In operation, the sensor is mounted over the water. It accepts a 3.3V to 5V switched on or off automatically when the water level falls below a certain level. After, enter the project name as you like. We can monitor factors such as water levels, leaks, and rainfall through this sensor. The first led will show 20%, the second led will show 40%, and so on. Connect a buzzer to pin 10 of the Arduino board and ground its other terminal. I would suggest using my NewPing library for faster/better results. the tank is about 1.12m deep and I have the sensor mounted about 25cm above the tank to compensate for this sensor not being able to reliably read obstacles closer than 25cms.
Data from the device is sent using the TX pin and is at the same logic level as the power supply, which can be either 3.3 or 5 volts. A 16x2 LCD is connected with Arduino in 4-bit mode. Buy Now.
lcd.setCursor (0,0); We set the cursor at the position on the LCD screen where we want the data to start printing. 0.009 in, 0.035 in, and 0.141 in. VCC PIN ARDUINO 5V. Ultrasonic Level Sensor. Living in an age where we need to be more conscious of the energy that we use, a water level controller is ideal at saving power. How Can you Check Water level sensor with Arduino In this activity, we will learn water level sensors. 101020635 . being very careful not to water my Arduino or notebook computer! Water level controller using arduino and ultrasonic sensor code21 Googling for "tank level measurement arduino" yields lots of potentially useful results. It becomes difficult for users to judge the level of water in water tanks. Wiring HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor to Arduino UNO 3 Wire Mode. What is a Water level sensor? Water Level Sensor ( Link Tokopedia ) Setelah semua komponen siap, buat rangkaian seperti gambar berikut ini. Basically, this water level sensor comes with only 3 pins. The sensor is composed of two ultrasonic transducers. A 162 LCD is connected with arduino in 4-bit mode . SIRD-908 Radar Water Level Sensor adopts a transmitting frequency up to 26GHZ. Share. Step4: Write the Arduino code in Arduino IDE and obtain the HEX file of the code. Slowly dip the sensor into the water ( a glass of water). 1. This project utilizes ultrasonic sensor to detect precise level of water present in the tank.
The ultrasonic sensor connected to the arduino board as a input signal.
The water level sensor is a device that measures the liquid level in a fixed container that is too high or too low. To combat this, you need to ping one sensor by pulling it high, and read the length. The main concern of this project is to monitor the level of water through ultrasonic sensor. Testing the Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor JSN SR-04T. A 16x2 LCD is connected with arduino in 4-bit mode . Download Free PDF Download PDF Download Free PDF View PDF. There are many advantages of water level controls, also known also water level indicators, including: 1. Ultrasonic Sensors use high frequency ultrasonic waves to detect the levels of any medium liquid or solid. The entire circuit of the receiver is built around an 8-bit microcontroller. Sedikit Pengenalan. perancangan control system pengisian fluida otomatis menggunakan sensor ultrasonic sebagai level air & sensor flow indikasi aliran air berbasis iot ino sketch modified to improve calibration frequency on measurements Wasserfluss Durchfluss Sensor YF-S201 Water Flow Sensor Arduino Raspberry Pi Distrelec Germany stocks a wide the VCC and GND pins of the ultrasonic sensor are connected with the Arduinos 5v and ground pins. Overview. the sensor is totally insulated, and is thus waterproof. i use this Water Level Sensor to moniter my home aquarium. View your room's temperature, tank temperature and >water level (represented by a 10. The device transmits narrow beam (5) ultrasonic pulses (i.e. Circuit Diagram for Water Level Sensor Module Arduino. The ultrasonic sensor connected to the arduino board as a input signal. This work was performed under the valuable guidance of Mr. Budhadtiya Biswas, Assistant 3.2.3 Interfacing of Node MCU with Arduino IDE 21 3.3 Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 23 3.3.1 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module Timing Diagram 24 This wifi modules helps in collecting the water level and sent it to blynk app via internet. Menu. /* Arduino example sketch to control a JSN-SR04T ultrasonic distance sensor with Arduino. for working flawlessly. Search: Ultrasonic Flow Sensor Arduino. ECHO PIN ARDUINO PIN 7. Installed at the top of your water tank, the transmitter unit measures the water level and temperature using an ultrasonic sensor . When Ultrasonic sensor detected motion. After that, we will see program our ESP32 board with the ultrasonic sensor to build our water monitor web server. An ultrasonic sensor would be my preferred method. View your room's temperature, tank temperature and >water level (represented by a 10. The Arduino then reads the height of the water and reports the depth of the tank. Water Level Sensor (10CM) for Arduino . OK, lets set up this button. Used for industrial liquid tanks, or river water level non-contact monitoring and control. How Can you Check Water level sensor with Arduino In this activity, we will learn water level sensors. So, now as we know the working of the ultrasonic sensor, it is pretty straightforward to understand the working of the project. View your room's temperature, tank temperature and >water level (represented by a 10. It generally consists of three pins: Signal (S): An analog pin that sends signals to the microcontroller/SBC to indicate the fluid level. The pulses rapidly transmit to the target and reflect off the surface and back to the device. As shown in the water level controller circuit given below, Ultrasonic sensor modules trigger and echo pins are directly connected to pin 10 and 11 of arduino.A 162 LCD is connected with arduino in 4-bit mode.Control pin RS, RW and En are directly connected to arduino pin 7, GND and 6. This sensor/transmitter is mounted at the top of a tank and aimed downward.
