This puts the connecting piece between the lever arm and the yoke also parallel to the pump rod and the yoke at 90 degrees to the pump rod.
5 0 obj
If you are using a transfer motor to take water from an ambient tank to a pressure tank, you can power that motor from the Simple Pump system. ff/weM=L~c+go?dojl*N/,,MMf*FV.kjbcd=pKgES_OKx{'C,)BV_oDULM^R.$,,$oX11;.iq}@4~[ K/}BpvyQ-2x@ /Dp000ppHXHHXxDx$oH 9iXYX~1#! Modified on: Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 4:13 PM, (The following instructions are very detailed, and should tell you everything you need to know.If you have questions, please phone 775-265-1220.). Secure it firmly on the stainless nipple. We will come back to this at start up.
What you do after that will vary, depending on your needs. Also keep in mind that the solar panel will be facing south and we do not want it to be shaded by any other structures, plants, trees, or even the pump itself. You are now ready for motor installation.
$oE ]mML~c 1Km{[[SGPVp0 w25t3t1%aabbbcdfgdccb/*$ The transfer pump is powered from the Simple Pump unit. If you did not already, lower the riser tube so that at least 6 inches of riser tube are below the split flange on the cap. <>>> So, please assemble with Finesse, NOT Force.
Information about the periodic replacement of seals can be found in the INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE manual for the hand-operated system. Thank you for purchasing the integrated Simple Pump Solar-Ready Motor.
A few general tips that may be useful are: We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that a mounting pole extend a full 3 below ground level. Using a piece of leather or a thick rag and vise grips, hold on to the 24 section and remove the 13 section.
The Solar Panel has been mounted on the bracket and set to the desired sun angle as per bracket instructions. The battery enclosure should be high enough off the ground to avoid rain runoff and snow accumulation. Transfer pumps include an integrated pressure switch.
2 0 obj Brace with gravel/rocks as necessary to hold the pole. The steel pole you purchased should be more than strong enough to hold the panel(s), provided it is installed properly.
They may or may not apply precisely to the mounting hardware you have purchased. hb```a``:A2@1Ad bvJ+pnyCEGGxGG&:xiq A0C,-lxoH9^lu-00;1d7 @\ f:&H31 e( i2
(The rod gland is the topmost exposed component on the pump head.).
TRANSFER PUMP: Pumps designed specifically for this job are available from a number of vendors, e.g. Make your hole 3 feet deep, with post hole digger or by hand. Starting with a fully-functional lever-arm pump, what follows are the step-by-step installation instructions to remove the handle assembly and install the motor.
At this voltage even the best deep cycle batteries available would be at 75% discharge and would need to be fully charged before doing any work. At this point the negative terminal of the first battery and the positive terminal of the second battery are not being used. Keep in mind the power leads provided are 20 in length. Well also assume you agree to the way we use cookies and are ok with it as described in our Privacy Policy, unless you choose to disable them altogether through your browser. Then, if you want to charge a pressure tank, a small transfer pump can move the water from the ambient tank to the pressure tank.
Everything else in the system is in an, above ground, configuration, i.e.
(Sakrete is convenient for this job.). Before operating the pump for the first time we want to make sure the battery bank is fully charged to 100% of its capacity. The motor load must not be exceeded, and all instructions must be adhered to.
" #/_ :P $@! K? P0p/ @HH(Hhh( A,dKG.[y)k\< TANKS: See the range of Bushman drinking water storage tanks, on the bottom of this page: Dankoff, Surflo and Jabsco. With the batteries fully charged, you can now turn on the system by putting the rocker switch on the outside of the control box in the on position.
Lift up the 3/4 diameter SS pump rod 2 inchesto make sure that the piston is not sitting on the ball at the bottom of the pump cylinder. %PDF-1.5
In order, these are: Orientation: The DC motor faces away from the pump nozzle. At this point you are ready to mount your solar array. It is critical that, in high wind conditions, the PV cannot spin around or move and break the electrical connections to the control box.
Now you can slide the control box into its final position. (less than 1 mouth), Portable drill with 3/8 bit and 1/2 bit. This pinches the yoke so it is fastened to the stainless rod. Now is the time where a second set of hands might be helpful to deal with the added weight of the control box and to assure easier alignment of the lower linear bearing, yoke, and upper linear bearing as you slide them down onto the 3/4 rod extension. endstream endobj startxref Turn on the power. If the pump rod drops into the pump head the only way to retrieve it will be to remove the pump head and riser tube.
