 10 minutes per day. MILDEW RESIST FINISH: An organic or inorganic finish to repel the growth of fungi on natural fibers. Cut out the middle man and save money buying direct from the manufacturer. Let us earn your business too! Tension on bagsto insure they are not rubbing against each other. Heaters to insure they are working. Similiar to envelope bag filters, these are often seen in the same environments and similar applications. Also resistant to dry and moist heat degradation. Good for handling sticky/agglomerating particulate. per cubic foot. INCH OF WATER: A unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted by a column of liquid water one inch high at a standard temperature. Unit #5105 Complete baghouse filter dust collection system design, manufacturing & installation services. DIMENSIONAL STABILITY: Ability of the fabric to retain finished length and width, under stress, in hot or moist atmosphere. SPUN FABRIC: Fabric woven from staple (spun) fiber same as staple. Specifications include 7 ft. to 14 ft. The last, but one of the most obvious sources of moisture in a baghouse, is leaks in the housing. Likewise, these temperatures were based on dry heat. Only with years of hands on experience working in this industry to surmount all of the unique engineering problems associated with these systems can a company learn how to anticipate and overcome them. In the case of shaker type bags, too loose a bag can cause abrasion between bags, poor cleaning and reduced life. API registered. Offering an array of high efficiency filter media including cartridges, micro denier fiber and more. A duct, round or rectangular, is divided into numerous sections of equal area. If particles are spherical or cubical, particle size corresponds to a single measurable geometric length. Manufacturer of baghouse filters. Various features include perimeter safety rings, door entry platforms, return air outlets, explosion relief panels, vortex breakers, inner cone baffles and cone inspection covers. Baghouse services available include inspections, repairs and filter media changes. MASS MEDIAN SIZE: A measurement of particle size for samples of particulate matter, consisting of that diameter such that the mass of all larger particles is equal to the mass of all smaller particles. Use this as a guide, but above all make your own preventative maintenance list. WORSTED SYSTEM: A system of yarn manufacturing suited for medium and longer wools. FINISHED: A fabric which has been processed after weaving, i.e., other than in the greige. This can be avoided by purging the baghouse with warm dry air prior to startup and after shutdown, keeping the baghouse above the dew point, with pre-heaters if necessary, and making sure the baghouse is insulated. padding:0px 4% 0px 4%; TEMPERATURE, DRY-BULB: The temperature of a gas or mixture of gases indicated by an accurate thermometer after correction for radiation. for short duration. Learn how to avoid problems by properly calculating yourCFM,Static Pressure, andAir to Cloth Ratiofor your dust collection system. This is substantially equivalent to dry air at 70F. BRITISH THERMAL UNIT(btu): The amount of heat required to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. Comes from the Latin Texere, to weave. TEMPERATURE SCALES: Temperature scales, Centigrade and Fahrenheit derive their degree values by dividing the difference between the ice point and steam points of water as follows: Centigrade 100 and Fahrenheit 180. Also manufactures a complete line of cellulose, polyester, synthetic, coated and non-woven cartridge collectors. SIZING:A protective coating applied to yarn to insure safe handling; i.e., abrasion-resistance during weaving. Dust hoods to see that they have not been changed, removed or destroyed. FOG: Suspended liquid droplets generated by condensation from the gaseous to the liquid state, or by breaking up a liquid into a dispersed state, such as by splashing, foaming and atomizing. GRAVITY, SPECIFIC: The ratio of the mass of a unit volume of a substance to the mass of the same volume of a standard substance at a standard temperature. Other applications include petrochemical plants, refineries, power plants, bulk storage terminals, offshore platforms & manufacturing plants. We manufacture almost all types so let us quote you today! Products include liquid filter bags and cartridges, dust collector bags and cartridges, pleated filter bags, filter vessels and housings, and strainer baskets for drums and pails. Markets served include grain processing, food processing, furniture & cabinet manufacturing, composite board manufacturing, metalworking, rock & mineral processing, dry chemical processing, mining, general woodworking, coal transfer, ventilation of industrial processes, nuisance dust control, product recovery & scrap & trim removal. DUST COLLECTOR: A device to remove solid aerosol particles from a gas stream. FILTER BAGS FOR BAGHOUSES AND DUST COLLECTORS. Features include pleated bags, micron dust size filtrations, explosion venting doors, solenoid enclosures and bag filters. In gas-handling systems these pressures are usually expressed in inches water gauge. PRESSURE, VELOCITY: The kinetic pressure in the direction of flow necessary to cause a fluid at rest to flow at a given velocity. S TWIST: The yarn spirals conform in slope to the center portion of the letter 4: TAFFETA:Closely woven plain weave (1/1) fabrics with the warp yarns greatly outnumbering the filling yarns. SLEAZY: Lacking in firmness or substance; thin, flimsy. Instead of multiple individual envelopes, these are assmbled as one piece. Dust-laden gas floods the baghouse, and clean air exits through the inside of the filter bag while the dust particles collect on the outside filter bag surface. We guarantee all of our filters for workmanship, form, and fit. Filters are manufactured in all size ranges from the smallest baghouse collector to the energy efficient M-Pulse model medium pulse pressure long filter baghouse. Let us know. We manufacture custom filters for the systems and applications that dont quite fit the mold of traditional filtration systems. Baghouse America provides the lowest cost possible because we put global sustainability over profit. ENTRY LOSS: Loss in total pressure caused by air (gas), flowing into a duct or hood (usually expressed in inches w.g.). A checklist is provided for quick easy reference as well as a guide for problem solving. Brand dust collectors are known the world over as the most powerful and longest lastingBaghouses available. BLINDING (BLINDED): The loading, or accumulation, of filter cake to the point where capacity rate is diminished. Fluctuation in temperature can cause condensation and moisture problems if allowed to drop below the dew point and must be closely watched. In England it is termed woof, or weft. A 200/80 yarn indicates a 200 denier yarn composed of 80 filaments. MARTINS DIAMETER: The distance between opposite sides of the particle, measured in a consistent direction, such that the diameter bisects the projected area. The life of the bags decreases sharply as the maximum temperature is reached, so keep your temperature as far below maximum as possible. FILTRATION RATE: The volume of air (gas), cubic feet per minute, passing through one square foot of filter media. Clean air side for leaks or broken bags. ABRASION SURFACE: Where the cloth surface has been abraded by rubbing, scuffing, erosion. MICRON: A unit of length, the thousandth part of 1 mm or the millionth of a meter, (approximately 1/25,000 of an inch). Baghouse filter cages provide support to your filter bags and can affect your filters efficiency. Manufacturer of stock filter media for major filtration OEM's. We respect your position in the market and provide honest, up-front information that saves you time, cost, and peace of mind. Equivalents in other units are 760 mm of mercury, 14.7 psi, and 407 water column. Shaker mechanisms to insure they are working. Welcome to the most trusted and comprehensive Baghouse Filters directory on the Internet. Select From Over 500,000 Industrial Suppliers. Baghouse filters are constructed from woven media and have filtration efficiency of up to 99%, including with fine dust. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE: The pressure of the atmosphere as measured by means of the barometer at the location specified. Moisture and high temperatures can join hand in hand to further degrade your bags. Products are resistant to chemicals such as acids, alkalis, oxidizing agents and organic solvents. It is best to check with your filter bag supplier for the correct operating temperature, and the maximum surge temperature the bag can withstand. This finish is used in a manner similar to the singe, but with greater discharge capabilities. CANTON FLANNEL: Usually a twill weave fabric with the filling float heavily napped. T.P.I. Serves the cement, mining, power utility, steel, waste to energy, pulp and paper industries. .flex_column.av-n04j9n-ae024f2e7a0c8d391534de67af0f3409{ Backwash, or other supplemental methods, are often used with shaking. Fast shipping, very reliable. Moisture can also combine with contaminants in the collector to form acidic or basic solutions which could destroy