40 0 obj 31 0 obj endstream research across these diverse fields of study and, thereby, to forward our understanding of collaborative learning and its instructional applications. Group work in education -- Cross-cultural studies. :b!\DtMU&W
x+r <>stream endobj This work defines collaborate learning by drawing on the broader literature, including Chi's ICAP framework that emphasizes the importance of sustained, interactive explanation and elaboration by learners, and distinguishes collaborate learning from constructive, active, and passive learning and provides preliminary evidence documenting the growth of methods that support collaborative learning. 19 0 obj Request items for pickup at another library. endobj Dynamic Development of Expertise. 9781136869556 1136869557 9780203837290 0203837290. 38 0 obj The E-mail Address(es) you entered is(are) not in a valid format. 66y% Please enter the message. 2018-04-16T23:30:37+05:30 % 21 0 obj Child Leaders in Collaborative Groups; Chapter 16. <>>>/StructParents 14/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> 7 0 obj Problem-Based Learning: An Instructional Model of Collaborative LearningPart IV: Technology and Collaborative Learning; Chapter 22. xYms_@GL>)(M&. Mixed Methods for Analyzing Collaborative Learning; Part III: Instructional Issues and Approaches to Collaborative Learning. 47 0 obj / <>>>/StructParents 7/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> Developmental Approaches to Collaborative Learning; Chapter 3. The goal of this book is to integrate theory and. endstream endstream converted 5 0 obj x+r Chapter 27. The book is structured into.
hD 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH34QpW ;Xu endobj 2018-04-16T23:30:37+05:30 41 0 obj Group cognition: Computer support for building collaborative knowledge, Communities of Networked Expertise: Professional and Educational Perspectives, This edited volume brings together a range of international scholars who have an established history of having published research that focuses on collaborative or co-operative learning. LJQG 9yr~\tF!|W1hfll}\ $ 'KVVcmm\|V[ The distribution of knowledge-creation activities during the project reveals that the teacher assumed a role of organizer concerning shared knowledge practices instead of controlling all aspects of students learning. 22 0 obj endobj While many studies have given the impression that students are able to. During the 1960s efforts to exploit these similarities gave rise to learning, View 11 excerpts, references background and methods. endobj Verbal Data Analysis for Understanding Interactions; Chapter 10. Impactful learning: exploring the value of informal learning experiences to improve the learning potential of international research projects. 2018-04-16T23:30:37+05:30 xmp.id:f00a8d91-df85-1e4d-b77d-cb001aaa90f3 uuid:c9e39512-f4de-4432-ae9d-3f0c937b21d3 endobj endobj <>stream Organizing Collaborative Learning Experiences Around Subject Matter Domains: The Importance of Aligning Social and Intellectual Structures in Instruction; Chapter 20. endobj <>>>/StructParents 8/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> Copyright 2001-2022 OCLC. endstream endstream
endobj You may have already requested this item. Mobile Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning; Chapter 25. <>stream The Multilayered Nature of Small-Group Learning: Productive Interactions in Object-Oriented Collaboration, The Effect of the Prior Collaborative Experience on the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Collaborative Learning, Researching on and with Young People: Collaborating and Educating, The Effects of Case Libraries in Supporting Collaborative Problem-Solving in an Online Learning Environment, Learning by collaborative designing: technology-enhanced knowledge practices, Supporting the technologyenhanced collaborative inquiry and design project: a teachers reflections on practices, A knowledge-practice perspective on technology-mediated learning, The Potential for Collaborative Problem Solving in Design and Technology, Knowledge Building: Theory, Pedagogy, and Technology. Expert Knowledge as the Basis of Human Competence. 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH34UpW ;_v endobj <>>>/StructParents 2/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> endstream proof:pdf <>>>/StructParents 10/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> Technology-Mediation and Tutoring: How Do They Shape Progressive Inquiry Discourse? 