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But when homeowners try using the retractable central vacuum hose from Hide-A-Hose it quickly becomes a "must-have" appliance. ul.social li {
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With a Hide A Hose unit, the hose is easily stored inside the wall. .branddetailbanner {
Central vacuum systems are found in millions of homes across the country. margin-left:5px!important; }
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Hide a Hose is stored with the walls using PVC piping using 45 and 90 elbows and other specially designed fittings. One 50 foot Hide-A-Hose covers nearly 2,300 sq. } text-align:left!important; } body.page-empty.cms-page-view.cms-find-right-attachment-kit { #header-cart.skip-active { padding: 0px !important; .listbrandnav ul li { #pro-tabnew h3 { .centralvacuumhelpright ul li { #header-search #search: height:auto !important; margin-bottom: 10px!important; } .col-md-4.search-box { font-family: 'Oxygen', sans-serif; } #search_mini_form .search-button { top: -60px; text-transform: capitalize .usavedollar { position: absolute; ul.social { .mini-products-list .product-details { } font-size: 16px; } .product-details { letter-spacing: -2px padding-left:5px; padding: 2px 15px; .chatdiv { } .price-box .price { padding: 2px; font-weight:bold; It is important to use only the manufacturer's recommended attachments. Vacs America made a product called Hose Genie, also sold by Hoover, and then Canavac offered it, calling it the Doc-It Vacuum. height: 25px; height: 40px !important;
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