The herbicide label requires a spray quality of Medium. What should be the flow rate of the nozzle you will choose? Alternatively the nozzle itself can be in motion to provide complete coverage. 0000020193 00000 n
2120 Fyffe Road | Room 3 Ag Admin Bldg. 0000012737 00000 n
0000033939 00000 n
The author thanks Mary Griffith, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator, OSU Extension; Dr. Larry C. Brown, Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University; and Dr. Robert "Bobby" Grisso, Professor and Associate Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech University, Department of Biological Systems Engineering; for reviewing this publication and for their editorial contributions. Filling in the variables yields the following calculation: This means, to apply 15 gpa at a speed of 8 mph with this sprayer setup, we need to select a nozzle with a flow rate of 0.4 gpm. Column 3 gives the spray quality, a measure of spray droplet size (fine, medium, coarse, etc.) 0000250302 00000 n
CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. 0000085030 00000 n
Calibration is a method of determining the amount of spray volume applied per acre. 0000250459 00000 n
Now we proceed with the process to determine the appropriate size of the nozzle. 0000010425 00000 n
Copyright 2014 - 2022 Farmer's Business Network, Inc. All rights Reserved. 0000072889 00000 n
0000017646 00000 n
The recommended pressure for this nozzle is 30 to 60 psi.
0000301448 00000 n However, increasing travel speed to 9.9 mph may not be practical or safe. 0000301249 00000 n hbbd```b``9" D2qHf1rA$v0DJ"L`I;gQG?A$|iH2z700 v!#mIefi :D Select a nozzle size from the manufacturers catalog that will give the flow rate (gpm) determined in Step 4 when the nozzle is operated within the recommended pressure range. A conversion factor for a weight of solution not shown in Table 3 can be determined by the following procedure. 1 - Excellent, 2 - Very Good, and 3 - Good. 0000018203 00000 n Flat fan nozzles are often used for an intensive and uniform (water) jet. What size tip should be selected? Copyright 2016, The Ohio State University, Dr. Erdal Ozkan, Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering,, Application rate, spray pressure, travel speed, Herbicides (soil incorporation, pre/post emergence), 2022 The Ohio State University, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences,,,,, Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 2120 Fyffe Road | Room 3 Ag Admin Bldg. We translate science of everyday living for farmers, families and communities to foster a healthy We think the ag world deserves the same kind of experiences you love and expect from other industries, and we are passionate about bringing them to you.
network of committed specialists, agents and volunteers to help Georgians learn, grow and do more. )F#(`b0RFQH!{,+;QNz5/t1. When changes to pressure or travel speed as dictated by the equations above are neither practical nor safe, it may be necessary to select a different nozzle. 0000020099 00000 n Stainless steel tips, with corrosive or abrasive materials, have excellent wear resistance. 0000005101 00000 n 0000006667 00000 n All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Drift is influenced by many factors which are discussed in detail in two OSU Extension publications (Bulletin 816 and FABE-525) listed in the references at the end of this publication. 0000141415 00000 n %%EOF . The nozzle selected must have a flow rate of 0.285 GPM when operated within the recommended pressure range of a flat-fan (20 to 30 psi). You may also want to do a search under the name of the nozzle company from which you are interested in buying the nozzles. Get weekly updates sent to your inbox with the latest UGA Extension news. 0000084343 00000 n Finding and selecting the right nozzle is one of the most important activities of a successful spray. Under these operating conditions, this sprayer should apply 15 gpa at 8 mph as we expected. Nozzle orifices wear out with time causing larger flow rates and distorted spray patterns than when they were new. Selecting the Best Nozzle for the Job. 0000030579 00000 n Flat fan nozzles total liquid distribution. Determine Tip Size - Once the application rate, ground speed, and spray width per nozzle have been determined, the flow rate required for each nozzle in gallons per minute (GPM) can be determined by using a nozzle catalog, tables or the following equation: Example: A herbicide is to be broadcast at 20 GPA at a speed of 5 MPH, using flat fan nozzles spaced 20 inches apart on the boom. 0000084241 00000 n \t="'PQCBG14Ys:qEuvra;O+}TKuo7qJ+>/>r:mf|5mb[X:d6\)jF(}z!U?VqY]p,+KrgpI7o]UkJKE)~L *'KyO+B*g{-R@~ qhQ?CM\g*o`w)I&vfV7P(*T?