28 0 obj <>stream Learning through Collaborative Argumentation; Chapter 19. Collaborative learning has become an increasingly important part of education, but the research supporting it is distributed across a wide variety of fields including social, cognitive, developmental, and educational psychology, instructional design, the learning sciences, educational technology, socio-cultural studies, and computer-supported collaborative learning. Collaboration in Informal Learning Environments: Access and Participation in Youth Virtual CommunitiesChapter 28. endobj The Education Library is closed for construction. Please enter your name. endobj h2233U0P0237R0 endstream Cultivating a Community of Learners in K-12 ClassroomsChapter 14. Collaborative Knowledge Building: Towards a Knowledge Creation Perspective; Chapter 26. endstream 25 0 obj endobj endobj <>>>/StructParents 15/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Length 3291/BBox[0 0 504 720]>>stream 30 0 obj Sociocultural Perspectives on Collaborative Learning: Toward Collaborative Knowledge Creation; Chapter 4. <>>>/StructParents 9/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> 2018-04-16T23:30:37+05:30 <>stream Peer collaboration is considered to be a valuable learning mechanism but has not, There are substantial similarities between deep learning and the processes by which knowledge advances in the disciplines. endobj Don't have an account? hUmo0+ib>;qHU%cT`L!D J\ /-R,K'p#c;sd>8-e^,v}20:lpdaX+:ZhL>n\zqA{i. This study randomly assigned participants to two groups as they resolved an ill-structured problem and demonstrated that both groups had similar patterns of discussion, but the case library condition collaborated at a higher rate for each of the categories of the content analysis. Examination of the relations between Carl Bereiters and Marlene Scardamalia's knowledge-building approach and social practices is examined to argue that technology enhances learning through transformed social practices. 37 0 obj Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: Your request to send this item has been completed. x+r Performance, mental effort, and, This paper reports on collaborative research on and with young people. Please enter the subject. endobj 43 0 obj <>stream Metacognition and Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. <>>>/StructParents 1/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> xmp.did:50158EEAD5B4E011A716C43BE4E3DB5A endobj x+r &)`yXTb;;LU@`UE@q#Axu(Bis(mf
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Assessment in Collaborative Learning; Chapter 17. All rights reserved. This paper discusses the potential of Design and Technology (D&T) as an environment for collaborative problem solving. 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUHTpW 01I Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours. Advancing Understanding of Collaborative Learning with Data Derived from Video Records; Chapter 12. xmp.did:914fa9e1-faec-cf45-a431-591bd9e52c3c The Group Investigation Approach to Cooperative Learning. Part I. Designing Collaborative Learning through Computer Support; Chapter 23. 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH3RpW 0 B Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305. catalog, articles, website, & more in one search, books, media & more in the Stanford Libraries' collections, Handbook of research on collaborative learning using concept mapping. endobj Theories of Cognition in Collaborative Learning; Part II: Studying Collaborative Learning; Chapter 5. Motivation in Collaborative Groups; Chapter 15. 53 0 obj F <>stream ;n8qZGrvME c4sr=>Es/:rq\`hJ%{|F9Fm&+Z~$ZLoAoN;nj?u%}sUC{Y7`Q-gg*~uYWMVsQvTfsynY5~>=A^CJT5(u`*$2kCy?QE[cc:T%w. Organizational Support for Dynamic Development of, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. 27 0 obj endstream
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Collective cognitive responsibility for the advancement of knowledge. EDUCATION -- Teaching Methods & Materials -- General. endobj <>stream Collaborative learning has become an increasingly important part of education, but the research supporting it is distributed across a wide variety of fields including social, cognitive, developmental, and educational psychology, instructional design, the learning sciences, educational technology, socio-cultural studies, and computer-supported collaborative learning. endstream
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endstream Conversation Analysis and Collaborative Learning; Chapter 9. is to be found in a cluster of terms that pervade the oral and printed discourse on this issueincluding especially the futuristic business literature that Bereiter cites in his target article: The scaffolding provided by the learning technology, together with the possibility for dialogue, appear to have supported practices of problem-setting, self-reflection, and collaborative development of ideas. While the volume uses the term collaborative learning in the title, an examination of the chapters and, indeed, the editors introduction indicates that they use the terms collaborative and co-operative interchangeably; the emphasis being on mutual influence and equality of participation, characteristics, The Horizon 2020 (H2020) is the largest EU funded research programme, which supports mobility of international researchers through secondments to engage in collaborative research activities to. x+r 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH34PpW ;q endstream 55 0 obj Some features of WorldCat will not be available. endobj Please re-enter recipient e-mail address(es). RAYB 2IBR,%"CYR/ 4/^._sJJ{e2=,]Y&kXC-NOi&"1iB5n"&t&D4`dxfLjUqVuv'_ g
