Please describe the regulations that have been implemented. If the answer to the above question is yes, do courts in the country you are reporting about permit insureds to aggregate claims arising out of Covid-19? Please note that the conclusions contained in this document are not mandatory for commercial court judges. Do the courts in the country you are reporting on permit an insured to aggregate claims related to multiple lockdown or stay-at-home orders arising out of Covid-19? As indicated above, to our knowledge, this legal issue has not been directly addressed by courts in France. Accordingly, Article 1355 of the FCC provides that The authority of res judicata applies only to what was the object of a judgment. On this basis, a decision can only have legal force outside the procedure it was rendered if a triple identity is demonstrated: it is necessary that the thing claimed be the same; that the claim be based on the same cause; that the claim be between the same parties and brought by them and against them acting in the same capacities (Art 1355 of the FCC). Have courts in the country you are reporting on issued jurisprudence concerning whether cedents can aggregate claims arising out of Covid-19? The Court of Appeal of Rennes has ruled that a similar exclusion clause shall be deemed unwritten because the guarantee was not established and unrealistic (Court of Appeal of Rennes, 16 June 2021, no 20/04816). endobj This is likely, in our view, to have shifted the debate and led judges and parties to focus on administrative decisions rather than the pandemic itself. The notion of financial loss (pertes pcuniaires) is not defined by statutory law and case law. The programme was preceded by a guest presentation by Laetitia Leonard-Reuter, CFO of Generali France. It is possible for parties to insert a clause in the contract providing for more restrictive or broader conditions than the ones set out by statutory law. The France Property & Casualty Insurance Market is very competitive and growing across the nation as it's covering the maximum portion of Non-Life Insurance Segment there. However, we emphasise that the above-mentioned decision did not specifically rule on this matter. When questioning whether the Covid-19 pandemic could qualify as force majeure under French law, it appears that if the evolution of this pandemic is most certainly beyond the control of the parties, the conditions of foreseeability and irresistibility vastly depend on the date of conclusion of the contract as well as the date on which the force majeure is examined. The French authorities issued various types of orders in response to Covid-19, in particular: If the answer to the question above is yes, were such orders issued nationally, by state/region or by local city/town. If the answer to the above question is yes, have courts in the country you are reporting on interpreted this issue consistently? The corona virus pandemic hit the france property and casualty insurance market, property and casualty insurance market, france insurance market very badly. Accordingly, it appears that courts would be unlikely to permit an insured to aggregate claims related to multiple lockdowns or administrative decision arising from Covid-19. In this regard, we note that the violation of orders and administrative decisions taken to manage the spread of Covid-19 was criminally sanctioned. More specifically, on 7 December 2020, in reaction with demands from the French Ministry of the Economy, insurance companies have, although on request, collectively committed to freeze insurance premiums for small and medium companies of less than 250 employees in the restaurant and hotel sectors, as well as companies in culture, events, sport and tourism. French authorities have implemented inter alia the following measures: Please note that the applicability of these measures may be different depending on: the territory where the applicant is established (the measures applicable to overseas territories may differ from metropolitan France); the applicants business sector; and when the request was made as available relief measure may change over time. Bests Credit Rating Methodology (BCRM) Benchmarking Review & European Insurance Market Segment Outlooks. Payment Failed. Consequently, the exclusion must be worded in such a way that the insured is able to know exactly under which circumstances they will not be covered. Please give a short description of the conclusions in such judicial opinions or guidance.
However, nightclubs have recently been closed as of 10 December 2021 until at least 7 January 2022; restaurants and bars were closed from 15 and 16 March to 31 May 2020 and were closed again from 30 October 2020 to May/June 2021. It should be highlighted that gatherings of more than ten persons in public places were banned from 12 May to 17 October 2020 when the ban was tightened and gatherings of more than six persons in public places were prohibited. The IBA uses cookies to provide you with a better website experience. June 2021: Covea Insurance launches virtual work experience programme to help Calderdale students. If the answer to the above question is yes, do courts in the country you are reporting about permit cedents to aggregate claims arising out of Covid-19? The proximate cause may be isolated by referring to either one of the two following theories: (1) the theory of adequate causality (thorie de la causalit adquate) a hierarchy between the different perils having contributed to the losses shall be established so as to isolate the adequate peril that could be said to have effectively caused the losses; (2) the theory of the equivalence of the conditions (thorie de lquivalence des conditions) by contrast, all the perils having contributed to the losses could be deemed as having equally caused the losses. a rule of law, case law etc). Please give a short description of the legal basis and relevant jurisprudence. %
