Both embodiments have the advantage of being relatively small in relation to the other crimping tools now available in the market place. No. 2022 Image for reference onlyActual item may look differentClick on image for larger view, 17460 Aurora Avenue NorthShoreline WA 98133, Serving Greater Seattle, Shoreline WA, Greenlake WA, Lake City WA with all your Equipment Rental, Tool Rental, and Party Rental needs, ProPress Jaws (1/2" , 3/4" , 1" , 1-1/4"), Capacity-Copper & Stainless Steel: 1/2" - 1-1/4", Hydraulic Ram Output: 5,400 lbs.
Thus it is an object of this invention to provide a compact crimping tool that can seal ProPress copper tubing joints satisfactorily in tight spaces too small for use of the RIDGID 3 20-E battery operated tool, that is compact and simple in construction. Terms of Site Use| Thus it is less complicated and less expensive to manufacture. When the pressingis complete, the ram retracts automatically. Something went wrong. Return shipping on warranty items is at the customer s expense unless otherwise arranged with the manufacturer. Sitemap.
No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on $99+. 60/699433. The system comprises a series of engineered copper and bronze press fittings offered in over 400 configurations and sizes ranging from -4. No. In another embodiment, the jaws have annular grooves on their inner surfaces to accommodate the male ridges of ProPress pipe fittings. The crimping-force-application assembly is very simple and lacks the bushing, the spindle, the pintles and the retention plates of Burnett. This invention claims the benefit of the inventor's previously filed provisional application, No. Examples include the axially clamping pipe coupler, subject of U.S. Pat. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Privacy&Security| Product warranties are at the manufacturer s discretion and are not offered by Western Drain Supply. Refer to your local plumbing inspector or manufacturer for more details. with $3,000 order (online only, shipped within the contiguous US does not apply to drain care products), Milwaukee M18 120' Pipeline Inspection System Kit.
Later technology substituted flexible PVC and utilized a crimp ring to compress the tubing ends deformably down against a rigid insert positioned in the internal conduit in the tubes. Ferguson Enterprises, LLC. (i) means to pivotally attach said assembly to one of said first and second jaw members for pivotal movement about a second axis generally parallel to said first axis; (ii) means to releasably engage another one of said first and second jaw members, said means to releasably engage being movable between a first disengaged position in which said crimping-force-application assembly is not touching said second jaw member, permitting movement of said first and second jaw members onto and off of the element to be crimped and a second engaged position permitting application of a crimping force; (iii) manually operable means to reduce a distance between said means to pivotally attach said assembly and said means to releasably engage, thereby causing said first and second jaw members to interact to crimp the element therebetween. Fast, reliable way to join copper, stainless steel, More capacity than any other compact press tool on the market, The RP 210-B is 2" shorter and 25% lighter than Ridgid's previous compact tool, Features the longest service interval available (32,000 cycles), Compatible with all Ridgid Compact Series Pressing Attachments (sold separately), Powered by Point-of-Rental - Last Update: . COPYRIGHT Western Drain Supply. For details, visit coating with sheet metal otherwise than by plating; Tube expanders, Application of procedures in order to connect objects or parts, e.g. Thus they can be used effectively where space is limited where bulkier crimping tools cannot fit or operate. coating with sheet metal otherwise than by plating; Tube expanders of tubes with tubes; of tubes with rods, ABANDONED -- FAILURE TO RESPOND TO AN OFFICE ACTION, Tool to crimp non-metallic tubing onto fittings, Single-side oil cylinder dismounting and clamping device and operation method thereof, Pinch-off and re-rounding tool or the like, Portable tool for affixing terminals onto battery cables, Tubular plastic crimping method and apparatus, Crimping tool for plastic pipe and the like, Connector assembly suited for wet locations, Slide coupling fitting for connecting conduits, Pivoting pipe coupling having a movable gripping body, Quick release pliers for push-fit couplers, Pipe coupling and a method for assembling the coupling, Pipe joint improved water tightness and work efficiency, Apparatus and method for crimping coupling rings, Tool for connecting and disconnecting couplings, Information on status: application discontinuation. U.S. Pat. - 1-1/4 in. A crimping tool for pipe fittings has a pair of semi-cylindrical opposing jaws with opposing ends, pivotally attached at one end of each, for closing and opening movement about the pivot axis. 6,269,675 to Burnett is a manually operated tool which utilizes a threaded bolt to apply crimping force. This use of crimp rings is particularly well known in association with elastomeric hose or tubing, where the material possesses sufficient elasticity to be deformed without breaking. Sections of PVC were glued together. All rights reserved. Please try again or, Powerful 18V Lithium-Ion battery that maximize the presses per charge for more uptime, Fast and reliable way to join copper, stainless steel and PEX. With superior services, our premiere loyalty program and cutting-edge technology solutions, we provide you with what you need in order to set your business apart from others. Discover more than 100,000 products online at Ferguson today! RIDGID offers a lifetime warranty covering materials and workmanship defects. Free format text: LEAD LAW WARNING: In accordance with the US Federal or other States laws It is illegal to install products that are not lead free certified in potable water systems anticipated for human consumption. Suppliers reviewed by inspection services. Copper tubing and fittings were traditionally connected by sweating the joints, or with threaded connectors. In many large facilities, such as airports, government buildings, sports stadiums, military bases, casinos, hotels, schools, colleges, hospitals and healthcare facilities, copper tubing