{lI. Extended-range flat-fan nozzles vary the droplet size and flow rate by alternating pressures. UGA Extension offers a wealth of personalized services Nozzles come in a wide variety of types and sizes. This rating is correct only for standard conditions (usually 30 psi, 4 MPH, and 20-inch nozzle spacings). 0000002798 00000 n Divide the weight of solution/gallon by the weight of water/gallon. 0000200863 00000 n Air atomising or pneumatic nozzles can also be used to create flat fans with a very fine droplet size. Figure 5 shows the increase in flow rate of spraying an abrasive material over a set period of time. The band widths produced for various nozzle heights are shown in Table 2. T@*&3h d D#/( CuNkG| -h5Eb"ttX],].v fB3K3LZckakFH1r)F#a9#b$+=tOI=B']Ht!?gAaA=*eQH1 For example: You want to spray a pre-emergence herbicide at 15 gpa, at a speed of 8 mph. Grain market advisory services are offered by FBN CM LLC and are only available where FBN CM LLC is licensed. | Columbus, Ohio 43210. like workshops, classes, consultation, certifications, camps, and educator They are available in spray-fan angles of 65, 80, and 110 degrees and are usually spaced 20 inches apart on the boom at a height of 15-24 inches. Due to the difference in the angle of the spray pattern, each of these nozzles require different boom heights to obtain proper overlap between two adjacent nozzles. and prosperous Georgia. Nozzles are typically the least costly items on a sprayer, but they play a key role in the final outcome from a spraying job: achieving maximum efficacy from the pesticide applied while reducing the off-target (drift) movement of pesticides to minimum. 0000300280 00000 n An alternative to the pre-orifice nozzle is using a larger extended range flat-fan nozzle operated at a lower pressure. Either one of the nozzles chosen would deliver the proper amount per acre. The nozzle to select from the catalogs (based on water) would be calculated as follows: 15 GPA (28% N) x 1.13 (conversion factor from Table 4) = 16.95 GPA (water). One of the major problems challenging pesticide applicators is spray drift, which is defined as movement of pesticides by wind from the application site to an off-target site. 0000300660 00000 n | Columbus, Ohio 43210 | 614-292-6181 Remember that one specific type of nozzle will not be best for all applications. Generally, speeds between three and 7 MPH are considered appropriate for ground sprayers. 0000008253 00000 n Step 3. Although the Apps and tables in catalogs may expedite the nozzle size selection process, it is best to understand the procedure and the math nozzle manufacturers use to generate the values listed in tables and to recommend nozzles in their Apps. Weigh the container plus diluent in pounds. While narrow spray angles produce a more direct and penetrating spray, flat or wide-angle nozzles can be mounted closer to the target (crop or weed), spaced farther apart on the boom, and provide overlapping coverage if needed. Lechler flat fan nozzles are available for industrial, metallurgical and agricultural applications. Experience is the best guide here. Ohio State University Extension publication FABE-524, Columbus, Ohio. 0000005792 00000 n Select a practical and safe ground speed in miles per hour (mph). Contact your local UGA Extension office to find out how our team of county agents can assist you. Slippage and variation in tire sizes can result in speedometer errors of 30 percent or more. The gpm flow rate values given in catalogs or in Apps are based on spraying water only. FBN Brokerage services are offered by FBN BR LLC, dba FBN Market Advisory - NFA ID: 0508695. The Apps developed by most of the major nozzle manufacturers can provide you the exact nozzle flow rate required for any given set of application parameters, and identify a specific set of nozzle recommendations for the given application parameters.