Just like the Simple Pump itself, your gear motor assembly and control box have been built giving great care to precision. endstream
Be sure that the main switch on the outside of the control box is in the off position!
If the pump does not run at this time you will need to set the time and day in the timer, program start and stop times, or use the manual override as per instructions.
128 degrees F, LBLD mechanism with stainless steel drive cover and electrical components cabinet, 3/4 x 36 stainless steel pump rod and 3/4 x 13 stainless steel pump rod extension, (3) 15amp ATO/ATC prong style fuses (spares), (4) 1/4-20 x 7/8 SS SHCS fasteners for mounting the LBLD to the pump hea, #6 gauge jumper cable for connecting two batteries, (4) Allen wrenches: 9/64, 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, A small crescent wrench. Refer to the charge controller operations manual for additional trouble-shooting tips.
You should confirm that your pump is delivering at least one gallon of water with approximately 25 strokes with the lever handle system. When you see where the bottom of the riser tube is, lower again so that 6 inches are below the split flange. Loosen or remove the two 5/16 Allen bolts on the yoke and using a large flat blade screw driver gently spread the opening in the yoke to clear the pump rod. If you are installing your Simple Pump now, you will start HERE. Lift the riser tube (and pump head), and then remove the safety tool.
The motor normally operates in the range of 100-150 F depending on workload and ambient temperature. The solar-powered Simple Pump is an integrated, standardized system that will provide water at the surface. With a level, check the pole is vertical.
We recommend a break-in period of six hours. stream
The opposite ends of these two cables plug into the male and female connectors on the bottom of the control box designated battery positive and negative.
endobj Do not remove the stainless steel nipple (i.e. \@_Ia0` 1XDsv*&^a8%$ %?CE $e { h&i RFD%mGxJXiJLvr+~PIwpvpibu(I)ELh">Oi)~odin[1vNMa +}>c\eZF0k;:8:].sE9Jz6:0#S.= Z+i">5K+!457?kj.Z"i~ 6[55@Sc 38?ehJX9(GVh$1$Z0V{f6:?j\^[F 5e\A>b>
You are ready to go. Please ask us if you want to consider this possibility. Center the stainless steel mounting bracket (.120 thick x 1.000 x 5.875 with two .530 holes and two .400 holes) in the 28.50 width of the battery box two inches down from the top edge of the box. AGM will cost triple but will last longer. <>
This system places the battery box in the shade of the solar panel, as shown to the right. This ends the preparation of an existing hand pump. of lifting effort for each 100 feet of staticwater level depth. %
If you have a 4 galvanized mounting pole (double module)mark the two .530 holes and drill with a 1/2 bit. The 4-gang terminal block offers access to 24VDC power for accessories such as a transfer pump, light or other appropriate device that does not exceed the available amperage. Your units instructions take precedence. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
This procedure will be reversed. Then proceed here to the section on electrical connections. Lower the control box over the pump rod passing the pump rod thru the lower guide bearing first, the yoke and then the upper guide bearing aligning the pump head with the four mounting holes on the adaptor plate and secure. If the flow rate of your pump starts to fall, replacing the seals may well be the solution. Rest the battery box on the bottom cross-bracket. Align the holes for the four mounting bolts with the four holes on the flat rear of the pump head.
You are ready to pump water again.
If the effortis any more than this,remove the pump head and try again to determine if theproblem is in the head. When you lower the LBLD onto the stainless rod, be sure that the four mounting holes below the lower linear bearing are aligned with the four mounting holes on the pump head, that held the lever arm mechanism in place. It is extremely important to replace the fuse with only a 15 amp ATO/ATC automotive style fuse. endstream
646 0 obj
Optionally, if you have the cover off, you can apply a bit of lubricating oil on the two points where ball bearings in the drive move during operation. 670 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[645 61]/Info 644 0 R/Length 114/Prev 928922/Root 646 0 R/Size 706/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream PROCEED TO THE NEXT SECTION.
You may have chosen a different pole or roof mounting system.
If the batteries fail or melt down the MorningStar will isolate them from the system with its built in circuit protections.
