NOTE: This item has been discontinued and will no longer be available for purchase. Higher filtration means less airflow, but they've done what they can to give you as much surface area as possible in the filter, which equates to more airflow. Looking for help with Are you unsure of which tools, or hardware, you need, or which brands to buy? tips? I purchased filtration bags for my shop (3,000 square ft shop) from.
Damn filters site has no address listed on site, they are removed from my sourcing list without out a second thought. dust
The effectiveness of a DC system is more than just stated horsepower and stated CFM. frustrations? Here's a thread that may help you out. The reason I have what you want is, I never lent it out before.
I have two "four bag" collectors and an HF unit dedicated to the miter, and pine cone clean up duty (with the Super Dust Deputy). The two angle brackets screwed into place. That is the main reason why I added the Donaldson cartridge filter. (Ive asked them about a replacement for my HF.) 6 screws for mounting the angle brackets and latch keepers. The latch keeper and the gear latch in place. So the only real downside of not having a separator is that you'll need to clean the filter more frequently. A forum community dedicated to router and woodworking professionals and enthusiasts. Looking for information on designing your projects? I was interested in a filter for upgrading my dust collector and saw they had advertised free shipping (with some restrictions) for new users. Learn more about Reddits use of cookies. The third stage uses the bag filter to collect smaller sawdust. I can still use this so I'm not going to send it back, but another shape would be better for my hybrid cyclone. Upon checkout, there was no free shipping on the filter from (Damn Filters). I have the Harbor freight DC modified with the Thein baffle. Does anyone know what exactly makes this filter so much better than the less expensive ones? I did a ton of research and it seemed to be the best for the money. JavaScript is disabled. I know, for a fact, that they could care less about selling one or two filters at a time to small shops. I have the HF dust collector and installed a Wynn filter as well as a DIY Thien baffle. My question about the filters was more about the difference between the three canisters that Wynn offers. The 99.9% of dust it keeps out of your filter that goes into a bucket is for me one of the best inventions in woodworking. 2 short floating gear latches for attaching the bottom of the cartridge to the angle brackets. Based on the comments above, havent decided whether to gamble on Damn Filters yet. Ill definitely look into the diesel truck filter option and check out Shipwright. Separators (cyclone, trash can, whatever) will reduce the dust "load" that eventually reaches the filter, but won't make the filtered air any cleaner; and as you say, overall performance suffers. Ocelot, thanks for the tip. The finished upgrade with the collector turned on. Look at shipwrights setup. | Do Not Sell My Data There are 2 different needs in the shop: Low volume collection and high volume. I believe it was blowing more dust back into the shop than it was keeping in the collector. Copyright 2022 Chris Crawford Knives109 Bridle Cove, Saltillo, MS 38866. Sounds like Option 1 is the best for you. It's more of me showing pictures of the process with a short comment under each picture. Share your tips and challenges Before you pick up those woodworking tools, take the time to ensure your safety in the shop! filter That is just downright deceptive. Please submit links to how-to pages and videos, pictures of beautiful and amazing pieces you made for us to admire, or help you finish. Thanks for all the insight and input. My company changes out filters, 12 at a time, every 6 to 9 months. I am happy with that setup. I say its a toss up. 6 spring nuts for holding the screws into place. I used to double filter bag my HD unit which worked fairly well initially, but found out later on that once the second bag got saturated with fines, it would then send them into the air. This forum is for scrollsawers: share your tips, ask questions Have a question? Any recommendations for a good affordable filters for a 2 HP Harbor Freight Dust Collector? The current price is $235 plus shipping. The canisters, with their extra surface area, does a notably better job. My shops stays dust free and my lungs are worth it. Neither unit allow dust to into the collector bags provided the dust bin is not over filled. I added the HF unit about a year ago but the Donaldson was just added about a month ago. On just about all of the single state collectors you have to make an inner and outer donut out of plywood. Your woodworking skills are displayed for several lifetimes in each project. That was true if my HF unit with Wynn filter. That is, if you are vacuuming the floor, collecting a lot of chips an so on, protecting the rather expensive filter is a big concern. It has a 1HP motor, and the best information that I could find on it stated that it came with a 50 micron bag, which probably accounts for all of the dust that was escaping. Damn filters lead time was longer than expected but the product was quality. If you look at them, they seem identical except for the filter media, which is where the extra cost comes from, I'm assuming. But again, were talking industrial scale here. If you are a carver or want Intarsia, fretwork, intricate design cutting and more! All Wynn dust collector filter replacement are constructed with high quality filter medias to ensure enough operating safety and excellent quality performance. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Turns out it costs more to ship the HF blower here (Alaska) than the blower itself costs so Ill have to figure out a different setup or buy one pre-assembled. 