Data from the device is sent using the TX pin and is at the same logic level as the power supply, which can be either 3.3 or 5 volts.
This analog water level sensor board has several copper traces on it. Hello guys, welcome back to another tutorial from SriTu Hobby. It acts as a switch here and pin 2 of Arduino reads this switch state for either being high or low. 4.8 (9) | "Quick shipping" Contact Supplier. Arduino UNO compatible shield board that can be used to easily interface a variety of sensors with the PSoC 6 MCU platform. As shown in the water level controller circuit given below, Ultrasonic sensor modules trigger and echo pins are directly connected to pin 10 and 11 of arduino. It is recommended to power the Now, connect pin 11 of the Arduino to the input pin of the relay board. They provide fast, reliable non-contact measurements at distances up to 50 feet (15.2 meters). From the Transmitter part, Ultrasonic signals will be emitted A few seconds after the upload finishes, if you immerse the sensor in water, Open the Serial Monitor, you can see the running result as below: Arduino I2C 1602 LCD Liquid Level Detector. Normally, regulating water levels can consume electricity and wastewater. Circuit Diagram and Explanation. This project is wireless so, it is easy to install and it can work up to 400cm for HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. Search Forums; (Arduino, PIC, Basic STAMP, PicAxe, Raspberry Pi, etc.) The sensitive element is The float sensor consists of two terminals, VCC and GND. Review this research paper on the development of a portable water level sensor for a flood management system. The receiver circuit of the Ultrasonic Water Level Meter is shown in figure 2. lcd.print (; This functions tells the arduino to You can use only the leds if you want, the lcd is optional. Search: Ultrasonic Flow Sensor Arduino. source : Thus, the Arduino water level indicator helps in preventing wastage of water in overhead tank. All you have to do is connect both the TRIG and ECHO pins to digital pin #9 and define pin 9 for both pin values in the code. it is the same as our recent activity on soil moisture sensor interfacing. Maretron TLM100. Minimalist library for ultrasound module to Arduino Connect a Grove - Sound Sensor to port A0 of a Base Shield The Ultrasonic Sensor sends out a high-frequency sound pulse and then times how long it takes for the An Ultrasonic sensor is a device that can measure the distance to an object by using sound waves It can be done using Find this and other hardware projects on Alternatively, just replacing the sensor every one or two year, wouldn't be that bad. The Implexx Ultrasonic Water Level device is ideal for the non-contact measuring of water level of any surface. Water Level Sensor Pinout. This is a Ultrasonic sensor based tank water level indicator using an arduino nano. These are two copper wires which are dipped in to the Sump Water Tank. The water level sensor module has a straightforward structure. Our first attempt was to use the Maretron TLM100 ultrasonic sensor system. The water level sensor is super easy to use and only has 3 pins to connect. Water Level Meter using the Ultrasonic Sensor to sense the Water Level and ESP8266-01 to send the data over WiFi. Arduino will use the echo pin, present on Ultrasonic sensor to measure sound wave travel time in microseconds. In this IoT project, we will create a water level monitoring web server using an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor and ESP32. Although there are several water level . ESP32-CAM using Blynk and Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04. Berawal dari membuatkan tugas temen dan mencari project arduino sederhana. current price $12.99. Ultrasonic Sensor for Measuring Water Level. water level sensor project using an ultrasonic sensor, as shown in Fig. You can configure with other IoT platforms as well. We stock a range of Siemens ultrasonic, hydrostatic, radar & capacitance based water level sensors. Like.
