To blind nail, you will use T-nails or staples and a nail gun or pneumatic stapler. If you decide to face nail your installer will determine the size of the nail you need and the nailing pattern they will use. Readers ask: Will Japanese beetles kill rose bushes? *. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Stone, after all, would shatter, as would ceramic tiles. rail, the majority of metal wood to wood conections were hand stamped cut nails. Greece Race for the Cure ! Because fasteners penetrate the tongue of the flooring at an angle, they act like tent pegs and resist a great deal of force in the direction the fastener enters the subfloor. This post is getting so long, I figured I would break it up into two posts. They are a pretty close match to the originals.
I have read mixed reviews on which polyurethane is tough enough to stand the test of time. I'll be laying the floor boards when I'm done with the walls, meanwhile they are acclimating in the center of the floor with spacers for air circulation.
Once we were ready to get started we began going through the boards, grading them from best to worst and stacking them accordingly. Apply a 1/4- 3/8 bead of glue on the subfloor between the vapor retarders. We used 1/2" thick blocks of wood as spacers between the boards and the walls. Get in touch witha Wide Plank Specialist todiscuss the finish options available for the floor you have selected and provide recommendations based on the look you are trying to create. And by really old I mean 18th century and earlier(circa 1770 here). It was how ALL really old floors were installed. Mostly they look straight, I only got 3 extra You and your husband gave me so many good ideas and tips I will be using (bevel edges, use a template for nails (I'll be using screws), glue butt joints, use floor jack, you guys really have some great ideas! For tongue-and-groove flooring, drive a nail at a 45-degree angle through the tongue, then conceal it by engaging the groove of the next board. See how we sanded, stained, and finished the floor at, DIY Wide Plank Pine Floors [Part 2- Finishing].
For most exterior boards especially HardiePlank and other fiber cement materials the best way to nail is corner to corner blind nailing. Blind nailing refers to nailing each board, one at a time, and then overlapping that nailed layer with the next board, so that all nails are hidden. So I see no reason not to do it. Please note that the exact installation methods and installation products used to install your Carlisle floor will be determined by the installation professional you have chosen for your project. In the photo below, it would be the board on the right. All Rights Reserved Powered by. This is the most popular, and the most efficient installation method for Carlisle floors and can be used on solid wood flooring and engineered wood flooring. Do you have one near you? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Face nailing is applicable where dictated by building code, in high wind areas, and when fastening is to OSB or equivalent sheathing without penetrating into studs.
I did that and it looks fine.
Now it remains a part of the house. The decision to face nail a floor all depends on the overall look you want to create, your personal preference and the type/thickness of your subfloor. The use of spline allows you to start wherever you choose.
So here it is all done. If many of your nails look like the photo then the siding installation was not the best job.
We used Liquid Nails for subfloors to basically glue the ends of the two boards together, so they will move together with expansion and prevent cupping on the ends. Look them up on this site under the suppliers. This gave a nice v-groove accent between the boards. Fasteners shall be installed between 3/4 in. (Extremely wide boards -- 8 to 12 inches wide -- require three nails instead, and boards under 4 inches use one nail.) In this application method, the glue takes the place of your subfloor, nail, and glue of the previous method. , : site . now that i'm halfway done i am finding this to be easier than face nailing. To run parallel to the floor joists, you must add a layer of 1/2 plywood underlayment or brace every 16 between the joists with a nominal 2 x 6 spf nailed in place. Scroll back up and look at those before's to really see the difference! and 1 in. and he did suggest i use the nailer when he came to pick up his daughter yesterday. Mark each defect with a piece of blue tape. Can you please email me at and I will get right back to you. i'm still inclined to facenail since it sounds easier, unless the wifey insists on hidden nails. Why You Shouldnt Nail Nailing laminate planks down will cause damage that will not only make the floor useless, but also void your warranty. DIY Modern Rustic Cabin Bathroom Renovation Update A Gathered Vintage Spring | Spring Home Love Tour, DIY Wide