It is equally important for the pump head seals that only the smooth continuous rod pass by the seals on each stroke. endobj After loosening the pinch bolt and the 3 mounting bolts on the split flange, pull the pump head up out of the well, enough to expose the bell end of the top PVC drop pipe and a couple of inches below that. With the motor unit removed from the pump head, all you have left to do is to separate the 13 extension from the 24 extension and reinstall the handle assembly. 24VDC can be obtained from the terminal block by placing the positive lead to the device on position #1 and the negative lead from the device on position #3 or #4 (with #1 being the furthest terminal position to the left and #4 being the furthest terminal position to the right as you face the terminal block with the door open). Help us improve this article with your feedback. The gear motor assembly is warranted against defective materials and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase. The pump piston is now resting on the stainless ball on the bottom of the pump cylinder.
:DO{aN~cZV.hY Z dz6)&T(J\6 /zS zp[h%hTyd]vP#.q Using the male and female connectors as your guide, push the cable extensions onto the J-box power leads. $.' endobj Just note that the Freshdesk Support Desk service is pretty big on some cookies (we love the choco-chip ones), and some portions of Freshdesk Support Desk may not work properly if you disable cookies. The 5/16 ring terminal attaches to the empty negative post of the first battery, and the 3/8 ring terminal to the empty positive post of the second battery. Note that 50psi relates to approximately110 feet of head.) While holding the pump head by the riser tube, seat the safety tool securely on the split flange. (If the system takes a direct lightning strike nothing will save it.). Once the solar panel was connected the batteries began to charge; by following the instructions in your Operators Manual you can now set the battery type and monitor the charge cycle by viewing the digital readout on the meter and the charge status LEDs. %PDF-1.5 % NOTE: A low-voltage disconnect feature to protect the motor is built in the the Morningstar controller. 3 0 obj Then proceed to Section 3: Installation. JFIF C J*jZ6vN.nQ1q I)iU5u Z&fV.n^!a">%~N/(,*.)RS[W?08495=3;7pxv~qyu}s{wK. (1) PV-AZS4 is a male to double female. OB This prevents operation of the motor when voltage is below 23.8 volts.
However, do not under any circumstances apply oil to the linear bearings, or the 3/4x36 stainless steel rod that moves within those two linear bearings. hbbd``b`63a$8Kc6HD\ @&: "@}$2& ~ 2EH B/(LL 1AOgXt Photo is one example, only.
The modules are grounded in the J-box by means of a green bonding wire that attaches to the aluminum frame, which is then bolted to the aluminum bracket, that is bolted to the steel pipe, which is sunk in the ground.
You will need two 12v batteries: group 27 or 31 Deep Cycle (from almost any auto parts store), and minimum 100 amp-hour rating.
Add at least one full bag of concrete to the hole. The positive cables from each panel will plug into the two terminal side of the appropriate connector and leave the Y connector on a single cable, (provided) which will then plug into the control box at the PV positive connector. There is no requirement to oil any of the LDBD system components. DO NOT LET GO OF THE PUMP ROD!
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Click here to view additional details on the Simple Pump Solar Well Pump Kits. NOTE: Since needs for tank volume and pumping capacity will vary greatly, we do not provide the ambient tank or transfer motor. Before you lower the control box onto the pump rod and pump head; first, rotate by hand the lever arm which is attached directly to the motor shaft so it is pointing directly at the ground and parallel to the pump rod. As long as the Motorized System with the LBLD is pumping correctly and not causing the motor to overload, no maintenance is required for the LBLD motor component. There are rare but possible circumstances where someone might want to change back to hand operation.
It should requireabout 40 lbs. DO NOT ATTACH THE SAFETY COVER AT THIS TIME. <>
(These are general example instructions only. Now loosen the four Allen bolts at the upper and lower guide bearings so that the bearings can be moved with little effort by hand.
To prevent damage to the pump cylinder, pump head seals, and insure proper operation we must now raise the pump rod lifting the piston off the bottom and bringing the joint where the rod extension meets the main pump rod clear of the pump seals. ",#(7),01444'9=82. Now connect these two cables at the two remaining male, female connectors on the bottom of the control box marked Panel positive and negative. The pumps seals must be replaced periodically typically every 3 to 7 years.
As long as the gear motor system is pumping correctly and not causing the motor to overload, no maintenance is required. not a chassis ground. If the temperature at the planned site regularly peaks above 100 degrees F, we recommend operation of the motor in shade. Continue with the next two pages of instructions to replace the current 24 rod with the new 36 rod. Disconnect the 3/4 stainless rod from the topmost sucker rod.
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