Please give a short description of the legal basis. We will not describe the administrative order. the implementation of the business interruption coverage is excluded for 93 per cent of the policies because either the guarantee is subject to the occurrence of a material damage to the insured property or, more rarely, an explicit exclusion of the effects of the pandemics has been provided for in the policy which covered administrative closures; it appears that three per cent of the policies do cover business interruptions related to Covid-19, which is particularly the case if the contract covers operating losses whatever the cause and does not provide any exclusion of the pandemic risk; coverage is uncertain for four per cent of the analysed policies, for which it will be up to a judge to interpret their provisions and rule on the coverage. Please give a short description of the legal basis and relevant jurisprudence. If the answer to the question above is yes, did the highest court in the country you are reporting about determine whether insureds can aggregate claims arising out of Covid-19? According to a document of the General Conference of Consular Judges of France (Confrence Gnrale des juges consulaires de France) dated 18 December 2020, the representative organisation of the judges of French commercial courts, the exclusion clause which is provided in several insurance contracts of AXA (see Question 55) is not valid and shall be deemed unwritten. Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Industry and market insights and forecasts, Key figures and rankings about companies and products, Consumer and brand insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about countries and regions, Everything you need to know about Consumer Goods, Identify market potentials of the digital future, Insights into the world's most important technology markets, Health Market Outlook However, we emphasise that these decisions were based on the provisions of the policy which defined the notion of covered event (Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence, 4 November 2021, nos 21/04098, 21/03791); an all-risks insurance policy providing covering NDBI losses, the Court of Appeal of Anger ruled that the Covid-19 pandemic was an insured event, as pandemics were not specifically excluded (Court of Appeal of Angers, 28 September 2021, no 21/00643). The judicial system in France is divided in two orders: the judicial (civil) order and the administrative order. The notion of consequential loss (perte conscutive) is not defined by statutory law and case law. Did the country that you are reporting about issue lockdown, stay-at-home, or no-travel restrictions in response to Covid-19? On the other hand, the Court of Appeal of Bordeaux has ruled that a similar exclusion clause was valid because the guaranteed risk was not derisory (Court of Appeal of Bordeaux, 7 June 2021, no 20/04363). If the clause is unclear, various methods of interpretation are singled out by the FCC. However, this assertion must be considered in the light of the fact that insurance policies in France somewhat refer to administrative decisions to determine the scope of their coverage. The France Property & Casualty Insurance Market is facing deep changes in an increasingly complex and regulated environment. In this matter, the pandemic was deemed a natural event (or peril) but not a natural catastrophe because the insurance contract at issue provided specific coverage for both natural events (or perils) and natural catastrophes. Covid-19 does not appear on the list.
If the answer to any of the above questions regarding your countrys jurisprudence was no, please comment on whether there are any other official sources or authorities that have issued contributions to the interpretation of Covid-19 in the context of loss causation. Please give a short description of the legal basis. If the answer to the above question is yes, do courts in the country you are reporting about hold that losses related to Covid-19 were caused by the virus? However, it appears that insurers in France which are part of the French Federation of Insurers (FFA) have decided to take several collective pandemic-related support measures, in particular by maintaining the coverage of the non-payment of premiums by professionals and by reimbursing parts of motor insurance premiums in consideration of the low loss ratio in this insurance sector due to the consequences of the pandemic. However, this notion is frequently used by insurers in their policies. However, several court decisions have considered that losses arising from Covid-19 could not be qualified as property damage. Od the first degree courts: Tribunal judiciaire is competent to hear of general civil cases; Conseil de Prudhommes competent to hear of employment cases; and Tribunal de commerce competent to hear of cases between professionals qualified as merchants. This concept covers operating losses. In a recent case, the Rennes Judicial Tribunal found that the Covid-19 pandemic qualified as a natural event (or peril) for insurance coverage purposes (Rennes Judicial Tribunal, 4 January 2021, no 20/05863). nightclubs for example were closed from 15 and 16 March to 9 July 2021. To our knowledge, the ACPR itself has not encouraged insurers to provide grace periods to insureds to make payments on premiums. If the country that you are reporting about did issue lockdown, stay-at-home or no-travel restrictions, were those orders suspended or revoked at any point in time? Please give a short description of the legal basis. Life, individual accident and health insurance will continue to dominate the French insurance landscape in 2020 with a market share of 70.5%. The ACPR stated that where contractual provisions are unclear, only the interpretation of the provision by a judge would resolve the uncertainties. <> Nevertheless, no details are given by statutory law as to its content. Has the highest court in the country you are reporting about issued judicial opinions or guidance concerning whether insureds can aggregate claims arising out of Covid-19? As indicated above, coverage of losses related to Covid-19 will depend on the wording of the insurance contract at stake. Expand your international network, gain new business and learn about the latest legal developments through IBA digital content and events, with IBA membership. Due to lockdown, the combined ratio of the motor class of business improved by 5.5 points to be set at 96.1% in 2020 compared to 101.6% one year earlier. Other rules implementing the progressive lifting of restrictions were implemented later in 2021. Has Covid-19 been deemed force majeure in the country you are reporting on? Has the country that you are reporting about issued judicial opinions or guidance analysing whether Covid-19 is a cause of insured loss? However, this concept does not give any right to individuals to see their claim ruled according to said jurisprudence constante. Please give a short description of the conclusions in such judicial opinions or guidance.
Please give a short description of the conclusions in the judicial opinions or guidance. To our knowledge, this question has not been directly addressed by courts decisions in France. In other words, is there uniformity in jurisprudence as to whether Covid-19 is a covered event? We will only describe the latter, which is composed of first degree courts, second degree courts, and the Supreme Court. Les Salons Hoche9 Avenue Hoche,75008 Paris, France, Laetitia Leonard-Reuter CFO ofGenerali France, Thematic Session: BCRM Benchmarking Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date
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