Brass tips have been common but wear rapidly when used to apply abrasive materials such as wettable powders and are corroded by some liquid fertilizers. At these higher pressures, the possibility of drift increases significantly so appropriate precautions must be taken to minimize its effects. Gain insight with an outlook on American farmers planting plans for the year. 0000003014 00000 n For broadcast applications, W = nozzle spacing (distance between two nozzles on the boom) in inches. The best guides for this decision are the recommended ranges listed on the label, the recommendation of a chemical dealer or county agricultural agent, and experience with that particular chemical. 0000012768 00000 n 0000033166 00000 n Accessibility Accommodation. The two common styles of cone nozzles available are the solid-cone and hollow-cone. Flow rate: On the influence on the flow rate, the most precise information is available. The pesticide labeling usually recommends the diluent to be used with that product. 0000130512 00000 n Subtract the weight of the container. 0000178450 00000 n The following steps must be taken to determine the nozzle flow rate (gpm): Step 1. Field Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Production, Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program, Calibration Method for Sprayers and Other Liquid Applicators, Procedure for Calibrating Granular Pesticide Applicators, Fertilizer Injectors: Selection, Maintenance and Calibration, UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, UGA College of Family & Consumer Sciences. Determine the weight of solution (pounds per gallon). Though there are many spray nozzles types and sizes, there are only three basic spray patterns: Each one has specific characteristics and applications., [At FBN, we empower farmers with the information they need to make the right crop protection chemical purchases for their operation. The following example shows the changing spray behaviour of a 652 series flat fan nozzle at constant pressure and increasing viscosity. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension programming improves people's lives and gets results. Ohio State University Extension publication FABE-525, Columbus, Ohio. Determine the specific gravity (SG) of the solution. 0000013714 00000 n
FBN merchandise provided in recognition of testimonials. <<2BA7B7739622394C9823B91276902328>]/Prev 774496/XRefStm 2599>> The solid-cone nozzle produces a cone-shaped pattern with a uniform distribution of chemical throughout the pattern. *Examples of nomenclature for "Spraying Systems" nozzles. Ohio State University Extension publication FABE-520, Columbus, Ohio. |, An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Veteran, Disability Institution, County and Club Meetings, Environmental Education, Livestock Programs, Project Achievement, Summer Camp, Aquaculture, Beef, Bees, Dairy, Equine, Small Ruminants, Poultry & Eggs, Swine, Invasive Species, Pollution Prevention, Forestry, Water & Drought, Weather & Climate, Wildlife, Adult & Family Development, Infant, Child and Teen Development, Money, Housing & Home Environment, Corn, Cotton, Forages, Hemp, Peanuts, Small Grains, Soybeans, Tobacco, Turfgrass, Food Preservation, Commercial & Home Food Safety, Food Science & Manufacturing, Nutrition and Health, Blueberries, Grapes, Ornamental Horticulture, Onions, Peaches, Pecans, Small Fruits, Vegetables, Home Gardens, Lawn Care, Ornamentals, Landscaping, Animal Diseases and Parasites, Ants, Termites, Lice, and Other Pests, Nuisance Animals, Plant Pest and Disease Management, Weeds. They also are very difficult to arrange along a boom for uniform distribution and are therefore not recommended for broadcasting herbicides. There are different diluents used for spray application. Testimonials are not indicative of future performance or success; prices and savings may vary. *Fees may apply for certain product and service offerings other than FBN membership. plus chemical applied per treated acre. This nozzle is available in 110 degree fan angle. 0000007966 00000 n Ozkan, E. and R.C. 0000012457 00000 n Effectiveness of Turbodrop and Turbo Teejet nozzles in drift reduction. Now, we look at Column 4 (gpm per nozzle) to determine the nozzle that provides us 0.4 gpm. If drift is, or becomes a concern, it may be best to switch from a conventional flat-fan nozzle to a low-drift flat-fan nozzle with the same flow rate. hSkHQ~6yIgyghAica~MB-%4oP"EE&!Yd7Ay= X,l0iV] m 0000013233 00000 n Youll want to determine the nozzle flow rate at gallons per minute (gpm). Check spray overlap by spraying clean water onto a flat surface (concrete) and observing drying patterns. 0000015696 00000 n For an accessible format of this publication, visit This is a management decision you will have to make based on pesticide label recommendations, field conditions and water supply. 