2GrinderAny type that you can use to make special tools. This isn't a huge issue. The rear lift arms were also beefed up. Look down in the hole with a brite light and make sure there is a jet installed. A fan belt with a good flex should be at least half an inch wide and a squeak is another indicator that the float valve seat needs to be replaced. If its not overheating, you have another issue. If its too short, it is time to replace it. If your tank is rusting then this will contaminate your fuel. There is no way this one came off a "working tractor". 8N-9510 TSX-241A = 8N 276116 - 313111
Once you have the throttle plates centered and screws tight. If the neoprene shaft seal is in good condition and you only see faint scratches, go for the NAA piston.
The studs should stay in the carb. These changes improved the tractors overall strength. Carb rebuild kits are available in two versions for the M/S carbs. We will continue to ship your packages, but due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, your packages may not arrive as scheduled.
It may take a little prying to free the manifold gasket. A set of flare-nut wrenches may save you from rounding off those soft fuel line fittings. Some skip it, but it's impossible to get all those little passages completely clean without removing the Main Nozzle and jets. D4A selection of old wire guitar string in various thicknesses comes in handy for cleaning out passages. Spray some carb cleaner in the carb halves and place them where they can soak a bit.
7A selection of wire strands in various sizes that can be threaded through passages to clean them out. Hopefully this carb is in a lot worse condition than any carb you will have to work on. The modern equivalent is a 1/8-27 NPS (national pipe straight). The engine will still start, adjust, and run well. Fasteners such as carb body screws may have been stripped and drilled out for oversize hardware. Most of the original or new aftermarket carbs sold for these engines can perform equally well, as long as they are properly checked-out, cleaned, and tuned. Carefully remove two screws that hold each plate to the shaft. Check the venturi again making sure the tapered part is still on top. Idle Jet = 9N/8N 9596 M/S #49-165 #10-32 Thread Don't under-size the idle jet or fail to rod out and open the idle fuel passages. There was once a gono-go float setting gauge, but I have not found one of those. Most of the wear is often in the shaft, so new shafts and seals might be all you need.
Usually, shafts are the worst-wearing component on your tractor. You may need a neighbors help to disconnect the fuel line and the light wire. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. This would explain why the new seats start to bind after a few turns. The other carb used in this step-by-step is hopefully much more typical of any carbs you will be working on. 3Pick ToolsPointy Steel Picks with various bends at the end. Were going to talk about some of the best replacement carburetors for an 8N Ford tractor. The sizes listed in bold text above are the original TSX-33 spec.
I tried to make it work but it just required too many modifications so I returned it to Tractor Supply Center. Sounds like your carb. The shafts may have oval holes. B4Carefully pry the shaft seals out of the holes with a Pick Tool.
If you are looking for a new or replacement carb for any of the Ford N-Series Tractors, the Marvel/Schebler TSX-241B was the best that Ford engineers came up with for these tractors. Once this is done, you can install the new air tube. The inside does not look any better. Pick a new, sharp or specially ground screwdriver that fits tightly in the screw slot. These usually come out easy. Your email address will not be published. If a kit has new jets, verify that the new jets have the correct size hole before discarding any old jets. A friend suggested soaking carbs in vinegar for a few days, then soaking in mineral spirits for a few days. Check for low coolant, loose fan belt, debris in the radiator fins, and a stuck thermostat. The air filter is a very common problem in Ford tractors, but it is an easy fix. After youve installed the top cover, install the shaft seals and plates. For example, if your serial number is G187, it means it was cast after July 18th, 1947. A tight-fitting open-end wrench may work ok, as long as the nut wasn't previously tightened by a gorilla. The fan belt should have at least a half-inch of flex at its mid-point. Some floats and valves will use a small clip to help the float pull the valve out of the seat. If your model has been discontinued by the manufacturer or if they no longer make manuals for it, then you might want to consider getting an aftermarket manual instead of trying to find parts online it may be easier than finding parts online anyway. 9N-9510 TSX-33 = 9N carb used on all 9N,2N,8N tractors prior to serial number 8N 260596.
