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B&8bAX{Vp Electronics Performance Specifi cationsInput Frequency Range: Environmental RequirementsEnclosure Rating: Pulse Divider/Total Pulse OutputPulse Divider Setting: 20122022, manualsdir.comAll rights reserved. 0 *
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rMXa!Cqr. Power RequirementsMulti:with Dry-Contact Relay: Reverse Polarity and Short Circuit Protected: Up to 40 V, 1 hourOver-Voltage Protection: > 40 VDC over 1 hour, The 2537 Paddlewheel Flowmeter Series offer low ow, low power and high resolution with various output options such as a Volumetric Pulse, Pulse Divider, Flow Switch, Digital (S, L), or 4 to 20 mA. g[AU?AMrCi>C
^pv2ffQ4B7_]sfUPpE6Pf rp1VX[|^. The Multi model uses a single relay (mechanical or solid state) and has three selectable operating modes: Divider Mode scales the paddlewheel frequency down to accommodate low frequency input devices. Total Mode outputs one pulse per a set volume of uid. Flow Switch Mode uses a single relay for Hi or Lo alarm operation. Kk( nLI
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This device is not approved for use or installation in hazardous locations. Hb```f``b`c`9 @Qib`hQMF4i2MCY>Yx7TC0P440PP0dP0TP0P0 !ECECE@X,"kO %PDF-1.2
During normal operation the display is not visible. +0W8Qs7Ew?y+'p.`p'UHb *ctmWD"wVrPE!n&{z| @OnRs>?=? /"ODd=APAd[NNdB$ d'Ie:zpXpsE)`d8*,m"ES0Fy)Q K'g6rg~r(' F j&~g2K3scLb8l%n,G'5%R)(9#Pr$xn%0A G,7vdJMq HTMK@sTD4I%U?=NJmzw A small LCD enables the 2537 to be programmed without any external equipment. ?SJ~siZj}iMKB4%<4|?Cy(\>)TZ6[g_v5l^}KD5>x_F&_p[_w!P&,@v Y6zCecJ RkSL6ocxu'KL'_CK1?$&pb&(,V`u JJ`lV f`-@l:Q\5q^ e L0a(QIA!=d,;PH=(yC 5Qv=L006O`bm`=i6.!WFuv V endstream endobj 107 0 obj 296 endobj 55 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 42 0 R /Resources 56 0 R /Contents [ 63 0 R 80 0 R 82 0 R 84 0 R 86 0 R 88 0 R 90 0 R 92 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 56 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /F3 61 0 R /F4 57 0 R /F5 71 0 R /F7 68 0 R /F9 72 0 R /F10 75 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS2 98 0 R /GS3 93 0 R /GS4 94 0 R /GS5 95 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /DefaultCMYK 59 0 R /Cs8 74 0 R /Cs9 59 0 R >> /Properties << /MC1 99 0 R /MC2 100 0 R /MC3 101 0 R /MC4 102 0 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