0000250203 00000 n Lechler offers the optimal solution for every application. 0000009932 00000 n 0000251780 00000 n %%EOF This difference in density leads to a difference in flow rate irrespective of the difference in viscosity. These tables are useful tools for selecting the appropriate nozzles, pressure and speed to spray chemicals at application rates prescribed by product labels. resources. 0000017325 00000 n Recent updates, initiatives and programs from UGA Extension. High pressures should be used only to apply foliar pesticides that must penetrate into the plant canopy or that require maximum coverage. You may then either print the fact sheet or save it as a PDF. Hofman, V., & Solseng, E. (2004). 0000084170 00000 n structure and function of flowering plants ppt. The flat fan pattern is effectively a line of spray. Ground speed can be determined by the following equation: 3. 0000008855 00000 n Table 1 list suggested nozzle heights for the various spray angles. 0000177175 00000 n There are two common designs of hydraulic flat fan nozzle; elliptical orifice and deflection. Derksen. Published on Aug 15, 2005Published on Feb 23, 2009Published on May 14, 2009Published with Full Review on Feb 09, 2012. Brass tips are economical for limited use, but other types should be considered for more extensive use. 0000011487 00000 n 0000005180 00000 n The procedure used by the nozzle manufacturers to generate numbers in tables and in their Apps is explained below. Effect of Major Variables on Drift Distances of Spray Droplets. )OhW*^lthuL,lnKGP It may be necessary to adjust pressure and/or travel speed according to nozzle selection. Your supply dealer can also provide this information. 0000301055 00000 n The normal recommended operating pressure for regular flat-fan nozzles is 20 to 30 psi. There may be situations where the charts will not provide information associated with your sprayer setup (nozzle spacing) and operating conditions (travel speed and spray pressure). It holds its pattern at a low pressure (15 psi), ensuring uniform coverage along the boom. The type of nozzle affects not only the amount of spray applied to a particular area, but also the uniformity of the applied spray, the coverage obtained on the sprayed surfaces, and the amount of drift that can occur. The following statements apply primarily to flat fan nozzles, but can also be partially transferred to other nozzle types: Exemplary applications in the oil, gas and petrochemical industry, Exemplary applications in other chemical industries, Precision spray nozzles for the chemical industry and process industry, Nozzle solutions and systems for civil shipping, Nozzle solutions and systems for military shipping, Exemplary applications in the ship building industry, Tank and equipment cleaning General Industry, Further applications of automotive industry, Products | Nozzles | Spray technology systems, Asymmetrical twin flat spray air-injector nozzles IDTA, DroplegUL | Underleaf spraying system for broadcast and row applications, VarioClean - NOx (heSNCR) injection system, Droplet Separators Functional Principle, Assembly instructions, maintenance and user manuals, FAQs Frequently asked questions and answers in the industrial sector, Support for Air Quality Control Systems (AQCS), Parameters on temperature behaviour of nozzle materials. 3. 0000146888 00000 n ybTXE4DkSa6IY2BTN|TwppOyKnT For more information, visit the Language Translation page. Ozkan, E. Calibrating boom sprayers. 0000263090 00000 n Check the websites of nozzle manufacturers to reach their catalogs. Contribute to and gain insight from real world, on-farm information. Example: A foliar fungicide is to be applied at 15 GPA at a speed of 7 MPH, using hollow cone nozzles. This type of nozzle is used for banding chemicals over the row. 0000021310 00000 n The diluent (diluting agent) for most spray applications is water. 0000004563 00000 n 2. s at 80 C). To learn more about our approach and to see our crop protection offerings, click here. The application rate consists of the gallons of carrier (water, fertilizer, etc.) Similar calculations can be made using the equation below to come up with other GPM (flow rate) and PSI (pressure) combinations to satisfy the required 15 gpa application rate: In this example, reducing the pressure to 25 psi alters the spray quality to Coarse, violating the label recommendation.
To find that, start with your application rate in gallons per acre (gpa). At these pressures, this nozzle type will produce medium to coarse drops that are not as susceptible to drift as the finer drops produced at pressures of 40 psi or greater. Regardless of the method chosen, three measurements will be taken: actual ground speed, the distance between nozzles, and nozzle flow rate for a given length of time.
