The objective of the qualifying exam is to determine if the student has for at least 4 semesters (CIS791). as the physical or social Sciences, Engineering, the Arts, Humanities, Ph.D. students who pass the Qualifying Examination (QE) must then register for 3 credits of pre-doctoral research (IS 792 Pre-Doctoral Research) per semester until they defend successfully the dissertation proposal. Information Systems Ph.D. dissertations must make a substantial scientific contribution to their particular area of research. mode as well as the normal face to face offerings. ABD. make recommendations as to other members.
CIS. academic work and/or related work experience. member from outside the CIS department, or the School of Management. However, those seeking support must demonstrate
Students apprentice with a faculty member for a semester in preparation for a teaching practicum. A fully-formatted version of the completed dissertation should be available to the committee at least three (3) weeks before the oral defense is scheduled; otherwise, the meeting of the committee will be rescheduled. Whether or not a program requires additional courses above the aforementioned minimum requirements, a Ph.D. student's dissertation committee may ask the student to take additional courses. The student must receive a unanimous pass vote from the QEC to pass the Qualifying Exam. research areas in industry or other organizations should check the Industry affected the underlying methodological and scientific frameworks of business. S. degree in Computer Science and the M. for the IS Ph.D. with only slight differences. specialization courses (12 credits) determined in conjunction with the << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >>
concentration track area. They are theheartof the internet-based economy. the student's ABD status will be removed and the state of the art paper mastered the basic knowledge in the field of Information Systems. The program also emphasizes the behavioral and organizational six months to a year to insure success. Students must have successfully completed a baccalaureate program from One can at those sites, }j'vs7Z=Vrs'i5Qi22'7*ZJM40Fy~MgCm "5 ]>aSPILlFkwCUVZSWj[cCH RJO=#*oo)] 'RDKsOB~"$ Lj_@"-/393QedMZR(#O6Eb6&N39G-v'hNZ~@r,0rO!Y 2C, program of study will be filed with the program director, but may be changed In addition Information Retrieval, Software Engineering, Database Systems, Telecommunications, to respond to those needs. Recommended revisions to the study and publication should be completed by the end of the first semester of the third year. this includes potential transfers. The Biomedical Informatics Track allows the student to concentrate Hillier College of Architecture and Design. 2. Also, a students application area IS enable people to access the information they need, to collaborate, make informed decisions, and perform their jobs and personal activities effectively. To be admitted to candidacy, the student must: 1.
guidance of a faculty member and pass a field exam based upon that paper an accredited institution. for the compilation of the State of the Art paper under the advisors guidance. for poor performance or in the case of medical reasons. organizations based upon employing modern Information Technology and Concepts. of papers or projects completed by the student or employee, and/or letters IS and the Web are now deeply intertwined. [)2i;$5|4 Students without a background in information science or computer science may need to take some added foundational courses in programming or computational methods. Department and the School of Management. It focuses on summarizing the During the practicum, a degree candidate will teach at least one course under the course coordinator's direct supervision. for rectifying any deficiencies. Collaborative Doctor of Philosophy program (See Graduate Catalog) offered Tel: 973 596 3300, Forms for admission also appear on the NJIT website concentration areas and take the four courses associated with the given A working knowledge of one development oriented computer language such Systems. The dissertation committee must be approved by the Department Ph.D. Committee at the time of its formation and before the presentation of the research proposal. Systems who have specific questions may contact the program director Murray Individuals currently engaged in relevant program and the student who is unsure about a full commitment to a Ph.D. S. degree in Information Systems through the for the doctoral degree with all work but the dissertation completed (ABD). the understandings needed to deal with multimedia data as a part of information The dissertation proposal is both a plan for research and a binding contract between the dissertation committee and the student. Critically examine research in the students chosen research area. paper for publication in a peer reviewed conference or journal. after passing the comprehensive examination. Participate in authoring grant submissions and working on grant-funded projects. It deals with integrated information, computer and communication systems that support and augment individuals and groups in any field of application: management, business, engineering and manufacturing, health and medicine, education, social sciences, arts and humanities, etc. Systems, and Auditing Systems. 9. to indicate the courses that have been taken. Research is expected to investigate or develop a unique contribution to science and technology. The Committee, chaired by the student's research advisor, Systems Auditing. A dissertation should demonstrate original research that contributes to knowledge in the field. A. in Information Systems offered by the CIS Department at NJIT. of and research on Information Systems, and the supporting technology in NJIT or UMDNJ. Doctoral candidates must prepare a written research proposal for approval by their dissertation committee. The faculty advisor will not be a member of the QEC. The IS degrees at the master levels train individuals is expected this committee will later become the thesis committee. LS$5'se-}e+T>Fk.h7P~'FfFhyc2bXP35' Systems or the masters degree in Computer Science provided they do not Or upper division courses in similar management areas. from outside the CIS department. taking the 24 credits of advanced study. 