is preferred for plumbing and heating applications. free shipping with $3,000 order (online only, shipped within the contiguous US does not apply to drain care products). This invention has fewer parts than the Burnett patent, it lacks a handle adjacent the pivot point of the jaw members. A nut on the other end of the eyebolt is used to compress the two jaw extensions together. Get Started to create a new Ferguson account. Save time shopping for the products you need for your next job. Browse Ferguson's job categories, organized by industry, to find professional-grade equipment, tools and parts for a wide range of projects. View cart for details. The need for leakproof conduit for fluids is extensive and entails the use of variously shaped connectors and pipe fittings for routing the conduit. Accordingly there is a need for a crimping tool that can be used for the ProPress System, that will fit in the spaces which are too small for the RIDGID 3 20-E, and that is more compact and simpler than the Burnett device. Suppliers with verified business licenses. |Item #3793390 Then polyvinyl choride (PVC) conduit became widely used, particularly in residential plumbing applications. the improvement comprising a straight bar extension from each said first and second jaw member at their second ends, on which extensions are mounted said crimping-force-application assembly elements. Do Not Sell My Personal Information| {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. ABANDONED -- FAILURE TO RESPOND TO AN OFFICE ACTION.,, View All Janitorial & Cleaning Supplies >>, Drinking Fountains & Bottle Filling Stations. A battery-operated crimp tool, the RIDGID 320-E, developed by Ridge Tool Co. for use with the ProPress System, weighs ten pounds and is touted as being suitable for joining tube in tight spaces. Viega Propress Copper Pipe Crimping Tool bulkbuy, V Type15, 18, 22, 28, 35 (Th Type, U Type, C Type), V type Jaw : 15, 18, 22, 28, 35 (other type available on request). Ferguson offers industry-best standards in quality, design and service. Fittings are offered with distinct sealing elements that, together, meet a broad range of piping applications. Press Tool Kit, Part #R31028 We're having difficulty searching. The other ends of the jaws have integral extensions that meet when the jaws are closed and are clamped together by a simple crimping force assembly comprising a threaded eyebolt, the eye end being pivotally attached to the end of one jaw extension. When closed, the jaws define a cylinder for engaging a pipe or other cylindrical element to be crimped. Propress Copper fittings W/ Copper Tube Fittings Hydraulic Pipe Crimping Tool Ki, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab. Recently, threadless, solderless and sweatless couplings for copper piping have been developed and are being used in industrial applications where copper pipe is specified. The bolt swivels in and out of a slot in the other jaw extension.
- for PayPal Credit, opens in a new window or tab, - eBay Return policy - opens in a new tab or window, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new tab or window, No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. However, its size, which is slightly larger than a battery-powered hand-held electric drill, prevents its use in very small spaces. We have hundreds of locations nationwide, ready to meet your needs. This invention is directed to apparatus for crimping and sealing copper fittings joining copper pipe, more particularly for crimping ProPress fittings. RIDGID 1/2 in. Once receive your question, the supplier will answer you as soon as possible. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. The latter system joins copper tubing by crimping the fitting around the tube to form a watertight connection in seconds. (24kN), Operating Temperature Range: 15 F to 122 F. Tool Weight (with Battery): 6.4 lbs. Simply press a button to apply the required force.Two-sate hydraulic system automatically switches to power stroke after a fast speed. However the arrangement of parts with a handle adjacent the pivoting connection of the jaws and the complicated crimping-force-application assembly make the invention bulky, awkward to use, and complicated and expensive to manufacture. CharacteristicsEasy and simple operation, high efficiency and safety.Pressing jaws confirm to standard GB/T 19228.Pressing stainless steel fittings up to 35 mm.Two-stage hydraulic system features fast feed and powerstroke upon reaching counter pressure, saving time.10000+ cycle service life.Ram retracts to original position automatically when operationis complete.Manual retraction in case of need.LED Display indicates operation temperature and times.Quick motor stop for higher user safety.Powerful 12V Li-ion battery with low battery warning.Ergonomic design, extremely light and easy to hold.Package. CAPrivacyRights| ApllicationBattery powered pressingtools are the most efficient solution for pressingapplications. Sign up to receive email about product launches, events, deals & more! 6,056,330 to Compton et al., and the ProPress System with its Smart Connect feature from Ridge Tool Company of Elyria, Ohio and Viega, a German company, first available in May 2000. Terms of Sale| |Manufacturer Part #31028, Copyright , , HAND TOOLS; PORTABLE POWER-DRIVEN TOOLS; MANIPULATORS, TOOLS OR BENCH DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR, FOR FASTENING, CONNECTING, DISENGAGING OR HOLDING, Hand tools, specially adapted for fitting together or separating parts or objects whether or not involving some deformation, not otherwise provided for, Hand tools, specially adapted for fitting together or separating parts or objects whether or not involving some deformation, not otherwise provided for for connecting objects by press fit or detaching same, Hand tools, specially adapted for fitting together or separating parts or objects whether or not involving some deformation, not otherwise provided for for connecting objects by press fit or detaching same inserting fittings into hoses, MECHANICAL METAL-WORKING WITHOUT ESSENTIALLY REMOVING MATERIAL; PUNCHING METAL, WORKING OR PROCESSING OF SHEET METAL OR METAL TUBES, RODS OR PROFILES WITHOUT ESSENTIALLY REMOVING MATERIAL; PUNCHING METAL, Application of procedures in order to connect objects or parts, e.g.
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