Plank Pine Floors [Part 1- Installation], DIY Painted Sparrow Chargers for a Spring Table, How to Make a Wood Dough Bowl Planter Centerpiece, How to Create a Faux Concrete Paint Finish. Since the tongues on either side of the room face different ways, the floor will still expand the same amount, but instead of all the growth focusing on one side, half will go to the opposite side. By midway through the install the boards were all starting to look the same and we wasted a lot of time looking for the defects again to decide if a board was usable. Attaching steps to stair stringers necessitates face-nailing as well. The type of subfloor you use will determine the method you use to secure the flooring. by James Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:08 pm, Post Starting the install constitutes that you have accepted the Jobsite conditions; the product is properly acclimated moisture testing is complete; and panel products/subflooring are prepared to proceed. I'm not sure how that would translate to your metal building and what you will be screwing into, but hope that helps. To have the most aesthetically pleasing look have no joints closer than 3 times the width of the pieces; avoid H Joints and stair stepping from not completing rows. by mross_pitt Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:01 am, Post Some popular glues for this method include PL-premium and Loba-Wakol. Remove your backer board. It is very uncommon to install antique cut nails in hardwood flooring or antique wood flooring. i should be done before the wednesday. Review of What We Think of our Wide Pine Floors,, Dream. When you think about it, it's the most common method of nailing overall. What type or brand of adhesive do you recommend ? Never glue the last rows to the subfloor, as this prevents the hardwood floor from expanding. I would love to know what you did and if you stained them or not.Thanks! Aglue down installation will be more time consuming. It is commonly assumed that if you use a board over 5 wide that you must face nail the boards, or install plugs, to keep the boards flat. We used Liquid Nails for subfloors to basically glue the ends of the two boards together, so they will move together with expansion and prevent cupping on the ends. Required fields are marked *, Copyright . Hi Christina! I love this Dara!! After each board was cut to size, wesanded a small bevel on the top two long edges. , Sabizabulin: Covid-19, 17,5 . With each board we used a flooring nailer to nail the edge down and help keep the joints tight. Face nailing means that you shoot your nail at a 90 degree angle to the board through the flat (or face) of the board. We used a square to mark the location of the floor joists on the paper, using the nail line of the subfloor as a guide. Watch our YouTube Video on this topic: 5. Any flooring installation involving wood or woodlike products, such as bamboo or cork, requires nailing.
we found our boards at a local lumber yard, not Lowes or HD.
I didn't get a shot of the glue itself, but you get the idea. Often asked: What book is Field of Dreams based on? Create. by Classic Design Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:30 pm, Post We measured from the walls to the seam in the plywood subfloor to see if that line was square, and it was. Face nailing is the common practice used to nail the first few rows of boards in place because it is difficult to maneuver hardwood floor nail guns close to the wall. we used for the next floor and it worked so much better than the one shown in the picture above. We had already invested in these nails so we made it work. We laid down a layer of this vapor barrierpaper. With Carlisles higher quality standards, SlowCraft manufacturing process and proper installation methods, we have installed boards up to 20 wide, with no face nails, that are still flat and stable today. email me at and I can send you the info for where we got ours because they have 3 locations in the southeast.
now the dilemma is whether to install it with a pnenmatic nailer which will surely require some precision and time or just face nail with cut masonry nails and be done with. When taping sheets together, tape them to each other and not to the floor. No other flooring works well with face-nailing. Thanks so much Daraka! How do I attach my 5 foot transition strip between my Gaylord 7 inch white oak wide plank and a VP floor while still allowing for movement in both floors? It isnt suitable for all joints, as the grain of one workpiece needs to be at an angle to the other. This made it easier to keep our nail lines straight. Youve purchased your shiplap. How do you install nail face on hardwood floors?
I'm showing my husband now, we are really looking into new flooring and especially on a budget! Talk to a specialist about finish options. about the cut nails, yes i will look into the the ones for wood.