10 0 obj The E-mail message field is required. x+r Separate up to five addresses with commas (,). Chapter 13. endobj Online collaboration and cooperation: The recurring importance of evidence, rationale and viability, Boundary Crossings: Cooperative Learning, Collaborative Learning, and Problem-Based Learning, PBL and Beyond: Trends in Collaborative Learning, The multi-layered nature of small-group learning: Productive interactions in object-oriented collaboration, COLLABORATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING AND THE ASSESSMENT OF COGNITIVE SKILLS: PSYCHOMETRIC CONSIDERATIONS, Investigation 11. The student groups participated in collaborative projects, which involved, This study investigates, from a cognitive load perspective, the effect of prior collaborative experience on the effectiveness and efficiency of collaborative learning. 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH34WpW ;mx endobj 52 0 obj 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUHPpW 0*H Introduction. The E-mail Address(es) field is required. %PDF-1.6
You may send this item to up to five recipients. 50 0 obj Linguistic Analysis Methods for Studying Small Groups; Chapter 11. The Knowledge-Acquisition Perspective. <>stream WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. from application/x-indesign to application/pdf <>>>/StructParents 5/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> 44 0 obj endstream 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH3SpW 0F x+r Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. 2 0 obj x+r Chapter 21. 46 0 obj View 3 excerpts, cites methods and background, This article presents a study of small-group interaction in the context of collaborative learning in undergraduate education. 35 0 obj <>>>/StructParents 0/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> <>>>/StructParents 3/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> Collaboration, Technology, and Culture; Index. The subject field is required. endobj endstream Please enter recipient e-mail address(es). endobj 15 0 obj x+r endobj x+r Enseignement -- Travail en equipe -- Etudes transculturelles. 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH3VpW 0C 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH34RpW ;Js endobj default endstream
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Qualitative Methodologies for Studying Small Groups; Chapter 8. @ W{-
E endstream endobj <>>>/StructParents 4/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> <>stream endobj 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH34TpW ;Cr This paper investigates collaboration in teaching and learning and draws out implications for the promotion of collaboration within online environments with a longer tradition of research into collaboration in general. <>>>/StructParents 6/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> The findings show that productive interactions can take different forms, with discourse-based and object-oriented being the most relevant patterns arising and groups manifesting shared epistemic agency produce knowledge objects more complex and suitable to the problems addressed. <>stream <>stream 18 0 obj Would you also like to submit a review for this item? 24 0 obj endstream The name field is required. <>stream 13 0 obj 56 0 obj <>>>/StructParents 17/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> Your Web browser is not enabled for JavaScript. 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH3PpW ;ty 2T0 BCc33\H5+P&"s#\ S <>stream : An Overview; Part I: Theoretical Approaches; Chapter 1. endobj endstream hj0_Fpo]:^/''a2 <>>>/StructParents 11/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> Chapter 6. 2T0 BCc33\.@BLUH3UpW 0E False Collaborative Learning for Diverse Learners; Chapter 18. <>>>/StructParents 12/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> endobj Information Processing Approaches to Collaborative Learning; Chapter 2. HWko8 f%&)[/ld#JI"y{^]N\4A_x R(OHqq4rNh9%+-^-q$4?pM5]8(E :dGF3? 16 0 obj An overview of the research conducted in several fields of work related to collaboration is given, a framework for the assessment of cognitive skills through collaborative problem-solving tasks is proposed, and several statistical approaches to model the data collected from collaborative interactions are proposed. <>>>/StructParents 13/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 504 720]>> 4 0 obj x+r endobj 49 0 obj Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; List of Contributors; Foreword; Introduction: What is Collaborative Learning? In this study five groups of students in the final year of their Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) from five different. 33 0 obj <>stream %PDF-1.4 x+r Adobe PDF Library 15.0 x+r Since the 1960s, there has been growing and sustained interest in small-group learning approaches at the school level and in higher education. xmp.did:50158EEAD5B4E011A716C43BE4E3DB5A Adobe InDesign CC 13.0 (Windows) endobj 6 0 obj endstream
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Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. xmp.iid:e1a6b6b4-21b7-8444-90d9-dee9f387beab x+r In this study, we argue that a teacher has a crucial role in leading students into collaborative inquirylearning practices.
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