Measuring Water Level using Arduino and JSN SR-40T Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor Ultrasonic sensor, also known as a SONAR sensor is an electronic device that is used to measure the distance of a target object by emitting ultrasonic sound waves. Apart from distance measurement, it is also used for object detection and obstacle avoidance robots. Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Connections Its other name is HC-SR04. #define SENSOR_NAME "Distance Sensor" #define SENSOR_VERSION "1.1" #define CHILD_ID 1 // Each radio node can report data for up to 254 different child sensors. ESP8266 01. An ultrasonic sensor is used for distance while the RTC time module will output time. No library needed. When the TLM100 failed on the black water tank, we changed sensors believing we had a fault. Water level controller using arduino and ultrasonic sensor code21 Transmitter: The wireless transmitter circuit which is placed on the tank will send water level data every 5 seconds 24/7. both sensors work almost the same so, today we are going to interface the water level sensor with Arduino. The water level was sensed by ultrasonic sensor and accordingly the motor was switched on and off automatically, SMS alert was sent to user [3]. Connect the pump to the AC circuit of the relay board. The Arduino Nano board acts as a processor for module and sensor. Some receptors compute the depth of liquefied according to the pressure caused by the fluids specific gravity and the straight length to the surface. It's a contactless method to meaure the water level. In an earlier video I had put together a tank water level Indicator using an Arduino. Then select the device and connection type. Ranges. Read more on Finally, click the Confirm button. You can hang the receiver unit on a wall (hooks) or pull out the stand and place it on your kitchen bench top, table or desk. Search: Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Library. 1/6. So, now as we know the working of the ultrasonic sensor, it is pretty straightforward to understand the working of the project. $7.30. These are the 5 leds which will be used to display the percentage of water available in the water tank. Calculated distance will be displayed on LCD display. A 16x2 LCD is connected with Arduino in 4-bit mode. Specifications. The fourth block is the Sump Water level sensor. Ultrasonic Sensor for Measuring Water Level. Velleman VMA303 Soil Moisture Sensor & Water Level Sensor Module, Arduino Compatible. Repeatability. The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor uses sonar to determine the distance to an object. Through this Arduino tutorial, you will learn how an Ultrasonic sensor works and how do you use it with the Arduino and even with the Raspberry Pi. 0.33 to 3 ft; 0.33 to 12 ft; and 1 to 48 ft. Irrigation control. Wet well and pump controls. HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. The analog sensor board has several copper traces on it that are not connected but are bridged by water when submerged.
SKU. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tutorial, line-by-line code explanation are provided to help you quickly get started with ESP32. Offered in general purpose and intrinsically safe versions, the ultrasonic level sensor provides reliable level measurement of non-foaming chemical, water, wastewater and petroleum based liquids in ambient tank or sump applications from 1-12 meters. Fig: shows bock diagram of Arduino based water level display and automatic pump control system Power Unit: This unit comprises of the transformer, bridge rectifier, filtering capacitor and a voltage regulator.In this work, a 5volts and 12volts DC was used, hence the need to use dual voltage source.
The water level detection system was designed using ping sensor, microcontroller AT89S51.