Hi, the whiteboard is lighter weight and will be very soft. Well that's exactly what my place has, 230plus year old pine planks, face nailed. by dennis Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:43 pm, Post This is recommended on all wide plank solid and engineered floors 5 and wider, installed on a plywood or OSB subfloor. Face-nailing attaches the wood in the simplest, most straightforward manner possible. And we will be doing it again in other rooms as soon as we can. Home repair, restoration and improvement ideas for old house lovers. by James Tue Apr 25, 2006 8:38 pm, Post
DIY Unfinished Wide Pine Floors & if Pine Flooring is a Good Idea, How to Install Pine Flooring or Wide Pine Floors, Taking out Carpet to Install Wide Pine Flooring, Prepping Floors for the Unfinished Wide Pine Flooring, Acclimating the Wide Pine Floors & Adding a Underlayment, Installing the Wide Pine Boards with a Floor Stapler, Adding Wood Putty to the Knots in the Pine Floors, Adding Polyurethane to the Installed Pine Floors. And painting-over is not normally recommended. This is done by introducing glue to the nailing process. When you hear the word "face-nailed" applied to flooring, you automatically know it refers to solid wood flooring, a woodlike product or even engineered wood products. Solid hardwood must be installed perpendicular to the joists or on a diagonal for any single layer subfloor.
So this gave us a good way to make sure our first board was laid square.
Every original floor in my house(all are except dining room bath and part of the hall) are face nailed. It's all up to what looks good to you. See how those nails line up with the nails in the other boards? See how those nails line up with the nails in the other boards?
I love these floors! The starting point will often be the longest unbroken line in the room. Here's a pic of mine. Before an area had access to all the products of the new industrial revolution via. TOE-NAILING In contrast, toe-nailing produces a strong joint. Once the boards are installed, they are considered to have been accepted by the installer and homeowner. The nails are driven into the tongue of the boards so when the next board is set in place the nail is hidden. The technique requires a pair of nails, driven at opposing 45-degree angles. Wow. One of the goals in our renovation of this house has been to make choices of materials that fit the house well and honor its uniqueness. Looks fabulous. the picture does look good on those wide planks. Sometimes face-nailing is the best choice -- or perhaps the only choice depending on the situation. I think it looks nice. Moderators: oldhouse, TinaB, Don M, Schag, Post This installation methodcan also involve more equipment and creative carpentry to set and keep the boards in place while they set up in the glue. The entire floor should be covered, since some species are light-sensitive and uncovered areas may change color. In rooms wider than 20 ft., this one-directional movement can cause a problem on the side of the room in which the flooring expands. Each one by hand. Daraka, you have no idea how timely these instructions are! You can use a full spread of solid or engineered wood flooring. : nailing in which the nailheads are exposed to view and which is used in the fastening of facing wood to a base.
One of the most difficult things about any building or remodeling project isn't so much the work itself but the terminology. So my husband cut a piece to fit. Log siding was my first choice but way too expensive. Although we have much more sophisticated installation methods available today, face nailing is still used on some flooring styles. How to Build a Horseshoe Pit that Rocks in 6 Easy DIY Steps! Using empty flooring boxes is not acceptable. If you have questions or need guidance on the installation of your new Carlisle floor, speak to your Wide Plank Specialist at 800.595.9663. Nail down installation of wide plank solid and wide plank engineered flooring requires additional bonding to the subfloor to prevent movement and squeaks. Thank you again for all your fantastic and for me very timely ideas!!
Face nailing does add more labor and cost to the installation so if your installer has recommended this for your new Carlisle floor speak with your specialist to make sure it is necessary before you proceed. Glue the groove; insert the spline and fasten the piece with the floor nailer.
To finish the last rows, treat them as in a floating floor installation by gluing the boards together at the tongue and groove; as well as brad nailing or hand nailing the boards in place. Right now I am using "yard wood", scraps from a douglas fir lumber yard to cover the metal beams and insulation in the walls, attaching them to wood studs my husband attached to the steel beams for me. Browse through all the blog posts over the years, Here is how we installed a DIY wide plank pine floor in our home, using 12" pine boards, This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase through them I receive a small percentage at no extra cost to you (. Face nailing refers to a process of installing nails into the floorboards where they will be visible after installation. We pre-drilled the holes through the boards and then nailed through into the subfloor. Face nail only the last row if it will be hidden by baseboard or quarter round (gluing the last rows together at the tongue and groove will keep them connected, enabling them to move with the rest of the floor through seasonal changes). At no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you purchase through them. Have moisture vapor retarder running perpendicular to flooring leaving 1 between to allow for glue line. by lrkrgrrl Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:09 am, Post Use 2 cleats, 1-2 from the board ends, and 4-6 apart with a minimum 4 cleats per piece. I didn't get a shot of the glue itself, but you get the idea. The installation method recommended is not a full glue down installation, but only a bead of glue across the width of the board.