0000299705 00000 n From measurement results, it can be concluded that flat fan nozzles with a larger flow rate are more angularly stable than those with a smaller performance size. For example, the Spraying Systems XR8004 and Delavan LFR80-4R nozzles have a rated output of 0.35 GPM at 30 psi. 0000130013 00000 n 0000005698 00000 n Select the application rate in gallons per acre (gpa). 0000300479 00000 n Retrieved from However, the charts are only for a limited number of travel speed and nozzle spacing situations. 0000011848 00000 n You have successfully removed your county preference. 0000027974 00000 n 0000252037 00000 n 0000201204 00000 n In our example above, the equation in Step 4 resulted with a flow rate of 0.4 gpm. Here are some examples of nozzle patterns that work well for common herbicide, fungicide, and insecticide applications: At FBN Direct, one of our core focuses is empowering farmers with the information they need to make the right crop protection chemical purchases for their operation. 1662 0 obj <> endobj 0000239343 00000 n 0000003920 00000 n There is an inverse linear relationship between the travel speed (mph) and the application rate (gpa). 0000173303 00000 n Luckily, most nozzle manufacturers catalogs have charts showing which nozzle type will be best for a specific job. 0000056202 00000 n 0000009473 00000 n One easy method is explained in an OSU Extension publication (FABE-520) listed in the references at the end of this publication. 0000018513 00000 n The validation of this is also evident on the chart. 0000015427 00000 n 0000263131 00000 n Spray Equipment and Calibration, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering North Dakota State University. If a nozzle with a different performance size were used, it would also be apparent that the influence of viscosity also depends on the performance size of the nozzle. Many factors play a role. The pictures clearly show how the spray angle becomes smaller and smaller with increasing viscosity. By following the steps mentioned below, you should be able to determine the exact nozzle flow rate (gpm) required for your spray application parameters. Columns 4 and 5 give the flow rate of nozzles in gallons per minute and ounces per minute, respectively, at different pressure settings. Avoid relying on the "gallons per acre" rating which some manufacturers give their nozzles as means of selecting nozzle tip size. 0000025057 00000 n 2019 MINI COOPER S COUNTRYMAN SIGNATURE in Edmond, OK Mini Cooper Countryman Features and Specs. The only difference between these two nozzles is in the angle of spray pattern: one produces an 80 degree fan pattern (XRC8004), while the other one (XRC11004) produces a 110 degree fan pattern. 253 0 obj <>stream 0000004273 00000 n This site designed and maintained by CFAES Marketing and Communications. Step 5. most important activities of a successful spray. 1. Even flat-fan nozzles apply uniform coverage across the entire width of the spray pattern (Figure 3). The hollow-cone nozzles produce a cone-shaped pattern with the spray concentrated in a ring around the outer edge of the pattern (Figure 4). 0000014390 00000 n A liquid with a different viscosity often has a different density than water. However, some Apps are not user friendly and sometimes they do not take into account the droplet size requirements when recommending nozzles. Although nozzles are some of the least expensive components of a sprayer, they hold a high value in their ability to influence sprayer performance. Nozzle selection is one of the most important decisions to be made related to pesticide applications. 0000300858 00000 n Plastic tips are resistant to corrosion and abrasion and are proving to be very economical for applying pesticides. Then we find a chart associated with the nozzle type recommended. 0000129727 00000 n Terms and conditions apply. 0000135632 00000 n 0000004486 00000 n We have faculty and staff in every county across the state that are available to assist you. This procedure, explained in this publication, hopefully will help you to determine the exact nozzle flow rate (gpm) required for your spray application parameters, while highlighting some other important parameters such as spray pressure, droplet size, spray coverage on the target, and drift, all of which should be given serious consideration when selecting the best nozzle for a spraying job. Nozzle manufacturers catalogs provide tables and charts showing application rates (gallons per acre or gpa), given a nozzles flow rate (gallons per minute or gpm) delivered at various pressures (psi) and travel speeds (mph). 0000015517 00000 n 0 0000299664 00000 n By following the steps described below, the proper nozzle tip size can be selected. However, your situation may require the use of another diluent. Column 6 gives gallons per acre application rate at different travel speed settings. 0000233279 00000 n Its the combination of nozzle size along with nozzle pattern and shape that make for the most accurate sprays. 