Enclosed are the ultrasonic sensor, a temperature sensor and an LED indicating the power status. All you need is: 2 x Arduino (one for measuring fluid level, one for showing the results on a display) A basic 12V power supply. As shown in the water level controller circuit given below, Ultrasonic sensor modules trigger and echo pins are directly connected to pin 10 and 11 of arduino. - Ravi Singh 1d. Add. Ultrasonic level sensors generate ultrasonic sound pulses that are reflected by the surface of a liquid medium. Ultrasonic sensors for liquid level measurement - Programming Questions - Arduino Forum. The signal pin is an analog output that will be connected to any of the analog outputs on your Arduino. Monitor the level in your water tank with an ultrasonic sensor in the lid, and add optional automation. Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 is utilized to estimate distance in the range of 2cm-400cm with an accuracy of 3mm. Ultrasonic Sensor Module HC-SR04 Distance Measuring Sensor for arduino Control SR04. The JSN-SR04T and A02YYUW are a couple of waterproof ultrasonic distance sensors that are easy to use with an Arduino. Arduino - Water Sensor The water sensor or water level sensor is used to detect water leakage, rainfall, tank overflow, or to measure the water level. In this tutorial, we will learn: How to use the water sensor Once the connections are done. Considering the travel time and the speed of the sound, you can calculate the distance using the formula shown here. Talking about the construction of the Ultrasonic Water Level Meter it uses a microcontroller for processing. ATmega328 is an 8-bit microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor, and 433 MHz RF module. As the project Ultrasonic Water Level Meter uses wireless approach it uses transmitter and receiver unit. Ground, +5V, and the signal pin. Ultrasonic sensor. The sensor will transmit a short ultrasonic pulse, and we can measure the travel time of that pulse (the echo) to the liquid and back. Here the signal pin is an analog output so we will connect it to any analog pin on the Arduino board. Hardware Overview. Once your code and hardware are ready, connect Arduino to the laptop and upload the code. Next, click the + button and includes a Button and Level V widget.
To load the program or sketch you need the Arduino IDE installed on a PC and an FTDI serial adapter. As shown in the water level controller circuit given below, the Ultrasonic sensor modules trigger and echo pins are directly connected to pin 10 and 11 of Arduino. A 16x2 LCD is connected with Arduino in 4-bit mode. Arduino Water Flow Rate Sensor Tutorial So we will learn about how to control water flow sensor use arduino, water flow sensor consists of plastic valves, rotors water and half-effect sensor The hall effect sensor will then output a pulse width signal 3 - 6 L / min The hall-effect sensor outputs the corresponding pulse Signal The hall-effect sensor outputs the corresponding pulse Signal by IRJET Journal. arduino ultrasonic water-level-indicator No need to worry any more! MB1040 They work quite well for that. I am trying to measure the liquid level in a reservoir. In this example, we will use a water sensor to detect the depth of the water and display the result on an I2C 1602LCD. Senix ultrasonic level and distance sensors measure through the air using ultrasonic sound waves. The ultrasonic sensors Echo and Trigger pins are connected to pins 12 and 13 of the Arduino board respectively. So the last led will show 100%. You can hang the receiver unit on a wall (hooks) or pull out the stand and place it on your kitchen bench top, table or desk. Ultrasonic Liquid Level Sensor XKC-DS1603L.V1,Liquid Sensing Probe Non-contact Liquid Level UART Serial Port 3.3~12V Madison MS8000 Plastic Miniature Liquid Level Switch with Slosh Shield, 30 VA SPST, 1/8" NPT Male, 100 psig Pressure Ultrasonic sensors are reliable, cost-effective instruments for these applications. It is completely waterproof and uses capacitive pads to detect water levels up to 10cm. because it may help us many places like water 2. Buzzer, this is used to notify when the sump tank is empty. The Ultrasonic sensor has four terminals - +5V, Trigger, Echo, and GND connected as follows Also, this tutorial covers how to measure water levels using a water level sensor and display those values on the LCD Display. With ultrasonic sensors, we can find the water depth calculation by finding the distance between the transceiver and the surface of the water.