Here you'll find a wide range of discussions on old-house topics. After growing up in construction and with more than 30 years in the field, she believes a girl can swing a hammer with the best of them. anyway, we recently ripped out the carpet in the sunroom since the PO had 4 cats and a dog and the smell remained even after 2 doses of carpet shampooing. After installation, use an approved protective cover to protect the floor. SANGI, : , , 62,4% Covid-19, , EMA: , : Summer school on natural drug products.
The simplest way to visualize this process is to picture a paint being applied to a wall, as the glue is applied to the subfloor before the boards are set in place. If that didn't answer your question, just let me know again. Using random lengths to eliminate any pattern where the boards end, turn each board so that the groove side of the board -- if any -- is against the wall. This will allow for movement in the boards with settling and expansion. Very labor intensive, even with the introduction of mechanincal stamping. Disclosure Statement & Privacy Policy. in fact my wife looked at me as i was face nailing the first board and said" i did not realize this will be a slow process". What we Think about Installing DIY Pine Flooring Ourselves. This post is getting so long, I figured I would break it up into two posts.
Karie Fay earned a Bachelor of Science in psychology with a minor in law from the University of Arkansas at Monticello. Your email address will not be published. to nail the edge down and help keep the joints tight. My husband made this template to keep each set of nails evenly spaced and consistent. Please note this site uses affiliate links. Product can be installed above-grade or on-grade level on a wood-based subfloor.
Starting the installation in the center of large rooms can reduce these potential problems by forcing the expansion to go in two directions.
Can't quite tell from the pictures.
The Ontario Building Code requires cleats be used in all floors with a width of 4 or greater. This way the nails didn't blow through into the basement ceiling below. by therapist Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:13 pm, Post i initially thought of putting just plywood but Lowes had a deal on fir floor planks. Some joists systems cannot be cross braced and maintain stability. If you have minor width variations the wide planks this is normal and expected and part of the look of a wide plank floor.
The proper way to face nail is to countersink the nails with a nail punch and fill the remaining hole with coordinating wood putty. They include a traditional plywood subfloor, some kind of radiant heat system either in concrete or in plywood, or a concrete slab with or without sleepers. Beads of glue are applied to the back of the boards with a caulking gun. For future projects we will definitely use different collated nails. You can also install antique cut nails in heart pine flooring but it will require pre-drilling prior to installing the antique cut nails.
That sounds like a very cool project!
was it acceptable? We used a water based system. ', . The builder and original owner of our home was a wood reclaimer way back in the 1980s, before it was cool. Enter your e-mail address to sign up for our Newsletter. On boards 7 & wider cut vapor retarder in half (18) which doubles the number of glue lines. We adjusted the nailer to set the nails about an 1/8" above the wood because the plastic collated nails we used made shards of plastic that shot into the wood and blew out the hole.
The next time I see him I've got to remember to ask him where these boards came from because everything in this house has a story. If you prefer to stay with regular nails, you'll want to cover them so they don't show. Update: Please see these other posts for further information on how we installed 12" wide plank pine tongue and groove floors next. While that might be the case with lower quality hardwood flooring on the market, that is not the case with Carlisle floors. Your installer will determine which type of nail gun and nail/staple, and their size as part of the installation process. I hope it's going well! Select a starting point according to the most aesthetically or architecturally important elements in the room, taking into consideration any stairways, hallways, fireplaces, doors, cabinets, adjoining tile and transitions; as well as the squareness of the room. We let them sit in the room for about two weeks to acclimate to the house. "Face-nailing" is the perfect example. When you are doing finish work with wood, countersink the nails to make the surface presentable. We used a jigsaw to cut out the holes for the floor vents. For this reason, wood flooring has a tendency to expand mainly in the direction the tongue is facing.
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