2 latch keepers to be mounted to the sides of the dust collector. The HF unit is hooked to my jointer & planer only. It is often necessary to throttle the inlet of the fan to keep it from overamping due to reduced resistance. Sometimes Ive seen them on amazon warehouse deals just get a big one and make whatever adapter is needed. So anyway, this tutorial is not so much of a step-by-step how-to. I ordered the wrong filter which arrived today. Why? Weve never had a quality problem with the damn filters and weve saved quite a bit of money by using them over the big name manufacturers. Need a break from all the standing and wood dust? Also, to anyone who's made this upgrade before, do you need to buy anything in addition to the filter to get a good, air-tight fitting with the dust collector, or does everything that you need come in the kit with the filter? Both units with all modifications included cost me less than $500 total. There is a physical size difference between the two filters but I believe they have the same merv rating. Marking the placement for the angle bracket. Save your money and buy the dust deputy. If you are going to be dealing with a lot of stuff off a jointer, a planer a lathe or things off the floor, taking a performance hit may be well worth while, to protect the filter. Both filters work very well as intended. While you're putting it together, take the time to make a paddle-flapper to clean out the pleats. Latest Projects | I want to upgrade the 5 micron bag to a Wynn 0.5 micron filter. I added a 4" Dust Deputy recently for another improvement, had the Rockler simple diverter which worked well until the 55 gallon drum got more than 1/2 full. Someday, if I have to filter my exhaust, these micron shaker bags are the way I will go. I'll just use the 5 micron for a week or two and then install the Wynn filter canister. I am still trying to track down the parent company to complain to the BBB but do not believe they are even registered that says a lot. I contacted Wynn Environmental to see what they recommended for my collector, and they offered me several options. When informed the website has now been altered, good for them, but lets see if it stays down. But through chat with the company received nothing but excuses and arrogance. The two units are the same. The other difference between the dc units is that the HF unit has a larger collection bin as it collects mostly large sized particles. I have not tried swapping the two filters around but the smaller Donaldson filter tends to retain more particulates within it than the Wynn does. For me, it's not about protecting the blades of the fan in the dust collector. You and I are in the same basic boat because I just got a legit dust collector, and I'm ordering one of those filters. Both products look and perform very well. The finish, whether paint, wax, stain, or something else, can make or break a project. This was blamed on a punk of an internet/website developer and no responsibility by one of the chat representatives/owners Jeff. Thanks. dust collector but well worth it for how clean the air is vs. the bag filter. So, I just bought the 2HP Harbor Freight dust collector which many woodworkers seem to recommend. Getting ready to screw the bracket into place. Have you had to compromise your project On the lathe, by the lathe: do you have questions? Wow, it made a big difference in performance and saved some serious cash. Different wood requires different woodworking strategies - from cutting to finishing. You can get details about this filter here. No matter for a cellulose dust collector filter cartridge or a pleated dust collector filter cartridge and even for a replacement dust collector filter, Filson can provide you. Pretty cool! They also have a different filter media, which I assume results in the lower MERV value. a tip/strategy to share? This Patterns & Blueprints item by ModernandMint has 122 favorites from Etsy shoppers. The cartridge filters have better Merv rating to them and do not spew visible fines accordingly. I appreciate the replies. This forum is for all the woodturners out there. There's a couple of links to a guy's blog where he went to town on modding this dust collector. I decided that I wanted to upgrade it to a cartridge filter and a plastic bag, and I found the parts that I needed on Wynn Environmental's website. Here's some specific information about my upgrade: The website for Wynn Environmental:, The filter kit I bought:35BA222NANO Cartridge Kit. Remember when you could clean your car, your wood shop, and Air Filtration Inner Filter (2 Pack) for theWEN 3410 Air Filtration System Remember when your workshop was full of clean air? Remember when your workshop was full of clean air? | I have bee; using it a lot since and havent noticed any suction loss. Delivery time: Sometimes I want it fast. Ive noticed that a lot of people have purchased cartridge filters from Wynn Environmental. -- Part of engineering is to know when to put your calculator down and pick up your tools. DISCLAIMER: Any posts on LJ are posted by individuals acting in their own right and do not necessarily reflect the views of LJ. Both units have the same Thein design separator connected to them. Press J to jump to the feed. Anyone have any input? I think it seems like a no-brainer to go with the more expensive, higher MERV value filter, I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. I put a Wynn on my HF several years ago and it was a huge improvement. I went back and forth between the Harbor Freight 2HP DC and the Grizzly 1.5HP (non-cyclone) DC. I'm looking at purchasing the 35A274NANO Cartridge Kit. Yes, the Wynn filter is high (more than the DC itself!) Wood, your hand tools, you and a little know-how. I am planning on making a thein separator at some point. A piece of inner-tube used to make smaller gaskets. The 1 1/2 or 2hp Grizzly and others have that cone/collector/plenum that is larger than the diameter of the filter so it actually fits inside. I had no idea what a MERV number was, so I looked it up and it's a measure of filter efficiency with various sizes of particles. He uses a large diesel truck air filter instead of the Winn much less expensive. The cost to performance ratio is fantastic.