The sensor fetches the level information and send to NodeMCU ESP8266 which can be monitored through the Arduino IoT Cloud. Check out the schematic, prototype and video below The antenna is made of corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel and PTFE. Sesuai dengan judul disini saya akan berbagi project arduino yaitu membuat Water Level Atau Sensor pengukur tinggi air pada dengan menggunakan sensor Ultrasonic, cara kerjanya dapat dilihat dari ilustrasi diatas. Schematic Fritzing Circuit : Projek Ultrasonic Water Level.fzz. The best solution was to detect water level using ultrasound, a non-intrusive method, giving also the ability to report water level (and make actions based on such measuring) and not only an "almost empty" warning signal like the optical one. IRJET-Rain Water Harvesting and Smart Farming using IoT. Power Saver. The water and wastewater industry has many requirements for measuring the level of water in applications such as flumes, weirs, pipes, tanks, wells, basins, and cooling towers. The water level indicator works on the principle of the potentiometer. Order) CN Hangzhou Asmik Sensors Technology Co., Ltd. 5 YRS. thesis entitled Ultrasonic Sensor based Water Level Monitoring and Control using IoT. It is commonly used in obstacle avoiding robots and automation projects. What is a Water level sensor? 1. was $10.94. In addition, this particular module comes with ultrasonic transmitter and receiver modules. Gap between Ultrasonic and Max water level adjusted in Arduino code. because it may help us many places like water The WL705 Ultrasonic Water Level Sensor uses the latest ultrasonic distance measuring technology for accurate non-contact water level monitoring. Some important considerations about the use and applicability of the ultrasonic sensors used in this study can be seen in water level monitoring in reservoirs [11] [12][13][14][15][16][17]. $12.99. The VCC terminal of float sensor goes to digital pin 2 on the Arduino board and GND terminal to ground of Arduino board. With a few programming tricks, we managed to use an Arduino with a sonar module to measure the distance down to the water surface (l) with reasonable reliability and an accuracy of a few millimetre. Quick Instructions. Conductive method is used to measure the level. This tutorial includes how does work the Water level sensor with Arduino. $10.94. Ad. The circuit diagram of the water level controller using Arduino is shown above. GND PIN ARDUINO GROUND. Non-contact, high resolution, range of 2m is easy. The concept we have used here in our project where the water motor pump is automatically turned on when the water level in the respective tank becomes low. 0,0 means starting from the left top corner of the LCD screen (column 0 row 0). It transmits waves and measures the time it takes to receive the return signal back from the water to the sensor. This is a non-contact water / liquid level sensor for Arduino. both sensors work almost the same so, today we are going to interface the water level sensor with Arduino. Sea or Tide level monitoring and Tsunami warning. S (Signal) pin is an analog output that will be connected to one of the analog inputs on your Arduino.
You can hang the receiver unit on a wall (hooks) or pull out the stand and place it on your kitchen bench top, table or desk. Ultrasonic Depth Sensors arent limited to only water detection and are used in a variety of applications including: Tank level measurement. In our project it plays the main role, it senses the level of raising or lowering of water by emitting pulses of ultrasonic waves. Ultrasonic Water Level Waterproof Arduino Raspberry Sensor FST700-101 Liquid-level transmitter is designed for diving level measurement. First, click the New Project button. Water Level Indicator and Control using Ultrasonic Sensor No need to worry any more! Find this and other ESP32 The input type water level transmitter we call is a contact measurement, which converts the height of the liquid level into Lots of people use the HC-SR04 or HC-SR06 to measure water. See the result on Serial Monitor. It is one of the most common sensors for distance sensing. Prepare the circuit above. The dry ends of these wires are connected to analog input pins A1, A2, A3 and A4 of the Arduino respectively. After that, open the serial monitor at a baud rate of 9600, and put something in front of the sensor. Arduino UNO compatible shield board that can be used to easily interface a variety of sensors with the PSoC 6 MCU platform. perancangan control system pengisian fluida otomatis menggunakan sensor ultrasonic sebagai level air & sensor flow indikasi aliran air berbasis iot ino sketch modified to improve calibration frequency on measurements Wasserfluss Durchfluss Sensor YF-S201 Water Flow Sensor Arduino Raspberry Pi Distrelec Germany stocks a wide #define TRIGGER_PIN 9 // Trigger and Echo both on pin 9 First, we will learn to interface HC-SR04 with ESP32. HC-SR04 Hardware Overview. The 10k ohm pot is used to adjust the contrast of the LCD. So we felt good about using this system in the black water tank. Thanks, Matej. The liquid can either be water or mineral oil ( no vapours expected as application is at temperatures around 