Still, she believes that a harmonized approach and common standards between provinces would help. In 1977, the Is Five Foundation created a consulting arm, Resource Integration Systems (RIS). HOW THIS IS HANDLED: Though some communities, including Toronto, do accept plastic bags, many other communities no longer do. the late 1980s and 1990s. In Calgary, officials say they are shipping the last of the citys plastic stockpile to Merlins facility near Vancouver. Last year, Alcan recycled 218,000 tons of aluminum cans in North America. The evolution of our individual recycling practices and our recycling plants has stagnated to the point that we are incapable of meeting the needs of our own country. Toronto, for example, cannot recycle the black plastic lids from disposable coffee cups, even though the lids have a recycling symbol on them. The amount that producers pitch in for recycling varies by province. According to the Recycling Councils Hanson, such projects are causes for optimism about the future of recycling. As part of the environmental movement, people saw recycling as a way to reduce landfill while also conserving natural resources. Baling recyclables is dirty work. Originally scheduled for six months, the project continued uninterrupted until 1983. Typically, Lee Chamberlain, who administers a municipally operated curbside collection program in Surrey, B.C., told Macleans that declining prices for glass and newsprint had put the future of some of Surreys recycling program in doubt. Canadas history of the environmental movement can be divided into four waves as each period reflects certain themes. emerged as an overarching international concern for environmental activists and nature conservationists alike. The Vancouver-area municipalities of Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge, which launched multimaterial recycling programs in the early 1980s, discov-, ered last year that only China was interested in their used plasticand only if the materials were delivered free of charge. Theyre extremely lightweight, so they have a low carbon footprint, says Eadaoin Quinn, director of business development and procurement at EFS-plastics Inc., which operates plants in Listowel, Ont. At the same time, 11 states have passed legislation setting goals for the recycling of up to 40 per cent of garbage within the next few years.
Many cities require residents to sort their recycling which reduces contamination, there are plants designed for things like flexible plastic packaging and berry or pastry containers, and some large pharmacy chains, like London Drugs, have plastic bag drop-offs. It takes staff only a few minutes to get everything back up and running, and soon water bottles, newspapers, detergent jugs and cat-food cans continue their journey through the system, to be sorted and compacted into bales. Still, Ms. McKenna called Chinas crackdown a wake-up call that points to a need for better waste-management systems.
Forget greasy pizza boxeseven coffee-stained paper is no longer acceptable. A recent paper in the journal Science Advances predicted that Chinas hardened policy could displace more than 100 million tonnes of plastic waste by 2030. Ludolph was the director of special projects at the waste management company Superior Sanitation, which later amalgamated with Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. Having previously dismissed
We had no other option, he says.
John Coyne, chair of Recycle B.C., believes that until the rest of Canada adopts EPR models, the elimination of non recyclable packaging will remain small-scale.
HOW THIS IS HANDLED: Though (non-black) plastic lids and paper sleeves are recyclable, the waxy paper cups themselves are not.
The municipalities subsequently signed contracts with four firms that will take plastic, glass, metal and newsprint, Despite declining prices for some waste products, supporters of recycling contend that the problems are only temporary. Canada has so far been reluctant to adopt such measures at the federal level. In addition, organizers gathered information about the financial viability of recycling programs. But the creation of new plastic is energy-intensive and a growing source of carbon pollution. RIS entered into an agreement with Environment Canada to design and implement a multi-material recycling program for Canadian Forces Base Borden. V8W 3P3, Ads | Business In order to further minimize contamination, officials had to cut processing speeds in half, driving up costs for an already expensive service. In 2011, leader, became the first Green Party member to be elected to the. In this days pile alone, Mr. Badger points out a giant teddy bear, a broken playpen, a pair of gloves, a briefcase. But its less convenient for residents. Central to the creation of the blue box was the Is Five Foundation (IFF). There are both domestic and foreign markets for everything being recycled today, said John Hanson, executive director of the Recycling Council of Ontario. In 1930, the, The 1960s marked a different era for conservation and the environmental movement in Canada as concern about pollution became a major public issue. EPR has led to Recycle B.C., a non-profit created by nearly 1 300 companies to manage residential recycling. in 1971. The blue bin recycling system was also implemented citywide allowing households to sort their waste in 1984. In North Glengarry, Ont., meanwhile, residents have been given a new rule: If it crinkles, its not recyclable.
Plastics, which form between five and 15 per cent of Canadas waste stream, are the most difficult materials to recycle.