1. Users agree that automated translations may not effectively convert the intended design, meaning, and/or context of the website, may not translate images or PDF content, and may not take into account regional language differences. If a nozzle of this size is not available, change the travel speed in the equation above and determine the new flow rate required. %PDF-1.4 % For details on air atomising flat fan nozzlesplease visit the air atomising section of this site. For directed spraying, W = row spacing in inches (or band width) divided by the number of nozzles per row (or band). 0 0000004418 00000 n What size nozzle tip should be selected? Extended-range flat-fan nozzles are available in both 80 and 110 degree fan angles. 0000024794 00000 n 0000022854 00000 n Find out more about the advantages of flat fan nozzles and different application examples. 0000015568 00000 n 0000016214 00000 n 0000024879 00000 n 0000002811 00000 n Although the Apps and tables in catalogs may expedite the nozzle size selection process, it is best to understand the process and the math nozzle manufacturers use to generate the values listed in tables, and to generate nozzle recommendations in their Apps. 0000299884 00000 n Next, find an efficient and safe ground speed in miles per hour (mph). 140 0 obj <>/Encrypt 112 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1FBAB00CB933394ABAECEFEC572A5849><7A2B649A9F08734988E052AF7C3223B8>]/Index[111 143]/Info 110 0 R/Length 133/Prev 389713/Root 113 0 R/Size 254/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 0000007995 00000 n Products sold or distributed through FBN Direct are offered by FBN Inputs, LLC and are available only in states where FBN Inputs, LLC is licensed and where those products are registered for sale or use, if applicable. Sprayer nozzles are responsible for converting the substance(s) in your tank into droplets, regulating flow, and dispersing the spray in a desirable pattern based on the crop youre spraying and what youre spraying the crop with at that time. 0000027589 00000 n produced at different pressure settings. Now, we go to the nozzle catalog, and find a nozzle that will give us a flow rate of 0.4 gpm, while operating the sprayer at an applicable pressure and traveling at 8 mph. endstream endobj startxref In this example, it looks like the best nozzles to use for our application situation are XRC8004 or XRC11004, both providing 0.4 gpm at 40 psi. Now, youll be able to determine the flow rate (gpm), with the following equation: Finally, youll be able to select a nozzle size that will give the flow rate (gpm) determined above. A table such as Table 4 is often provided to help you adjust the figures to fit your situation. The relationship is expressed by the equation: Using the relationship above, we can determine that increasing the travel speed to 9.9 mph and keeping the sprayer operating at 40 psi will yield 15 gpa, as described below: The chart above indicates when using XRC11005, GPA = 18.6 at 8 mph (MPH) at 40 psi. 0000014229 00000 n In their catalog, the nozzle manufacturer recommends a flat-fan pattern type nozzle for broadcast application of pre-emergence herbicides. 0000008243 00000 n D*Y-&84O6{F/IrNR~Ew7tNjm[NNm;/;vgW#yxwJ>G(eeeR:Xl*#(+udy1:DycCLa^1)Pk%(B-e#m W3cP_Xw4mM4Z0X\Mx'C^4OM 1 #=]O&dv_1EGf ?ku4v@~x% X2:Wc [L)ilE+bUNf//4-OP.Ae"53kp\" q>=. Design of the geometric configuration at the nozzle orifice, Characteristics of the medium (density, viscosity), Structure inside the nozzle (swirl inserts). For example, a nozzle designed for broadcast spraying is not good for spraying pesticides over a narrow band. Drift-reduction pre-orifice nozzles produce a standard flat-fan pattern while effectively lowering the exit pressure at the nozzle. 1662 65 0000018898 00000 n 111 0 obj <> endobj 0000003165 00000 n 0000008943 00000 n Click on the links below to download a high-quality PDF of each chart. Example: You have determined that you would be applying 15 gallons per acre of a 28% nitrogen solution with a flat fan nozzle at a speed of 5 MPH. However, they may not satisfy the desired spray quality and/or desired travel speed. Using the chart, we see that the nozzles XRC8004 or XRC11004 (shown in red) provide 0.4 gpm flow rate at 40 psi operating pressure. These nozzles produce large droplets that will not drift. The width of the band produced is determined by nozzle height. startxref The distance between the nozzles on the boom is 20 inches. 0000011986 00000 n First, we need to find the best type of nozzle for our application. Regular flat-fan nozzles are used for most broadcast spraying of herbicides and for certain insecticides when foliar penetration and coverage are not required. The nozzle spacing is 20 inches. The RF Raindrops flat spray nozzle is available with a 105 to 115 degree fan angle, and the Drift Guard flat spray nozzle is available in both 80 and 110 degree fan angles. Pesticides work well if the rates on labels are achieved during application. Selecting the right type and size of a nozzle is not sufficient to end up with accurate, effective and efficient application of chemicals sprayed.
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