bags if the proper fabrics are not used. HUMIDITY, ABSOLUTE: The weight of water vapor carried by a unit weight of dry air or gas. YARN:Twisted fibers or filaments in a continuous strand suitable for weaving, etc. Manufacturer of single and duplex multi baghouse filters made from 304 and 316 stainless steel. If you dont have a part number, no worries! When both tubes are connect across a differential pressure measuring device, the static pressure is compensated k automatically and the velocity pressure only is registered. Total CFMand air to cloth ratio to insure collector is not overloaded. With normal care in selection, installation, operation, and maintenance, your dust collector will provide you with dependable trouble-free service, and pay you dividends over the years. Available in woven or felt, this product is the most widely used media for dust collection, it is capable of operating up to 275F (135C), Available in woven or felt, this product provides enhanced chemical and moisture absorption resistance, it is capable of operating up to 200F (94C), Available in woven or felt, this product provides chemical resistance similar to polypropylene while allowing operation up to 250F (121C), Available in woven media only, this product is most commonly used in shaker collectors operating as silo vents, capable of operating up to 180F (82C), Available in woven or felt, this product performs at high temperatures while retaining strength, abrasion resistance, and dimensional stability, capable of operating up to 400F (204C), Available in felt only, a proprietary blend of Aramid, PPS, and P-84 , this product was designed for operation in modern hot mix plant baghouses with increased RAP content, capable of operating up to 400F (204C), Available in woven or felt, this product provides chemical resistance similar to polypropylene and acrylic while allowing operation up to 375F (190C), Available in woven or felt, this product was designed to provide enhanced efficiency and maximize airflow while allowing operation at temperatures up to 500F (260C), Available in woven or felt, these products with their various finish options provide high chemical and temperature resistance, capable of operating up to 500F (260C), Available in woven or felt, this product provides the maximum chemical resistance, capable of operating up to 500 F (260C). They havent raised the price in years; we order, the product comes, and we dont Turnkey system integrator for filtration systems. YARN SIZE (DENIER, OR COUNT): A relative measure of fineness or coarseness of yarn. Do not take your baghouse for granted. We understand better than most, the complexities involved in designing and installing a functional Dust Collection system. HAND OR HANDLE: The feel of the cloth as soft, harsh, smooth, rough, silken-like, boardy, etc. A support cage prevents filter bag collapse during filtration, and aids in the re-distribution and cleaning of the dustcake. On reverse air systems check to insure that the heater or dehumidifier on the cleaning air is working properly. Features include custom or standard sizes, wire dia. Available on polyester, polypropylene, and cotton. ENVELOPE: A common form of filter element. The mass of a unit volume of a substance. Need help troubleshooting? Types include baghouse, portable, cartridge, cyclone, wet, booth, downdraft table and dropout box dust collectors. Repair and installation services are offered. OLEFIN: A manufactured fiber in which the fiber forming substance is any long-chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85% by weight of ethylene, propylene, or other olefin units. Fan directionand speed to insure it is running properly. COUNT MEDIAN SIZE: A measurement of particle size for samples of particulate matter, consisting of that diameter of particle such that one half of the number of particles is larger and half is smaller. A device consisting of two tubes one serving to measure the total or impact pressure existing in an air stream, the other to measure the static pressure only. WEAVE:The pattern of weaving; i.e., plain, twill, satin, etc. Provisions are usually made by the baghouse manufacturer to protect your bags, however, it is your responsibility to maintain these systems. Baghouse America proudly offers the best industrial dust collector bags on the planet. Baghouse America will not waste your time. PRESSURE, ATMOSPHERIC: The pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere, as indicated by a barometer. A wide variety of filter bags can be manufactured to meet specific application needs.
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