John Nixon, executive director of the Vancouverbased B.C. The program works so well that B.C.s recycling participation rate is 69 per cent, the highest in the country, and while other parts of Canada are cutting out recyclable materials from their programs, B.C. Last month, Cochran signed an agreement in principle to recycle plastic food-and-drink containers from 11 McDonalds Restaurants of Canada outlets in Mississauga and use the material to manufacture seats and playground equipment for the fast-food chain. Mr. Moore, IWMCs chief executive, says the cost of collecting recyclables has jumped by 40 per cent in the last year because the provinces contractor is having a harder time finding a home for some of the material. Chinas crackdown on importing used plastics is creating limits on everyday household recycling a half world away, and highlights North Americas addiction to cheap plastics.Melissa Tait/The Globe and Mail. With no buyers for mixed and contaminated recycling, the global market plummeted. And then there are the less flagrant offenders, many of which have only recently joined the ranks of the unrecyclable: oil-soaked pizza boxes and food-caked plastics. These solutions had a long term impact as in 2004, Green Party candidates ran in every federal riding for the first time. their garbage output by 95 per cent, from the 2,000 pounds typically generated by a family of three to 102 pounds (about 907 kg to 46 kg). Blue boxes are also used in municipal recycling programs in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec. Both consumer demand and technology are accelerating a shift toward smaller, lighter products and packaging.
Some plants cant accept various types of plastic packaging at all, and the difference in what is acceptable between communities, or even just between houses, apartments, and office buildings, leads to confusion about what can be recycled. For centuries before European settlement, Indigenous people lived off the land and caused little destruction to the environment. Canadians have had nearly 40 years to learn to clean up after ourselves. Timothy Michael, recycling manager for Metropolitan Toronto, said that the glass industrys requirements are so stringent that they will reject a 25-ton load if theres a teacup in it. Currently, City of Toronto. By his own admission, Thane Cochran is not out to save the environment. Still, although a businessman in search of profits, Cochran is also helping the city of Mississauga, Ont., to deal with its household garbage. Isabella Kennedy By 1986, the program began to operate province-wide. In January 1975, the IFF launched its first initiative in Torontos Beaches neighbourhood. Over the course of a year his family reduced
Its a Canada-wide problem. Wash out your jars and bottles before recycling. That has driven up costs, as processors try to reduce the offending items, although dollar figures are difficult to pin down; recycling in Canada is highly fragmented, and plagued by spotty data. Is it possible to live truly plastic-free? Despite a current North American glut, used newsprint could soon become a major money earner. Theres some basic business logic to this, quite frankly, says John Coyne, vice-president, legal and external affairs at Unilever Canada. This led to environmentalists forming specialised groups such as, Environmentalism at the end of the 20th century continued to focus on issues of global concern. The market for this film plastic is oversaturated.Melissa Tait/The Globe and Mail. Even if the recycled material is acceptable, many people toss dirty containers into the bin, unaware of the fact that even a couple teaspoons of peanut butter can cause an entire tonne of otherwise recyclable material to be sent to a landfill. Plastics.
Ontario Environment Minister Rod Phillips says the province is now looking at how, not if to implement a full EPR program, meaning companies would pay full freight. A Globe and Mail analysis of international trade data shows that Canadian exports of scrap plastic dropped by one-fifth last year, with especially steep reductions in the amounts sent to Hong Kong and China 72 per cent and 96 per cent, respectively. Much also depends on a municipalitys size and whether it sorts and markets its own rubbish, or pays a private company to do so. A multi-material curbside program in East York, however, was a great success. Take plastic film, for example, used to make grocery, bread and dry-cleaning bags. And not all plastic was equally recyclable, either, owing to its complex chemistry and other factors. The government of the day. Environmental groups such as Greenpeace have called for outright bans on single-use plastics while pushing for national standards around packaging and recycling.
Victoria, B.C. A labourer loads plastic bottles ready to be recycled in Beijing. A growing number of Canadians became concerned about the consequences of human activity on the environment. Other supporters of recycling argue that profitability should not be the only measure of success for municipal recycling programs. In Winnipeg, Mark Kinsley, supervisor of waste diversion, says the city was safely locked into a domestic contract for plastics when the restrictions in China hit. A program in North York focused on the collection of newspaper but was short lived. Canada and others agreed to amend the Basel Convention controlling the international trade and disposal of hazardous goods, with the aim of reducing the amount of plastic in the worlds oceans and forcing developed countries to deal with their own waste, rather than simply exporting it. Chinas crackdown on importing used plastics is creating limits on everyday household recycling a half world away, and highlights North Americas addiction to cheap plastics. However, changes under Trudeaus government has seen an increase in environmental activism, most notably amongst the Youth who are now creating their own organisations such as the United Nations Conference of Youth. What can be recycled, and where it is accepted, can be found on Recycle B.C.s website or app. In 2011, Canada withdrew from the agreement. It operated without specialized equipment. Alcan officials said that, in Canada, the firm buys back 45 per cent of the aluminum cans it produces. Wash out your jars and bottles before recycling.Melissa Tait/The Globe and Mail. It is a waste-disposal method, said Nixon. However, its greatest contributions were in the field of recycling. Alcan officials say that recycling aluminum requires only five per cent as much energy as is needed to smelt the metal in the first place, leaving considerable room for profit. Consider those multilayer stand-up pouches used to package an array of goods, from croutons to baby food. Frankly, even if they deliver it to me for [free], which is a very expensive route for them, given all the freight costs, we would not take it today, says Sims General Manager Tom Outerbridge, whos had to recycle a similar version of this bad news more than a few times over the past while. It begins with conserving our resources, reducing our packaging and consumption and starting to treat our waste as a resource.. Its impossible, says Sharon Howland, program lead with Calgarys waste and recycling department. Launched in September 1981, this project was an astounding success. For his part, Alcan chairman David Morton in December described the aluminum beer can as the ideal product for recycling and said that his firm was buying back 55 per cent of all the cans it produced in the United States each year.