I ended up going with the 35BA222NANO Cartridge Kit. Here's the other HF mod thread on Lumberjocks that I used for my version - I'm going to try it out with the 5 micron bag until I get a new filter, because I want to really be able to appreciate the airflow increase. 4 short floating gear latches for attaching the cartridge's top to the cartridge. I very much respect that some restrictions was listed and would have happily accepted that as the answer. So every time I turned on my dust collector, it would put out a puff of dust that reminded me of Pig-Pen from the Peanuts cartoon. Agreed. I have had the the Wynn setup for over 3 years now and am very pleased. Both keep me from having to clean filters. I eventually added the woodcraft trashcan chip separator and that provided enough pressure drop to stop from popping the breaker, and I no longer have to pinch back the blast gate. The 0.5/0.3 micron filters require a lot more umph than a 5 or 1 micron bag or canister.
The real issue is whether the effective CFM draw from the HF Dust Collector is sufficient. tThe first stage with the baffle uses centrifugal force to separate larger stuff like planer and jointer shvings that drop into the garbbage can. Remember when your workshop was full of clean air? 1 flat gasket to attach to the bottom of the cartridge. My problem is that they advertised they did. I unintentionally decided on a setup very similar to that in Shipwrights post but will vent outside in the summer and likely use a cartridge filter in the winter. Copyright Filson Filter 2022 Private Policy. Relief, 3D, chip-carving, whittling; carving knives, chisels, pocket-knives, power tools. Noted on the Wynn filtersId read elsewhere about the filter cleaning issues. But at 1/4 the cost of a Wynn filter shipped, Im more than willing to do it! With a name like that, I would never even consider doing business with such an organization. Remember when you had the sawdust in your woodshop under control? I probably do more work than the average hobbyist, but less than a full time pro. We are also not talking a one line entry somewhere, but point #1 of 5 they listed as reasons to buy from them. I'm buying a better filter, because I want to protect my lungs and be able to work with wood for the rest of my life. Has anyone ever purchased a filter from them or does anyone know about the quality of their filters? But I do have to do a bit of a filter cleaning with each bin full of dust I collect especially on the Donaldson. Air-borne dust p FREE SHIPPING ON PURCHASES OVER $25 FOR ENTIRE CONTIGUOUS UNITED STATES, translation missing: en.product_price.item.price.range_html, ** total_quantity ** | ** unit_price ** / ** unit_measure **, WEN 3403 1,500 CFM 16-Amp 5-Micron Woodworking Dust Collector with 50-Gallon Collection Bag and Mobile Base, WEN DC1300 1,300 CFM 14-Amp 5-Micron Woodworking Dust Collector with 50-Gallon Collection Bag and Mobile Base, WEN 3416T 4.2-Amp 3-Speed Remote-Controlled Industrial-Strength Air Filtration System (750/950/1270 CFM), WEN 3417 3-Speed Remote-Controlled Industrial-Strength Air Filtration System (556/702/1044 CFM), WEN 3415T 3-Speed Remote-Controlled Industrial-Strength Air Filtration System (556/702/1044 CFM), WEN DC3474 7.4-Amp Rolling Dust Collector with Induction Motor, 15-Gallon Bag and Optional Wall Mount, WEN 3410 3-Speed Remote-Controlled Air Filtration System (300/350/400 CFM), WEN DC3402 7.4-Amp Rolling Dust Collector with Induction Motor, 15-Gallon Bag and Optional Wall Mount, WEN DC3401 5.7-Amp 660 CFM Rolling Dust Collector with 12-Gallon Bag and Optional Wall Mount, WEN 3401 5.7-Amp 660 CFM Dust Collector with 12-Gallon Bag and Optional Wall Mount, WEN VC4710 10-Amp 5-Gallon Portable HEPA Wet/Dry Shop Vacuum and Blower with 0.3-Micron Filter, Hose, and Accessories, WEN 3415AF1 1-Micron Industrial-Strength Inner Air Filter, Two Pack (for the WEN 3415 Air Filtration System), WEN 28221 4-Inch x 20-Foot Universal Dust Extractor Hose, WEN 3415AF5 5-Micron Industrial-Strength Outer Air Filter, Two Pack (for the WEN 3415 Air Filtration System), WEN 38005 3.2-Amp 5-Gallon Bucket Vacuum Cleaner with Hose, Nozzles and Filter Bag, WEN 90243-026-2 1-Micron Inner Air Filters, 2-Pack (for the WEN 3410 Air Filtration System), WEN 28200 4 inch x 10 foot Dust Collection Hose, WEN 90243-027-2 5-Micron Outer Air Filters, 2-Pack (for the WEN 3410 Air Filtration System). Latest Blog Entries | Ive seen products from both companies. It works as well as the bigger Wynn filter.I have since added a super dust deputy and now I dont get anything at all in my collection bag I am assuming that means that Im not clogging my filter either. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, Modern and Mint Dust Collection Plans - Etsy, David Falkner - Woodworking YouTube channel,, Filter Bags - American Fabric Filter | Fabric Filters, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. LJ will not be held liable for the actions of any user. One is a Delta with the Wynn, the other is a HF with the Donaldson filter. Avoid at all cost and please share this on as many websites as you can. 7 small pieces of carpet tape to hold the flat gasket onto the bottom of the cartridge. cartridge filter I hate getting covered with saw dust when I had to clean those filters every few days. Am I missing something about the differences between these filters that results in a significant price difference? Using a jig is like having a couple extra hands helping out. Ive come across a modification plan that Id like to follow. 2 long floating gear latches for attaching the bottom of the cartridge to the latch keepers. Steve, that Jet 650 is like the Delta one I just sold. However, one of my best purchases has been a Jet ceiling-mounted air filtration unit (AFS-1000B).
The diameter of the bag is about 13" so it requires a donut. I have the Wynn filter on my Harbor Freight dust collector in my shop, and the metalfab company where I work buy their filters from Damn Filters. Wynn specializes in small woodshop dust collection. 1 piece of edge trim gasket to go around the rim of the collector. Ive also read, however, that the paddle system used by Grizzly, Jet, etc. Just curious if anyone has had any experience with Damn Filters. Filson is a leading manufacturer for replacement brands filters include filter housing and filter element. Listed on Jul 11, 2022. Let us know your specific filter model of Wynn dust collector filter or industrial filtration specifications, Filson will provide you a perfect replacement. Control the mess and minimize cleanup with the WEN 1,500 CFM 5-Micron Dust Collector. Actually, since there is so much more surface area for the air to exit, despite being a finer fabric, the canister filters provide less resistance to airflow than the bags. Having difficulties reading project plans? We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. /r/woodworking is your home on reddit for furniture, toys, tools, wood, glue, and anything else that has to do with woodworking as a hobby or profession. Cost if I remember was about $220, but I got it when they had one of there 10% deals. Im most likely going to just upgrade the filter. 2. When told the item had no free shipping, I asked what does. My HF DC didn't need any donuts, my filter was the35B222NANO Cartridge Kit. Can't speak to Wynn filter alternatives, but do a search for "Thien separator" and "jpthien" for a DIY alternative to the SDD. The outside holes were opened up with a 3/8" bit. a challenge, perhaps? Lets get the word out! Ive been reading the forums for a while on a variety of topics. The Delta is hooked to my fine dust producers (saws, sander, router). Repair oil finish on oak kitchen countertops. Advice? The area around my DC used to look like I spilled dust everywhere and now it's very clean, not spotless, but very clean. Better quality, lower price. Last but not least:If they ever make me angry and/or fail to deliver; I want my family to know where I will be arrested for taking my revenge on a stupid person. When things go wrong: Know city and location where I register a BBB complaint. I actually read through that entire thread earlier today and didn't quite find what I'm looking for. I have installed little windows into the side of the garbage cans to watch the levels. The best thing is the crank handle. I think it might suck start my Harley now. Basically a pipe clamp straightened out. Damn filters is manufacturing and selling directly to large industrial companies with fleets of dust collectors. Couldnt find much on them while searching the internet. Get a quote now. | Copyright It took some bondo, epoxy and a gamma seal bucket to make it work. Here's the rundown: It's more expensive because of the level of filtration and it's a canister rather than a bag. Cost is why I have two used DC units vs. one bigger unit and why I didnt use super dust deputy cyclone units vs. my Thein separators. My experience is that the Wynns are worth the money, and their customer service is excellent. Ive had experience with both Wynn and damn filters.