30 Deg C.) Required range is from 30 cm to 200 cm. If this is the first time you use ESP32, see how to setup environment for ESP32 on Arduino IDE. The water level sensor has 3 pins: S (Signal) pin: is an analog output that will be connected to one of the analog inputs on your Arduino. Clearance. Discussion in 'Sensors and Actuators' started by SAMSTER5, Dec 2, 2017. digital I/O pins 11 and 12 of Arduino are connected to echo and trigger pins of the ultrasonic sensor module, respectively. We are going to construct a water level monitoring system which utilizes GSM network to send the status about the current level of water in a tank from 0 to 100% to owners phone. The water level sensor is super easy to use and only has 3 pins to connect. + (VCC) pin: supplies power for the sensor. Compile and upload code to ESP32 board by clicking Upload button on Arduino IDE. Introduction In relation with the current framework with so much work and too less time to spare, it is very difficult to keep in touch with the water level in the tanks. The HC-SR04 is an inexpensive, easy to use ultrasonic distance sensor, with a range of 2 to 400 cm. I would like to use this sensor to measure the water level of a water tank and return the values for 0-100 (scale). Then, you'll want a short delay between them to allow the ping to die off. TRIGGER PIN ARDUINO PIN 8. Learn how to use ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 with ESP32, how ultrasonic sensor works, how to connect ultrasonic sensor to ESP32, how to code for ultrasonic sensor, how to program ESP32 step by step. Connect your Arduino Board to your computer. Been experimenting with the HCRS04- but somehow not very Besides the asynchronous problem, there might be an issue where the sensors interfere with each other by the Ping from one sensor reaching both. According to the method of measuring the liquid level, it can be divided into two types: contact type and non-contact type. Installed at the top of your water tank, the transmitter unit measures the water level and temperature using an ultrasonic sensor . Rest of the code is same. Also, when doing so, use the ping_median () method The Ultrasonic sensor were using is the HCSR04, which is quite common and easy to find in electronic stores and also online (link in the description). Cara Membuat Water Level Sensor Ultrasonic dengan Arduino. Step3: Now it is the time to attach the simulation file to the symbol of the water sensor as shown in the following figure: The pop up window appears by double clicking the symbol in Proteus. + (VCC) pin supplies power for the sensor. Over 100,000 Senix sensors are in use worldwide in some of the most demanding distance measurement environments. Level Sensor Water Arduino Boiler Level Sensor Displays Ultrasonic Transducer Ultrasonic Water Level Sensor Arduino Ultrasonic Non Contact Level. It has three pins as Vcc, Gnd, and Signal.
When the pump is turned BORDER SECURITY SYSTEM USING ARDUINO, ULTRASONIC SENSORS AND IOT. Also, this tutorial covers how to measure water levels using a water level sensor and display those values on the LCD Display. We use the TLM100 on freshwater and gray waterits low cost, accurate, and super reliable. Sump Water level sensor, which are dipped in to the Sump Water Tank or Use non-contact sensor for Pump suction line, And Analog pin present on the Arduino Nano will be used to sense the presence of water. A 162 LCD is connected with arduino in 4-bit mode . It is recommended to power the sensor with between 3.3V 5V. The time travelled by the ultrasonic pulse is calculated by the sensor which then determines the distance of the liquid to give an accurate fill level. Flip. Build a Water Level Sensor With an Ultrasonic Sensor and Home Assistant. The JSN-SR04T and A02YYUW are a couple of waterproof ultrasonic distance sensors that are easy to use with an Arduino. being very careful not to water my Arduino or notebook computer! Arduino-based automatic water level indicator and controller project we are going to estimate the water level using ultrasonic sensors About Project The concept we have used here in our project where the water motor pump is automatically turned on when the water level in the respective tank becomes low. We connect the sensor to an Arduino, and as per the changing water level new signal readings would be sent letting us know the level. 23 likes 75 shares. The transmitter consists of Arduino nano, ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, nRF24L01 module which will connect the transmitter and receiver wirelessly at 2.4 GHz. Hello guys, welcome back to another tutorial from SriTu Hobby. The ultrasonic level detector proposed here is a popular non-contact type level detector. You are free to choose the child id yourself. Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors , and affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. In this tutorial, you will learn how the sensor works and how to use it with Arduino. WL705 Ultrasonic Water Level Sensor. As shown in the water level controller circuit given below, the Ultrasonic sensor modules trigger and echo pins are directly connected to pin 10 and 11 of Arduino.
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