making. Editors note: (May 15, 2019) An earlier version of this article referred to LafargeHolcim's concrete kiln in Richmond, B.C. The IFF launched two more recycling programs in the Greater Toronto Area in 1978. It was a charade., A labourer loads plastic bottles ready to be recycled in Beijing.Kevin Frayer/Getty Images. if continued, could be profitable. The money hardly paid for the gasoline we used, said Stephen Pearce, 17, a Grade 12 student. Check your municipalitys list. The Thorold firm recycled 150,000 tons of newspapers in 1989 and sold the resulting product to North American customers. (Chinese imports of Canadian used paper also plunged, by 65 per cent; that drop poses less of a challenge paper is a homogeneous commodity and generally easier to recycle). The increasing population living in apartment buildings and using common recycling bins only adds to contamination, as more people using the bins increases the likelihood that someone will sort their recyclables wrong. Contamination, whether due to laziness or confusion, costs the recycling industry millions. The cargo arrived in 2013 and 2014 labelled as plastics, but the containers actually held trash. has already adopted such a system, known as extended-producer responsibility (EPR). Without equipment such as collection containers, the
HOW THIS IS HANDLED: Black food containers are not recyclable because there is no market for black plastic, and also because the optical sorters do not recognize it on the conveyor belt.Melissa Tait/The Globe and Mail. It just makes sense [for] the people producing the waste to be accountable for it, Mr. Phillips says. Launched in 1974 according to countercultural ideals, the IFF was a non-profit, registered charity. Those restrictions come at a time when Canada is being caught out for shipping junk under the guise of recyclables. and Consumers Glass officials are attempting to find a way of using the 4,000 tons of glass collected by the city that is contaminated by china and other objects. It was during this period that Pollution Probe, a Toronto-based
For decades, Canadians tossed their recyclables into blue bins and never looked back. Lighter packaging also lowers transport-related greenhouse-gas emissions. Harpers government had been accused of trying to limit environmental protest by branding environmental groups as radicals or potential threats to national security. For example, the City of Toronto began experimenting with curbside newspaper pickups
Ryan OConnor, Countercultural Recycling in Toronto: The Is Five Foundation and the Origins of the Blue Box, inCanadian Countercultures and the Environment,ed.
Its just a matter of diverting money from waste disposal to market development and secondary industry. For her part, Donna Passmore, executive director of Vancouvers Society Promoting Environmental Conservation, said that for recycling to work, Canadian society will have to develop a whole new waste-management ethic. Indeed, there are signs that stronger demand could develop soon for key recyclables, including: Paper. Recyclers in Canada had balked. Colin Coates (2016).
That fell to 29 per cent last year, after Chinas restrictions took effect. The recycling system is run by private industries with no. And its paper and cardboard have found a home in other markets. employ 27 people in Mississauga, will begin manufacturing a new line of agricultural fence posts. industry and municipalities agreed to share the costs of starting a province-wide blue box recycling program. Still, a growing number of businesses are finding ways to use recycled plastics. He made climate change a focus of the first few months of his leadership, signing the Paris Agreement in April 2016. Lawmakers in the European Union voted in March to ban single-use plastic items such as straws, cutlery, cotton swabs and Styrofoam containers by 2021. In March, India, another large market, signalled that it would tighten plastic scrap imports. In June, the federal government will unveil the first phase of a zero-plastics-waste strategy, and has also touted an accord among Group of Seven countries to reduce plastics in the worlds oceans. Shifting more of the onus to large companies would help fund the overhaul he says is needed to improve recycling rates. recycling facility. In Saskatchewan, its 80 per cent of the municipal bill; in Manitoba, 75 per cent; in Ontario, half. Organizers noted particularly high participation rates from homes given a blue box bearing the message WE RECYCLE
It followed on Chinas decision, one year ago, to ban the import of 24 types of recyclable commodities. The IFF engaged in a wide variety of activities. Lack of adequate sorting technology at many plants means that contaminated recycling ends up carted away to the dump. Ms. Quinn and others say there is a strong market for certain kinds of plastic waste, provided incentives are in place. Last month, six members of the citys Western Canada High School Environment Club collected 750 lb. But B.C.s success does not change the fact that Canadians produce 3.25 million tonnes of plastic waste every year, with only 10 per cent directed to recycling facilities instead of landfills.