Monday-Friday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM | Saturday 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Sunday CLOSED. D2Some of the passages in these carbs may never have been completely drilled out and many of the jets being provided in kits are the wrong size for a Ford tractor. These tractors are identifiable by their flathead engine wihich has the carburetor mounted on right hand side of engine. is found in the carburetor or if it has been taken apart. Fits 2N, 8N, & 9N only. I've never had one of those little screws in the throttle plates come loose, but I have seen what a small screw like that can do to the inside of a cylinder. Next, remove the upper body and the float from the carburetor. D3Some people find it necessary to remove the casting plugs to clean and check some passages. Use your third hand to do that. This rebuild is based on the original type Marvel/Schebler Carburetor. It's stiff enough to poke through there, flexible enough to go around corners, and the wire-wound exterior makes a great rasp to help clean out passages. The mm size eqivalent is 0.5 to 1.5 in 1/10 mm increments. If its D252, then it was made after April 25th, 1952. A large screwdriver or even a dime gripped in vice grips, can work as well. E7If you took the shafts out, reassemble shafts, plates, shaft seals, and finally install the mixture adjustment screws. All N-Series TractorsFord-Ferguson 9N, 2N, and Ford 8N. Its also a good idea to blow the radiator from the engine side. 8N-9510 TSX-241B = 8N 313112 and up. What kind of performance increase would there be? Current pump gas is only 10% ethanol, but it does make me lean towards the larger jet sizes. D1Repeat the entire cleaning process. Soak the area in PB Blaster first. New shafts can usually be obtained in kit kits. Putting new parts in a dirty carb often does not have the desired results. Start with a small bit, and work up to the tap bit size indicated for that hole. Too big is much better than too small. This is especially true when mission creep sets in, and it's over a year later that you are putting things back together (hint hint). The serial number of the tractor you are working on should indicate the year it was built. I believe the new seats are being made with a thread spec that is "close" but not exactly right. Then, you can install the idle adjusting needle. That's certainly a lot less expensive than soaking in carb cleaner. Once youve removed the float, remove the seat. In most cases, even the basic kit will have more parts than needed. We are removing it now, so it won't get bent later. Most things like jets only need to be snugged down. Bushings are not provided in kits, but are available separately. What's left of the choke plate assembly was rattling around inside the carb. The Idle Jet is easily visible near the float seat.
None of the jets would come out either. Copyright 2018 Stevens Tractor. Don't force them, but make sure you are at the limit of travel. They were used on a wide variety of vehicles for many years. If your fuel is contaminated, you cannot fix the problem with a new carburetor. The shop manual says not to use anything harder than copper wire to clean passages. Welcome to Tractor Forum Bigfoot365! Aside from those; normal hand tools, carb cleaner, PB Blaster, paint thinner, Safety Glasses, etc. Most of these carbs have been rebuilt several times by now with the quality of work all over the place. However, new shafts may be all you need.
This will ensure that the engine runs properly and efficiently. They go in a few threads and then get difficult. C5Removing the Main Nozzle is a bit obvious. B1If you are certain the carb came off a working tractor, get a piece of paper and take some notes. Soaking in solvent will loosen some deposits then a combination of rodding-out and air pressure should thoroughly clean the passages. Marvel Schebler Style Carburetor for Ford Models 9N, 2N and 8N, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. If not, make sure it isn't broken off and wadded up inside the carb. Something went wrong. I've found this is usually nearly impossible to get wrong. The tapered part should be at the top when the carb is assembled. To replace the carburetor on a Ford tractor, locate the identification number on the carburetor shaft. There seems to be a problem serving the request at this time, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"https://ir.ebaystatic.com/cr/v/c1/thirtysevens.jpg","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. You can easily remove the air filter housing from your tractor by unbolting two bolts and loosening the clamps on the air pipe. To replace the shaft of the carburetor, you must first remove the idle screw and then insert the throttle plate. B2Check the idle speed screw. A3This is a good time to start snapping some photos. C1At this point there is still some disassembly to do, but my workbench is covered in dirt, grime, and bits of old paint.
E2Install the correct jet into each hole. Sizes Found = (TSX-241B 0.024) 0.025 0.027 0.028 [0.032] 0.033 0.035 0.046, Economizer Air Jet = 9N/9N 9914 M/S #49-161 #8-32 Thread (small head) B5Carefully unscrew the fuel elbow fitting. 5Assorted Bits for the Pin Vise in inch sizes from 0.025" to 0.060". The manual says the top of the float should be between 0.260" amd 0.297" from the gasket surface, using the standard thickness cork gasket. One bit of gum, varnish, or crud left in those passages WILL prevent the rebuilt carb from performing properly. Watch for screw slots that have already been damaged by using the wrong size screwdriver. To begin, disconnect the gas line from the tank and drain the fuel. Holes that are not properly centered in the castings make the parts weak in critical areas. Please make sure you have clean fuel.
We will see why in a minute. You can purchase replacement bushings separately, but you may need to drill and install new ones, as well. Digital photos are free, so there's no reason not to photograph everything as it comes apart. The flutes mess me up. Use solvents, scrapers, elbow grease, and compressed air in whatever quantity seems appropriate. Then you can unscrew the shaft and plate, and remove the shaft. E5Place the venturi into the top cover gasket. The Idle Jet is a larger #10-32 thread and will be the only jet that will thread into the idle jet hole, next to the float seat. A bad water pump will squeak.