Filson is a specialist in dust collector filter designing and manufacturing. 1. I have two DC units. I just use a blow gun hooked up to my air compressor, and carefully blow on the cartridge pleats from the outside. P.S. The other two filters, 35A274BLOL Cartridge Kit, and 35A100SBOL Cartridge Kit are MERV 10 and MERV 11, which are for commercial and industrial use. My dust collector is an old Delta Shopmaster model AP400. The value of much of what is suggested is dependent on what you are doing with the system. The high volume comes from the table saw, jointer, planer, drum sander, etc, and is what you need the 4 hose connection and a full blown DC for. Chat with your Forum Friends about their projects, their life, thei
The low is what comes out of ones sander, drill press, jig saw, circular saw, router, etc, and this is best handled by a shop vac/dust extractor. This is because they are considerably cheaper than pleated filters, easier to clean, and longer lasting, however they occupy a bigger space. Gather, share, learn and enjoy with other woodworkers. In terms of customer service, we are talking apples and oranges here. I also invested in a Dylos particle size monitor after reading Bill Pentz's website (. Thanks in advance. The other options include. Share your "joinery" discussion here. Dust Deputy does it's job and keeps the filters clean when you can go a year with out cleaning a shop vac filter or a 4" system filter that is saying something. Eyes, ears, fingers, and Are you looking for or do you have tips to share regarding the workshop? Manage Consent. Im hoping to do MERV 15 filter, which they carry for a variety of other dust collector manufacturers and for less than the $200 Wynn filter. Latest Forum Topics. -- I intended to be a woodworker, but turned into a tool and lumber collector. I had a Wynn and didnt like it because it was hard to clean and it started leaking after about a year and a half. Now looking to get my first dust collector and Im trying to decide on the filter system to use. This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our, Shop Machinery for Sale (Powermatic, Rockwell, Delta, Jet), Great Lakes Woodworking Festival - May 6th, 2018, SOLD: Brand New Wynn Environmental filter for your single stage dust collector, ridge-kit/. Call me old school (ok I am old), but I only do business with websites were company address is listed on web site. wynn The blower is raised to sit on the Thein baffle which sits on the garbage can. Just had to use the clips they include to hold the cartridge to the DC and the top to the cartridge. I have 4" dust deputy and a 2" dust deputy the 2" is fed by a 35' pool hose on a fastcap reel. I don't want to have to replace that freakin' expensive filter every time I turn around. I have a 2 HP Harbor Freight Dust Collector that id like to upgrade. Heres my HF system with Donaldson filter. For what its worth, they say their cartridge filters are American made. I assume the kit comes with everything you need to properly secure the filter, I just want to make sure. (Click the pictures to see the comments.). It had a thick foam bottom that fit to the cone at top of DC. Filson extensive range of Wynn dust collector filter replacement undergoes rigorous tested using ISO test standards in our technical engineering lab. For now I'll just use it as-is. damn filters. I cannot recommend enough that you DO NOT do business with this company. Ships from United States. can damage the filters. Most of the stuff on the market is 1 micron or higher, and I suspect a lot of people just use the stock filter bag and maybe a separator and call it a day. Bonus, our purchasing gal always gets a chuckle her when the tell her to order the damn filters. Some dbl-sided carpet tape placed around the rim. My shop is in the basement so effective dust collection is not only critical, its very visible! Screen captures of the website and chat are below. I was specifically told NOTHING. The attitude over what could have been an honest mistake was disgusting. All of the parts that I used came from Wynn Environmental except for the carpet tape and inner-tube. Comprehensive range of Wynn dust collector filter replacement, Suitable for most industrial dust collection, High quality replacement for efficient dust removal, Types of media: cellulose polyester, spunbond polyester, nanoweb, PTFE mambrane, carbon, synthetic, Maximum operating temperature: no more than 177(upon basic media), Dimensions: height: 22, outside diameter: 7.93, inside diameter: 3.60(more sizes upon requirements).
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