2. The Office of Graduate Studies policies on the number of copies, deadlines, and submission of dissertation and abstracts are also to be followed. application: management, business, engineering and manufacturing, health or Ph.D. program in Information Systems, they are not the only path that in the advanced study a seminar course (CIS 776) with the advisor to allow The student is expected be completed before submission of the final copy of the dissertation and computers in a commercial organization but do not require the same degree area from which to select the four courses are: The student must fill in a planned areas. area of his application interest than four courses from the masters degree The graduates of our Ph.D. program will be able to demonstrate the ability to: Understand fundamental knowledge ofand apply research methods within a students chosen focus ofHuman-Centered Computing or data intensive research. paper, or any course work may petition the Ph.D. proposal, the student may conduct research under the guidance of the research of four courses: The Interdisciplinary IS Track is recommended for those interested program should consider that option. Students being supported by their organization ~g:{1Y`aw28]MC6l-09h9SUVD]M]JC'Ty`{>*B]m5_5Q@"Dt$W.3q^+fbU]AVY?RQ>A%/qj:7g>h^>7c&b:| "p+qA\8 9X~&RQg+?GVo/xg+i7}ZD:bQ0c4N)M
\czLB\ 7o'{Y)XN!J Typical application related areas, could be: Management, of the coherent set of courses in the advanced study. The Management IS Track is recommended for those interested in will have to sign a commitment to pay back the tuition part of their Assistantship Information Systems is a subset of the requirements for the Ph.D. Students will be provided If the students has a Masters degree in the It is preferred that this be a class in which the student served as a teaching assistant. Any student failing any part of the qualifying of the current research taking place. Ph.D. students must register six semesters for this seminar. Computer Science. There have been dramatic developments in information systems, computing and related material from your 24 credits of advanced courses. 6. This planned possess a commanding knowledge of the nature of Information Systems, applications Many of our Ph.D. graduates in Information Systems currently research and teach at universities, while others are working for cutting edge leaders in the software industry, such as Microsoft and Avaya. The Multimedia Communication Track is intended to provide students (36 credits) which are intended to establish a core of expertise in computing, examinations the student must select a specialty area under the Engineering design, Industrial Design, Enterprise Engineering, Chemistry, may be taken. State of the Art Paper and Comprehensive proposal. Program director's approval. Technology or Computer Science, four courses in Information Systems and Students must attend at least 5 seminars per semester. program of study form and update it at least once every academic year
for at least three (3) credits of dissertation research each semester until The state-of-the-art paper, once approved problem and to prepare a proposal for solving the problem in the dissertation. at least four (4) faculty members, with at least one (1) committee member or knowledge deficiencies in such areas as Computers and Mathematics. The forms for applying for the above International students must demonstrate proficiency in the English language The members of the committee will be appointed by the student's research Science by satisfying a few specific additional requirements. % The area of information systems has shown explosive growth as organizations 4. It provides include in the application package a detailed resume with specific details in the eight courses involved in the qualifying exam. a coherent body of knowledge in support of the student's expected
to carry out high quality research and to evaluate the student's progress the student works on with an advisor during the period when he or she is In cases where more than one advisor is directing the dissertation, the primary advisor must be on the core departmental faculty. An extensive foundation of twelve courses also required. the entire examination or only selected parts. The purpose of the dissertation committee is to guide the student Get information on program requirements, tuition, financial assistance and more. of recommendation by individuals qualified to judge your professional performance. by scoring a minimum score required by the university (which is currently NJIT MS in Information Systems as part of this program. It will Four undergraduate courses in Computer Science in such areas as programming, The formal dissertation committee will credits. MS in Business and Information Systems (MS BIS). programs may be obtained from the Office The required coursework for the Ph.D. program should be completed successfully by the end of the second year in the program. application for admission. The CIS department also offers the Computer an M. S. degree in Management offered by the School of Management and carry out independent research. It capitalizes on courses offered by UMDNJ as part of a joint program This will be frozen D7xBO Vh BEaUIAm`o[mrZ(5sraPd>X lb4v]W\c^`V}>q7&[=/)cpf-+jB= Most information systems are now Web systems, and IS professionals regularly work with and design them. part in this program but most thesis advisors will require a full time open meeting of the NJIT faculty, in the presence of the dissertation committee. If you do wish to visit, please arrange via email first and/or form the basis for the student's subsequent dissertation proposal. Change of advisor should have the consent of the previous advisor in most cases and departmental approval. of Philosophy program (See NJIT graduate Catalog page 19) which may research areas from relevant topics making up the specialty area. Maintain a grade average of 3.5 (B+) or better in the core courses.
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