Then drop the float needle into the seat, set the top gasket on, and hang the float in place with the pivot pin. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Rubber gloves may be needed depending on what you use for solvents/cleaners, skin sensitivity, and how hands-on you tend to get with that stuff. The rebuild kits have introduced even more variations. I have used something as simple as a dime gripped in a pair of vice grips, but a properly-fitted special tool works much better.
You may need to pry around the edge a bit to separate the bottom half of the carb from the gasket material.
Sort of like setting a rivet, Pinch the screw so that last thread is slightly deformed. Bending a slight turn in the leading end of the wire will help get it around corners. C4The carb kits usually have a new float seat so remove that (Using special tool No.2).
B3Check the choke and throttle shafts for side play in the carb body. After recording the settings to the nearest 1/4 turn, remove the adjusting screws and springs completely. I want to start cleaning the carb, and can't do that right without first cleaning the work area. It will come out using the proper size screwdriver. This is an idle "air" adjustment, so it works backwards from practically any other carb on the planet. It helps that the material being removed is usually softer than the casting around it. About quart size should do it. Once screws are out, remove the plates, and slide the shafts out. Another way to tell the age of your tractor is by looking at the hydraulic pump housing. If you cut your own gaskets, make sure you take any change of gasket thickness into account. If ok, continue installing cover screws and tighten them in stages to gradually snug the cover down. 8Precision measuring tool to measure bit and wire sizes. Some replacement float valves are a little taller or shorter, so if everything else checks out ok, go ahead and bend the float to get the correct 9/32" height. Fits 2N, 8N, & 9N only. Unfortunately, this carburetor willnotfit overhead valve engines or Ferguson tractors. The fitting should have a fuel screen on the inside end. It may be best to assume the carb you are working on has already been rebuilt several times with a wide variety of skill or care. Mission creep strikes again. This is usually caused by a worn shaft. You will need to remove four bolts from the dash and two from the doglegs. However, if you are not comfortable with the idea of replacing a carburetor yourself, you can purchase an affordable and convenient rebuild kit. There are always tractors being parted-out on ebay, so that is the best way to get decent original carbs. 138 product ratings - New Carburetor For Ford Tractor 2N 8N 9N Heavy Duty 8N9510C-HD Marvel Schebler, 7 product ratings - Brand New Carburetor w/ Gasket For Ford Tractor 2N 8N 9N Heavy Duty 8N9510C-HD, 12 product ratings - HEAVY DUTY CARBURETOR FOR FORD TRACTOR 2N 8N 9N TSX33 8N9510C-HD MARVEL SCHEBLER, 1 product ratings - Carb Screen Carburetor Fuel Elbow Strainer Fits Ford Tractor 2N 8N 9N NAA NAB 60, 1 product ratings - Carburetor Rebuild Kit for Ford 2N 8N 9N IH Farmall 100 130 140 200 230. If the shafts need to come out, snap photos to document how the plates, screws, and choke springs fit. We still need to stay completely square and perpendicular to the item being drilled. A2Remove the fuel line at the carb fitting. Ford tractors were first built in 1947 and were sold as 1948 models. If the hole is noticably oval, new bushings are required. To do this, youll need a special tool to catch both slots of the float valve seat. A4Next remove the linkage and air tube. Alternatively, you can purchase separate bushings. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2017 - 2022 Justagric | Designed by Godwin Chibuike, Best Replacement Carburetor For 8n Ford Tractor. The castings and finishing are often mis-aligned. The screws for this part are usually located in the shaft and can be easily removed with a screwdriver. Sorry to hear that you are having such poor luck. I keep a few old fuel line fitting nuts around so I can twist one in the elbow to help support the fitting before putting a wrench on it. Unless you are buying a lot more parts than you need, you are going to be stuck with two choices, the jets that came in the carb or the ones provided in a rebuild kit. No need to be a gorilla and wring the threads out of something. The main mixture screw is frozen, and the carb body screws were rusted in place.
It's also nice if it has a pin to keep it centered. If you have any questions, or problems with this site, please send me a message: When drilling out old jets or anything else in the carb, there is already a centering hole, so it is fairly easy to keep the drill centered. B7Flip the top over and remove the float hinge pin, float, venturi, and peel the gasket off. Unfortunately, this carburetor willnotfit overhead valve engines or Ferguson tractors. The engine was also redesigned with a TSX-33 carburetor. The carburetor shaft often requires the most maintenance. These seals are responsible for preventing leaks around the crankshaft. The original carbs seem to be much better in quality and it may be worth the cost to save it if possible.
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