For decades, recycling has been a ritual in Canadian homes. In other words, no chip bags, multilayer pouches or candy wrappers. Depots tended to be staffed by volunteers and were often short-lived operations. Plastic still accounts for a large share of garbage incinerated at a waste-to-energy facility in Burnaby, B.C. He says part of the problem is that many Canadians think theres no shortage of room in this country to simply dump what other countries now dont want. As a result, oversupply has driven down prices for plastics, newspapers and glass in some regions of the country. In 2016, 3.3 million tonnes of plastics were discarded in Canada, 29,000 tonnes went to unmanaged dumps or were leaked, 2.8 million tonnes of the discarded plastics went to landfills, That is roughly 24 times the weight of the CN Tower, One bin represents about 32,500 tonnes of discarded plastics, MURAT YKSELIR / THE GLOBE AND MAIL, SOURCE: DELOITTE, CNTOWER.CA. To cope, cities and companies have been scrambling to upgrade equipment and add labour to sort, handle and prepare paper and plastic cast-offs. Despite these changes in policy and activism, Canada still faces issues with its recycling. had a 45 per cent participation rate among local residents. Calgary and Edmonton, keen to unburden strained municipal-tax bases at an economically rocky time for Alberta, are now pushing the province to adopt an EPR system. There is little evidence that the agricultural activities caused long term damage to the environment and as they often moved their settlements, this allowed the regions left to grow back and restore the wildlife. HOW THIS IS HANDLED: Black food containers are not recyclable because there is no market for black plastic, and also because the optical sorters do not recognize it on the conveyor belt. The fate of Canadian recycling has always depended on market value, which is one of the reasons why we now have a recycling crisis. When [producers] have to be fully financially responsible theyre going to get closer to understanding how their package is treated in the recycling system, said St. Godard to CBC. Canadian recycling centres are now stuck with literal tonnes of waste that cant be recycled locally, can no longer be sold for a profit, and actually cost money (and create emissions) to haul away. Packaging, after all, accounts for one-third of the Canadian plastics market, and the theory is that Unilever (which manufactures a broad range of food and personal-care products), Walmart and others are more likely to design recyclable products when they are the ones on the hook for disposal costs. Meade said that the company plans to begin marketing Puffibre for residential use in Canada and the United States next spring. The past year and a half have exposed the reliance of overseas buyers to deal with our contaminated recycling. We need brand-new infrastructure that is going to process this material on a local basis, because its not going away, he adds. Municipalities that supply blue bins are only responsible for the contents until they are sold, either to a recycling company or to a broker.
The share of plastic in Metro Vancouvers waste stream actually decreased in the past two years. And recycling has experienced an explosive growth in the United States. Now, the company that sorts the citys recyclables wants only those plastics that it can easily sell, such as clear pop bottles and laundry-detergent jugs. Some larger cities, including New York and Washington, are planning to begin recycling programs. Although a small Canadian recycling sector emerged, exports to China surged, from Canada and elsewhere. Last August, when Mississauga expanded its recycling program to include plastics, Cochran, a 41-year-old businessman who owns a metal-recycling plant in Vancouver, launched Super Wood Ontario Ltd., a company set up to manufacture articles out of waste plastic. But with China cutting its imports of scrap plastic by 96 per cent, Canadas recycling industry is struggling. One way to reverse current trends, those in the industry say, is to make large consumer-packaged-goods companies pay for and manage recycling. Faced with a new onslaught of waste from erstwhile exporters to China, both Malaysia and India banned plastic imports and Vietnam and Taiwan imposed restrictions themselves. Check your municipalitys list.Melissa Tait/The Globe and Mail. Interest in recycling emerged among Canadians in the early 1970s. And a yet bigger stumbling block looms: Even if large companies foot the bill, its not clear where packaging might go. The hard-line new policy, dubbed National Sword, was a response to environmental and health concerns, and also to the contaminated state in which recyclables arrived: often in filthy condition, and with random materials lumped into single bales. Conveyor belts move materials that will be sorted manually at the Canada Fibers facility in Toronto. If you got one bidder, Ms. Kerr says, you were happy. In fact, Torontos most recent call for plastic-film bids garnered a final price of negative-$40 a tonne: Canadas largest city has to effectively pay someone to cart away what it once charged good money for.
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